Castlevania |OT| A miserable little pile of episodes - Netflix 7/7

Came in with almost no expectations. Just thought it would be a dark tale with a ton of action. Was more story and comedy than I thought. It's probably better for it. Liked it quite a bit, actually. It wasn't perfect, but it was enjoyable nonetheless, and I want to see it finished.


Got a berserk vibe from it. Really enjoyed it. I went in blind so I was super bummed when I realized I had watched them all. Can't wait for season 2.


This series is so fucking good. As a CV fan, I am pleased by everything.

The intro
The dialogue
The vocal performances
The music
The plot and execution

The animation could be better, but for now, this is awesome.

Enjoyed this much more than Spider-Man today.
By the end of the first episode, I was pretty unsure. The tone was all over the place. By the end of the fourth episode, I'm absolutely sold. Pretty fucking cool, way above expectations.

I especially enjoy the setup and premise of the castle.
Sypha being there and doing Sypha stuff is also super rad.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I wonder if we still a personification of Death getting a bigger role in season 2.


"I gave you one year to make your peace with your God, and what do you do? Celebrate the day you killed my wife."

Hnnnnng. Love the dialogue in this show.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
"I gave you one year to make your peace with your God, and what do you do? Celebrate the day you killed my wife."

Hnnnnng. Love the dialogue in this show.

The demon's whole talk with the Bishop was great.
As a huge Castlevania fan, I can't believe how great this was. I went in with really low expectations and was blown away. There are definitely varying levels of quality through out, but when it's good, it's really fucking good. I can't wait for season two!


Needs Grant DaNasty.

To that poster who is pulling the weeaboo card, there is a Japanese dub, but the English voice acting is fine and this is not a Japanese production to begin with, so I don't understand the desire to watch it in Japanese. Unless English is not your native language and Japanese is.

Wanting to watch anime in Japanese is fine because that was how it was intended (besides language fluency reasons), but wanting to watch non-Japanese animation in Japanese for the sake of anime is pretty weird if you ask me.


The animation is kind of all over the place and the pacing is kind of slow, but I love the use of color and how detailed the environments are. Overall I liked it and can't wait for more episodes


Needs Grant DaNasty.

To that poster who is pulling the weeaboo card, there is a Japanese dub, but the English voice acting is fine and this is not a Japanese production to begin with, so I don't understand the desire to watch it in Japanese. Unless English is not your native language and Japanese is.

Wanting to watch anime in Japanese is fine because that was how it was intended (besides language fluency reasons), but wanting to watch non-Japanese animation in Japanese for the sake of anime is pretty weird if you ask me.

Wanting to watch a show based on a Japanese game in Japanese isn't all that weird. Especially when it's a show heavily influenced by anime.


How was that so fucking good? Things like this never happen. like, 10/10. The voice acting, the dialogue, the animation. It was all incredible. Even the story was engaging the entire time. And those action scenes and the gore...

Too good.

Astral Dog

I actually liked all the call outs especially the fact that Trevor mentions the family bestiary while fighting the Stone Eye Cyclops. Speaking of , hat entire Stone Eye Cyclops encounter was exactly what I was hoping for when I heard Castlevania was being adapted.
Those monsters are going to loook great 😆 i love how they are going to have actual lines


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
So I don't remember if this is Castlevania lore or not but is the world similiar to Vampire Hunter D where vampires have been around forever and just been in the shadows while mankind was on the scene? It kind of feels like it with the Dracula being holed up in a super high tech castle that is far far beyond the technological level of humanity.


Fantastic show. Binge watched it in one season and now want some more. It was a great setup for next season. There is room for improvements of course but this turned out better than I expected.
Wanting to watch a show based on a Japanese game in Japanese isn't all that weird. Especially when it's a show heavily influenced by anime.
This is not a Japanese production. I understand wanting to watch something in its original language, but wanting to watch something in Japanese just because it's Japanese-inspired is a weeb move. Basically like insisting on watching Avatar: The Last Airbender in Mandarin.
This was pretty cool. I've no familiarity with Castlevania barring Dracula, the name Alucard and very briefly playing a game many years ago.

The animation, while choppy, had its moments and was complimented by a nice anime-but-not-really art style; the fight scenes were pretty good. The voice acting was good for the most part, with the occasional flaws being dull line reads and unconvincing emotional inflections. The writing and story is intriguing enough that I want to keep watching.


This is not a Japanese production. I understand wanting to watch something in its original language, but wanting to watch something in Japanese just because it's Japanese-inspired is a weeb move. Basically like insisting on watching Avatar: The Last Airbender in Mandarin.

I wouldn't say that wanting to experience it as more of an anime is a 'weeb move' at all. The thought even crossed my mind of how the show might feel different with anime voice delivery.


Just got done watching and it was pretty good overall, but it does have some vampire-related cliches that appeared in other forms of media.

I'm fine with it. Castlevania is about that familiar classic monster feel.

"Stone eye cyclops. God shits in my dinner once again."



Callis, my bad.

I'd argue Callis is making the most money not only because he's a big name actor (as far as actors willing to VA in a Netflix show go), but because they want him back for season 2, where he'll undoubtedly have more lines.

It's the same reason why Luke made millions of dollars for a minute of screen time in ep. VII.


I loved how they didn't just make Dracula a mindless monster and explained the background of his character.

How was it for people who have not played Castlvania games?
Finished it today as a birthday present to myself. I thought it was pretty great. A lot more talky than I expected, but still good. My favorite dialogue was the whole scene in the bar. This may be the best, most faithful adaptation to a game ever. We've come a long way from this:

Just finished it. That wasn't a show, it was a bloody prologue.

I enjoyed the characters, especially Trevor. Did the games give them any decent amount of characterization? I've never played Castlevania. Pretty boy Alucard gave off Sephiroth vibes with that big sword of his.

The tavern and village scenes made me want a Witcher series in this style, and the cyclops fight made me want a Dark Souls series. Hopefully season 2 comes quick.


Fantastic finale. The Demon was great,
didn't expect Bishop McEvil to go out so fast, kind of relieved.

I'd argue Callis is making the most money not only because he's a big name actor (as far as actors willing to VA in a Netflix show go), but because they want him back for season 2, where he'll undoubtedly have more lines.

It's the same reason why Luke made millions of dollars for a minute of screen time in ep. VII.

He's a great Alucard, his design was right out of SotN.


Just finished it. That wasn't a show, it was a bloody prologue.

I enjoyed the characters, especially Trevor. Did the games give them any decent amount of characterization? I've never played Castlevania. Pretty boy Alucard gave off Sephiroth vibes with that big sword of his.

The tavern and village scenes made me want a Witcher series in this style, and the cyclops fight made me want a Dark Souls series. Hopefully season 2 comes quick.

Not at all, between all the Belmont boys put together in the games get maybe 1/3 of an actual character total.

Trevor's characterization is all new in this


To be fair, Castlevania as a whole is basically a campy fun "b-movie" take on Stoker's lore.

Classic Castlevania has always been a mishmash of classic public domain monsters. And I love it.


I mean just look at these credits.

"Hey here's Frankenstein's monster in the middle ages because why not".
So I don't remember if this is Castlevania lore or not but is the world similiar to Vampire Hunter D where vampires have been around forever and just been in the shadows while mankind was on the scene? It kind of feels like it with the Dracula being holed up in a super high tech castle that is far far beyond the technological level of humanity.

It sounds like Dracula has already been around for a very, very long time (decades, possibly even centuries). People already think that he is just a myth, Dracula mocked Lisa thinking she brough silver/garlic. Trevor also mentioned that the Belmont family passes down stuff through generations.

Wanting to watch a show based on a Japanese game in Japanese isn't all that weird. Especially when it's a show heavily influenced by anime.

I find this statement odd because the show felt a lot closer to watching DC animated films instead of any anime around there.

The Dink

I enjoyed the characters, especially Trevor. Did the games give them any decent amount of characterization? I've never played Castlevania. Pretty boy Alucard gave off Sephiroth vibes with that big sword of his.

Surprisingly enough, most of the Belmonts don't really get that much characterization. And when they do it's stuff like Leon or Juste (pretty much bland or your typical righteous do-gooder). Richter and Julius (in Symphony of the Night and Aria/Dawn of Sorrow) get some, but...yeah. Gabriel in Lords of Shadow had the most. One of the game's highlights. If you're looking for a Castlevania with a good enough story, Symphony of the Night or any of the DS titles are great places to start. Many of the classic titles are great to play as well though.
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