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Cliff Bleszinski: "Just got a text from my lawyer about... LawBreakers. Stay tuned."


I was in the lawbreakers beta/alpha early on. It felt like absolute shit for a good while. Then one of the later tests they had fixed everything. It felt amazing, was fun to play, somewhat balanced etc. I really thought it would be a success. But everyone was just going "waaah soooo generic" - in an age when there was like no fucking arena shooters.

It was shocking how poor the numbers were. I've played a lot of shooters and understand arena shooters etc. That was not a bad game. I guess the marketing was bad?
It was all surface. No one actually tried it out because it just looked kind of unappealing. No memorable characters and no style. Just greyness. They just needed some cool artists and they would have been alright. It also didn't help that Charisma Vacuum Cliffy on the face of the marteting.

Overwatch had adorable Pixar characters with big asses, it exploded.
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That was not a bad game.

It was a "bad game" in the sense that the market no longer wants arena shooters. It failed in the same way a great version of Pong or a great Block Breaker would in 1997.

Marketing, imo, had nothing to do with its failure. It failed because 5,000 people played it on launch day and only 10% of those 5,000 people enjoyed it enough to play it two weeks later.


It confuses the hell out of me how people were rooting for the game to fail and when it did now there's a ton of support for it.

Maybe they weren't the same people? I'm not sure, I'm not very intelligent.


get over it, it reads pathetic at this point.
you made poor choices and failed
nobody sane is rooting for lawbreakers in this day and age, god!
Is anyone else blocked from his Twitter? How does someone block someone they don't know, don't you need to physically hit block or does he do an "approved group" that gets to see his tweets? Is that how Shitter works now? If so that's horrible as it's elitist and creates a virtual hugbox.

Only approved people that don't disagree with me and fawn me may see my tweets.... Gross. Did Elon start this shit? Why, I get Twitter as a whole was Banning people but this is just as bad, as people doing shit won't get pushback at all.

Regardless. Cliffy b has always been an insufferable miserable elitist snobby cu$t. What happened to talented humble or at least thick skinned western devs like John Carmack, Romero, Warren specter, Ken Levine, D. Jaffe, Sid Meier, Will Write, Peter Moleauneaux, etc.....

Jaffe's similar style game Drawn to Death bombed (it was an arena shooter f2p game that just didn't hit) you don't see him blocking everyone and insulting the fans.


Cliff comes across as a guy who is salty af that no one fell for his trend chasing crap games. Remember what he did after Lawbreakers shit the bed? He tried to copy/paste Fortnite BR with his own “I’m so edgy” half-baked cartoony BR game, Radical Heights. Emphasis on copy/paste because it was pushed out in 5 months with stock engine assets and most of the buildings were nothing but gray boxes, inside and out.

He captured lightning in a bottle with Gears. Everything he’s done since has exposed him as a mediocre talent in game dev. Then he takes out his frustration by trashing the very people he wants to buy his games.

Edit: I just scrolled through the responses to his Tweet and buried among them are his own posts including one where he says “Don’t be a dick please.” ROFL, that’s fucking rich… he wants to be in the public space, but only if people praise him, while he, himself, has repeatedly been a massive dick toward gamers (and especially Xbox gamers), since leaving Epic.

Had this Unreal Tournament vibe.
If it had been that, I might have stuck with it. But it was a weird mashup of UT paced arena shooter with fixed character hero shooter designs. It tried to blend two genres and did neither particularly well.
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I actually heard this was pretty good but I didn't get a chance to play,it's funny how people here are saying it ridiculous he thinks people are rooting for it to fail......while rooting for it to fail.

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
There are 300 million console and PC players, putting them all in one category of “rooting for the game to fail” is illogical, yo.


He seems so extremely out of touch, lol.

But I enjoyed LawBreakers. Didn't care about the hero shooter crap but it was promising as a return to form for arena shooters, and that's what I was psyched about the most. Too bad that it ate shit and died.
CliffyB is a weird dude. Like I am grateful for all he did for gaming and what have you, but he grew up and made some bad choices and he can't seem to let it go. Dude should check his ego and go work at an established studio and lend his skills to the industry or just full on retire.


I'll forever support Cliffy B for Unreal Tournament but he has also worked on other really great projects. Wish Radical Heights wasn't cancelled.
I remember hearing him in an interview say "It's like Overwatch with a much higher skill ceiling. So one player can enter a room with 4 enemies and kill them all. In Overwatch that's much harder to do."

That, imo, killed the game. When 90% of your players are feeder fish in an aquarium, they find a way to leave the aquarium.

hemo memo

You can't die before your death
Very excited about a cliff b game it’s been a while, gears of war is a classic and you can improve on that.
Arrested Development Tobias GIF


So Lawbreakers has a cunt following.

That's not a misspelling there's just one cunt who follows it?


Iirc back then with this game came out people were getting tired of his big mouth. I heard the game was actually good when it came out iirc as well.

I use to really like cliffy in the UT days. He would put out lots of tips for making your own levels and he would pick good maps the community made. The gears fame went to his head


This actually drives me nuts about gamers. Games come out, suck, flop then years later everyone wants a remaster or remake or sequel Yet nobody bought the first one
I haven't heard a single person talk about LawBreakers in several years, let alone supposedly ask for a remaster or a remake. The only reason it's being talked about now is because CliffyB posted a vague click-baity tweet. The notion that there's suddenly "a lot of interest" in a middling game that couldn't compete with its contemporaries and died nearly 5 years ago is laughable at best.

Battleborn had a stronger playerbase, ffs.

Pointing this out isn't reveling in the death of the game or hoping it fails, but simply stating facts. It had a niche audience and arena shooters no longer hold the sway they once did -- which is also evident in the sharp drop off of Halo Infinite's multiplayer community despite being free to play. Edit: Forgot about Splitgate, which came out, burned brightly for a short bit, and then fell off as well. Arena shooters just don't seem to be what people want anymore.
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He seems so extremely out of touch, lol.

But I enjoyed LawBreakers. Didn't care about the hero shooter crap but it was promising as a return to form for arena shooters, and that's what I was psyched about the most. Too bad that it ate shit and died.
You should play Splitgate. It's the best free to play arena shooter I've played in years. Even though development has stopped and they're working on a followup, it has a lot of features and content, and the developers left it in a pretty good place.

Only approved people that don't disagree with me and fawn me may see my tweets.... Gross. Did Elon start this shit? Why, I get Twitter as a whole was Banning people but this is just as bad, as people doing shit won't get pushback at all.
No, that was going on long before Musk. It's people who can't stand being disagreed with, and who think everyone who doesn't share their worldview is a bad person. They all started adding themselves to block lists, where if one of them on the list blocks someone, everyone on the entire list auto blocks them as well.
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Gold Member
Lawyers often talk about lawbreakers.

What’s the big deal?
If I was his lawyer, I'd be concerned too.

Wouldn't your law office be nervous if their legal fees to trademark the name costs more than the total revenue Lawbreakers made?

They're probably on a 15 year payment plan and the last few installments were late.
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