Castlevania |OT| A miserable little pile of episodes - Netflix 7/7


I love Dracula's character and how you really understand his motivation even if you totally disagree with his actions. Great villain.


watched the first episode yesterday. maybe it is my age of 42, but it did not click at all, despite loving the castlevania game series and its asthetics.

does it get any better? or should i stop right there?
I never realized Alucard had blonde hair, I thought it was white? But I guess in this version it makes complete sense that it's this golden yellow due to his parents.
If anyone is having issues with the audio, make sure you have the right mix selected for your speaker layout. I noticed they put off-screen character voices on my surrounding speakers and not the center channel with the rest.

Ive seen a couple people complain about low voice volume and it's probably because they are going to the center channel.
This was really good, way better than what I expected it would be. As others have said though, this season was way too short, it could've been a 90 min. pilot movie. This season should've ended with Trevor and company reaching Dracula's castle.


Well that was great. Didnt like how needlessly brutal it was sometimes especially with the dead kids, but excellent all around. Ep 4 was just fantastic


Quick Q since i dont know Castlevania lore at all.

Does Draculas wife meeting him occur after Castlvania I and II? And then Alucard trying to stop his father was an appended Symphony of the Night?


Quick Q since i dont know Castlevania lore at all.

Does Draculas wife meeting him occur after Castlvania I and II? And then Alucard trying to stop his father was an appended Symphony of the Night?
No. Dracula meets and loses Lisa in between Lament of Innocence (Origin story) and Castlevania III (the one they're basing this series on). The Castlevania timeline is not linear at all.

Adam Blue

I loved it. My wife even stayed the whole way through with me. That says a lot. She typically only watches comedy and hates gore.

Also, I'm a huge fan of the games. HUGE. This did more justice than any video game related media I've seen. I think.

Astral Dog

I don't see whats so wrong about the english VA tbh, Trevor is solid, the priest too and Alucard <3, some of the supporting characters sound bad but ehh VA is ok at worst.

the dialogue, of course but not the voices
I don't see whats so wrong about the english VA tbh, Trevor is solid, the priest too and Alucard <3, some of the supporting characters sound bad but ehh VA its ok at worst.

the dialogue, of course but not the voices

When the bishop got mad that shit was pretty awful. Yo, I was rolling.


I liked how Trevor clearly had the advantage over Alucard with his whip but Alucard was clearly the better swordsman of the two.


Homeland Security Fail
Finished watching it. I thought it was great. Like most people here, I went in with low expectations. I'm also a passing fan. My only real exposure to the franchise is through SOTN and I played that on the xbox 360 (wow, ten years ago).

The first episode got me hooked. I thought the second episode was alright, but the third and, especially the fourth, episodes were great. I loved the scene between the Bishop and the Demon.

The acting was good. The music was...just there. Didn't really particularly care for the music they used.

My only real complaints are common ones in this thread. Too short, the animation can be a bit wonky at times, and they never used that sweet intro again! That is the second Netflix show that has an amazing intro and is only used once (GLOW is the other).

Can't wait for S2.
watched the first episode yesterday. maybe it is my age of 42, but it did not click at all, despite loving the castlevania game series and its asthetics.

does it get any better? or should i stop right there?
It's four shows at 22 minutes. Just stop if you need someone to judge for you.


Yeah the music was odd, as in that it was pretty bland. Castlevania has always had pretty kickass tunes so I was hoping to see that here as well.


The music man.... the fight on episode 4 needed some fucking epic music, instead whe had some generic tension music damn, the season was overall fantastic, made with respect, knowledge and love, and thats more than you can say of 99% of video game movies/series/wathever.

Hopefully they listen to the fans and make up for the music in next season, fingers crossed.


it was good, i think ep2 was the only weak part with the bar fight, but if you think about the ep 4 and the reference, that part wasn't completely wasted

looking forward to season 2 =o
As a big castlevania and especially CV3 fan. I'm glad this was much better than your average game adaption.
Liked Trevor , Sypha and Alucard here . and Drac showing some great powers.

The fact it was only four episodes and the lack of castlevania music were the biggest disappointments. that and the lack of Grant

I can't wait for season 2 now as this is what I have been waiting for as a Castlevania fan in terms of non-game stuff. The only other potential negative I can think of is that they aren't following the story and world set by the Lords of Shadow games it seems (where Alucard and Dracula
start out as Belmonts, though in Dracula's case they still could add that twist later I suppose
) since I did kind of liked that but it won't ruin my enjoyment at all.

If anything. I'm really glad they are not following the Lord of Shadow games.
Never cared for them so the farther they stay away from that. the better.

Wow. That's really nice
Considering IGA's favorite castlevania was castlevania 3 . It always kind of made me wonder why he never tried a remake. Might have been good.
Current Konami though..
Considering IGA's favorite castlevania was castlevania 3 . It always kind of made me wonder why he never tried a remake. Might have been good.
Current Konami though..

I think he kind of tried doing that with Julius mode in DoS, and tapping into the characters by having the Fake CV3 trio as bosses and Trevor in Curse of Darkness.

What game is this based on anyway?

Castlevania III, but it takes elements from Symphony of the Night as well.


As someone that's never played Castlevania, I loved this season. Kinda wish they waited a while to make some episodes though, this felt like a pilot movie.
I think he kind of tried doing that with Julius mode in DoS, and tapping into the characters by having the Fake CV3 trio as bosses and Trevor in Curse of Darkness..

really enjoyed Julius mode because of that. Needed Hammer as Grant replacement though.
The fake trio were a nice callback.
Curse of darkness had some potential but didn't do much for me. Could of at least had Sypha and Grant helping out as NPCs


Loved the mini, but it was obvious that this "season" was basically a pilot movie, but no wonder why the series was actually picked and an actual full season has been confirmed.

My only bit of criticism is, well, you know, Warren Ellis is gonna Warren Ellis, we could have done with out some of the lowbrow humor like the rednecks peasants talking about fucking animals and how inbred they are.
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