Agent Gibbs
He wouldn't have digital recordings, they'd be steam recordings.

As aside note the Whole Captain Hydra shit is because of this political climate right? i mean basically Hydra are in power right?
He wouldn't have digital recordings, they'd be steam recordings.
Here's what I think the spin will be:
There are no tapes. Trump doesn't have tapes. Comey doesn't have tapes. Trump was simply making the point that he is confident in what Comey told him about not being investigated insuring those conversations, and that such statements would appear if their conversations were recorded, hypothetically. Trump's point is that anything reported that states otherwise would be contradicted if someone had recorded the conversation, because the truth is Comey assured him three times that Trump is not the subject of any investigation. The idea of the conversation being taped, in quotations, is just a hypothetical the president used to make that point.
If the republicans don't then it is the job of the electorate to throw them out of power when come the midterms. This brings us closer to that endgame.
He wouldn't have digital recordings, they'd be steam recordings.
"god-damned steam"He wouldn't have digital recordings, they'd be steam recordings.
I'm sorry, what??
He wouldn't have digital recordings, they'd be steam recordings.
He wouldn't have digital recordings, they'd be steam recordings.
Here's what I think the spin will be:
There are no tapes. Trump doesn't have tapes. Comey doesn't have tapes. Trump was simply making the point that he is confident in what Comey told him about not being investigated during those conversations, and that such statements would appear if their conversations were recorded, hypothetically. Trump's point is that anything reported that states otherwise would be contradicted if someone had recorded the conversation, because the truth is Comey assured him three times that Trump is not the subject of any investigation. The idea of the conversation being taped, in quotations, is just a hypothetical the president used to make that point.
Here's what I think the spin will be:
There are no tapes. Trump doesn't have tapes. Comey doesn't have tapes. Trump was simply making the point that he is confident in what Comey told him about not being investigated during those conversations, and that such statements would appear if their conversations were recorded, hypothetically. Trump's point is that anything reported that states otherwise would be contradicted if someone had recorded the conversation, because the truth is Comey assured him three times that Trump is not the subject of any investigation. The idea of the conversation being taped, in quotations, is just a hypothetical the president used to make that point.
You can't flush a turd this big. 😈Is he circling the drain yet?
Said it a hundred times, and I'll say it again. .....Goddamn idiot. Playing Connect 4, while all of the other students have already graduated to Chess.
I'm sure that every other world leader is delighting in the fact that they are unequivocally more intelligent than the Nectarine Nightmare that we have in the Oval Office right now.
My guess is that he put the quotation marks because it isn't a literal tape, but a digital recording.
Said it a hundred times, and I'll say it again. .....Goddamn idiot. Playing Connect 4, while all of the other students have already graduated to Chess.
I'm sure that every other world leader is delighting in the fact that they are unequivocally more intelligent than the Nectarine Nightmare that we have in the Oval Office right now.
Whether this is true or not (look no further than the midterms of 2006) there is two ways to win an election. Getting your side to vote, or getting the other side not to vote. (or voting for your side) Democrats can, and will tap into that.I wish this was the case, but Republicans voters basically blindly vote republican every election, that's why republican politicians feel untouchable
LMAO if Clinton was doing any of this shit right now the Republicans would be lighting the White House on fire. They would declare a state of emergency or something.
America is fucked. GOP should impeach him. Fuck it.
LMAO if Clinton was doing any of this shit right now the Republicans would be lighting the White House on fire. They would declare a state of emergency or something.
Are you kidding? The GOP has discredited itself and we're looking at a huge shift in favor of democrats. That wouldn't happen if Trump wasn't an idiot. He's taking Ls left and right.
So, okay, Comey gets fired, and then he releases a very respectful letter stating he respects Trump's decision and doesn't want to make a big scene out of it - so he'll leave at that and move on. Then, in an utterly baffling move,Trump just decides to threaten Comey publicly with zero provocation - making the situation 10x worse and suspicious than it already was. Especially in the wake of the story about the whole "loyalty pledge" thing.
It's so obvious what he's doing - trying to smear Comey's name to destroy his credibility with the public if/when shit really starts to hit the fan. Only he's doing a very bad job of it and making himself look worse in the process.
Whether this is true or not (look no further than the midterms of 2006) there is two ways to win an election. Getting your side to vote, or getting the other side not to vote. (or voting for your side) Democrats can, and will tap into that.
The president threatening a private citizen. I bet opponents of big government are furious!
Yup. The hypocrisy is insane. And I know damn well people are going to say that Hillary supporters would let it fly if it was her, but speaking for myself and presumably like-minded individuals: No, we wouldn't. Everything this administration has done would have been equally bad under Hillary and I would not have given her any exceptions.
Nectarine Nightmare is pretty good. If I were trump I would adopt that name.
I will have to add Nectarine Nightmare to my list of orange insults regarding the Yam-in-Chief. I like that one.
Trump exists by intimidation. He screws you over and then threatens to sue you until you capitulate because you're afraid you'll go broke fighting him.
High level politics doesn't run on the same principals. The government has infinite resources and time. So it's all about what you can provide in favors. Trump doesn't help anyone but himself, he'll eventually burn one to many bridges.
I honestly feel like the dems aren't doing enough. Not that they have any real power, but they still come off as pathetic for basically whimpering and ocassionally barking, but where's the bite? Can they even bite?
I'm talking literally. I want them to bite somebody.
Sounds like business as usual for them being pieces of shit.I expect conservatives to rally around Trump:
Republicans know how to do this all too well with their voter suppression laws, also with the gerrymandering in place they will be in power for years to come
Yup lolIs this real life?
Wish Schiff was my congressman.