Doc Holliday
SPOILER: Columbus finds America
hmm, yep this bill is awesome and makes perfect sense.
Why do you even want this?
sean. (@SeanMcElwee)
Estimates of Trumpcare have focused on 10 year window. Over the long run (until 2036), cuts could be as high as $3.8 trillion.
And all the old dumbshit white people are still gonna turn out in droves in 2018 and 2020 to vote for them because at least those brown folks can't leach off the system neither.
Remember many of the cuts are still delayed, the longer this drags out the worse things get.
at what point does this get ugly on the streets of the US?
This is borderline supervillain shit
They're going to die off almost as fast as the American Buffalo if Trumpcare actually passes.And all the old dumbshit white people are still gonna turn out in droves in 2018 and 2020 to vote for them because at least those brown folks can't leach off the system neither.
I don't, but I've been saying since day one it was going to happen.
Trump's constant tweets about Dems being obstructionists would for once be right as I doubt Dems would play ball with Trump.
Also Trump got his less mean health care bill.
For the first time in my life, I called my senators. Of course, they are Democrats, because this is Jersey. Booker and Menendez.
I informed them that I am an independent and want them to vote against the health bill this week because of the secretive and rushed process.
Also informed them that I want them to come up with a specific counterproposal rather than simply say no, because simply saying no does nothing to fix the system that we all agree needs to be fixed. And, that their counter proposal needs to be realistic (i.e. Single payer has no chance).
And I conveyed that the extent to which they are willing to compromise will have a significant influence on my voting decision in the next election, just as it will influence my voting decisions in regard to Republicans.
I acknowledged that compromise can be difficult when they are being excluded from the process, but that there is absolutely nothing stopping them from going to the public with a specific counter offer.
I would strongly encourage anyone who is calling their senators to throw in the point about compromise. Unless and until we place a premium on compromise, legislators will have no incentive to do it.
Everyone knows this is just a massive tax break for the wealthy.
Anyone believe this is meant to help improve healthcare? Anyone?
Four of those five are Cruz, Lee, Johnson and Rand. Having any faith in them is an exercise in suicide.
This passing depends on three votes: Heller, Murkowski and Collins.
It's like, the exact same bill + the 6 month penalty.
Funny enough, I got this gem from a distant friend in my FB feed this morning before the CBO release:
Of course, like most "independents", he always votes the same way anyway, but I find it interesting the level of demands being put on Dems vs being put on Repubs. "Dems, please compromise on this shitty bill or come up with something a million times better than the ACA, oh but it can't be single payer because we can't expect Republicans to ever compromise to that, and I'll hold you personally responsible if this gets rammed through on a partisan vote and tens of millions lose healthcare" is pretty close to sentiments I've seen expressed on GAF and elsewhere on the internet.
The entire perspective/conversation is fucked. This is what we mean when we say the political conversation is moving right. Being a "moderate" shouldn't be directly in the middle of the ACA and just cutting off 15 million people by next year.
Portman has had strong concerns considering how much the Medicaid cuts would affect Ohio (and his next campaign). He may well vote against it too.
Man it'd be cool to be 65 years old, with $56k per year in income and having over THIRD of that going to your healthcare.
I think there are some behind the scenes working in the GOP to allow 2 GOP senators to vote no to save face.
This is going to pass, because the GOP don't represent the 99%.
I'm sure if you trolled places other than here you'd run into a few dumbshits that believe in it. Though, I'd have to imagine even the trumpers will have trouble swallowing this.
If this passes.... I can see rioting and violence in the streets
If this passes.... I can see rioting and violence in the streets
If this passes.... I can see rioting and violence in the streets
More than two are going to need to save face after this but I agree there is a strong possibility this will still get through.
Lol, don't think so.
If this passes.... I can see rioting and violence in the streets
Remember many of the cuts are still delayed, the longer this drags out the worse things get.
Take away peoples ability to help their families, many of which REQUIRE insurance to keep their children and loved ones alive... yes they will fight.
What I cannot comprehend is the GOP actually shitting on their main voting class: older people.
Has it just gone to not caring about reelection now?
It's WealthCare!
I meant to save face for those two senators. Someone like Portman and Heller who are in swing states.
Take away peoples ability to help their families, many of which REQUIRE insurance to keep their children and loved ones alive... yes they will fight.
A lot of people are all talk. I doubt very much there will be mass riots over this passing.
This still makes my blood boil. They will cut these by like 800 billion dollars, then flat out lie and say we aren't cutting it!