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Cliff Bleszinski: "Just got a text from my lawyer about... LawBreakers. Stay tuned."


Gold Member
1 gamer past 24H. Who was it?

Gamer: 0.1%
Cliffy B: 99.9%

Well maybe don't act like a hivemind then!

Err... I don't.

You only need to look at all the arguments I've engaged in on this forum to see the obvious truth that gamers are a group of people who largely don't agree.

If there's one common trait across all gamers on the internet it's that we don't all agree.

You act like the general grouping of "gamers" seems specifically referential to you.

Well, yeah. I would consider myself a gamer. Don't you?

Seems like you only want the collective invoked when it suits. Hmmm....

Not really. I'd just rather folks like Cliffy recognize that grouping people into convenient groups under a common label, doesn't mean those groups magically become a homogenized hivemind.

Any group of people, regardless of the basis of such grouping, will inherently represent a collection of individuals with different thoughts, attitudes, and opinions. This shouldn't be new or controversial to anyone.


Gold Member

Just saw a tweet from a game industry media whore whose latest game had one person playing it on Steam.

It confuses the hell out of me how people would tweet to the world to stay tuned regarding a text from their lawyer . Game makers are weird, yo.
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I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
He was at epic, not Microsoft.
Yeah you're right, I got mixed up in linking him with Gears of War and Microsoft together.

Apparently he left Epic 2012 to retire, and apparently regret that decision by doing alot of bad decisions down the line.


1 gamer past 24H. Who was it?

Gamer: 0.1%
Cliffy B: 99.9%

I mean this will sound controversial but I liked it more than Overwatch. I very much enjoyed the brief time I had with LawBreakers even though I saw the writing on the wall. Sure it had its flaws but which multiplayer game doesn't these days. To me it was everything I wanted from an OW type game, ie: more focus on the shooting/gunplay aspects rather than the MOBA side of things.

It's a shame it never took off but it is what it is. Some things are just better left buried.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Not really. I'd just rather folks like Cliffy recognize that grouping people into convenient groups under a common label, doesn't mean those groups magically become a homogenized hivemind.

So when some sub-group of gamers does something worthy of criticism stop acting like its a criticism of you specifically or ALL gamers in general.

If he'd meant ALL gamers, I suspect he'd have written "ALL gamers".

You can't have it both ways. You demand not to be treated as a collective but always leap to defend the collective's honour even if you yourself aren't involved in the behaviour that's being called out.

Sorry, "Gamer" is a description, not an identity.
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Someone is "sniffing around" for the copyright eh? That's the big news.

My theory is that Phil Harrison is secretly launching another new platform and wants the rights for a big exclusive launch title. The console will be called "Dumpster Fire" and launch in 2026.

Cliffs feed is hilarious. He is a mental case. I only had to scroll once to see him use the word Incel and reference camouflage.
So when some sub-group of gamers does something worthy of criticism stop acting like its a criticism of you specifically or ALL gamers in general.

If he'd meant ALL gamers, I suspect he'd have written "ALL gamers".

You can't have it both ways. You demand not to be treated as a collective but always leap to defend the collective's honour even if you yourself aren't involved in the behaviour that's being called out.

I think you're confused.

I wasn't leaping to defend "gamers' honor" at all. I was merely pointing out to Cliffy that gamers aren't a hivemind. Therefore, by definition, I'm correcting HIS premise that gamers are some homogenous group. Cliffy made that assertion, not me, and so me correcting that isn't me "jumping to the defense of gamers as some homogenized group" it's just me correcting his erroneous assertion.

Or to put it another way, in the original statement I made, "Gamers aren't a hivemind", where are you seeing the implication of the term "Gamers" as a hivemind or homogeneous group?

Sorry, "Gamer" is a description, not an identity.

Precisely. This was exactly my point when I made the statement, "Gamers are not a hivemind".

If you would accuse me of treating gamers as an identity simply because I used the term "gamer" in the statement, "gamers aren't a hivemind" then surely you're guilty of the same by making the statement ""Gamer" is a description, not an identity."... which is essentially saying exactly the same thing I said, but somehow I'm "leaping to the defense of gamers as an identity" and you're not....??!?

I think you're just projecting some weird argument onto my post that I never even made. I have no idea why.
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Other than coming up with the Lancer weapon in Gears of War this guy has kind of just been an uncreative annoying shitstain.
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The nicest person on this forum
I dont get why people are so obsessed with trashing this guy. He's trying to make games. Oh no ...
His kind of did that to himself, I remember when Lawbreakers was coming out he became obnoxiously cocky and even started shitting Overwatch. There is nothing wrong be confident but this guy took it too far.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I think you're just projecting some weird argument onto my post that I never even made. I have no idea why.

Go back to my initial point, which was made to you in response to a post where you called Cliffy a dipshit because he wrote in a Tweet:

"Gamers are weird, yo."

That's it.

Its mild as milk in itself, but you also need omitted the clearly stated context from the tweet which defines 2 groups both of whom you could fairly describe as "gamers":

"It confuses the hell out of me how people were rooting for the game to fail and when it did now there's a ton of support for it."

First of all, why is this worthy of criticism? It seems to be a reasonable observation given that as a developer he is creating a product for "gamers" generically, yet the observable result from his perspective is this sort of weird contradictory response.

From my perspective you seemed offended by his invocation of "gamers" as a group, you certainly were the one to invoke the "hivemind" designation, and so I responded to that by pointing out the weird double standard in my follow-up posts.


I browse games and forums daily and I don't even know what lawbreakers is. Legit. I've heard the name and loosely knew Cliffy was involved but its just so irrelevant to anything.
Go back to my initial point, which was made to you in response to a post where you called Cliffy a dipshit because he wrote in a Tweet:

"Gamers are weird, yo."

That's it.

Its mild as milk in itself, but you also need omitted the clearly stated context from the tweet which defines 2 groups both of whom you could fairly describe as "gamers":

"It confuses the hell out of me how people were rooting for the game to fail and when it did now there's a ton of support for it."

First of all, why is this worthy of criticism? It seems to be a reasonable observation given that as a developer he is creating a product for "gamers" generically, yet the observable result from his perspective is this sort of weird contradictory response.

From my perspective you seemed offended by his invocation of "gamers" as a group, you certainly were the one to invoke the "hivemind" designation, and so I responded to that by pointing out the weird double standard in my follow-up posts.

You certainly have an overactive imagination.

You should probably stick to reading people's actual posts rather than projecting unintended meaning onto them and then replying to that strawman.

I'm not offended and I called Cliffy a dipshit for his puerile attempt to point out some supposed double standard of gamers who by his assertion said something about his shitty game once and now are saying something else.

If Cliffy can't see that the group who derided Cliffy's shitty Lawbreakers game aren't the same folks who now are excited about something related to it, then he's being a dipshit.

As I said previously, gamers aren't a hivemind. But you apparently agree with me on this. So I just don't understand this bizarre tangent you've taken this on, where you've gone on this inexplicable tirade against me for somehow defending gamers by making such a benign and 100% factual remark such as "gamers are not a hivemind".

You're usually a pretty reasonable poster here on Gaf. I typically really enjoy reading your often very rational takes on various subjects. But I've gotta say, Clear, mate... you've gone and lost me totally on this one.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
If Cliffy can't see that the group who derided Cliffy's shitty Lawbreakers game aren't the same folks who now are excited about something related to it, then he's being a dipshit.

He didn't say that. He just said: "gamers (plural) are weird".

You are the one treating all gamers like a homogenous group then blaming him for that!
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He didn't say that. He just said: "gamers (plural) are weird".

You are the one treating all gamers like a homogenous group then blaming him for that!

Now you're just being disingenuous. He didn't just say that at all. He said:

It confuses the hell out of me how people were rooting for the game to fail and when it did now there's a ton of support for it. Gamers are weird, yo.

So unless you're being intellectually dishonest, you have to agree that he is calling "gamers" (as a group) weird because he's implying the same people who "rooted for his game to fail" are now "in support [of] it".

There's no other way to read that sentence.

So not only is he foolishly claiming that the same group who hated on his shitty game is now rooting for it, he's calling the same fictitious group weird for that same reason.

Again... gamers are not a hivemind and don't all think alike (although I would think most would agree that Lawbreakers is shit).

Anyway... you accuse me of rushing to the defense of gamers, but I don't see why you're pushing so hard such an untenable argument in the staunch defense of Cliffy B?... You related to him or something?
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Overwatch clearly had more appealing art. And at least at the time it seemed like many people liked the diverse playstyles of Overwatch. Which is ironic considering everyone wants to play DPS.


The suspense is killing me. What could cliff's lawyers possibly have to say about lawbreakers? Could it be what I think it is ?


CliffyB's Cock Holster
So unless you're being intellectually dishonest, you have to agree that he is calling "gamers" (as a group) weird because he's implying the same people who "rooted for his game to fail" are now "in support [of] it".

There's no other way to read that sentence.

No. That's just what you took from it.

Go back and look at his Tweets, he uses "people" and "gamers" interchangeably in his posts.

In fact, if you look at his follow-up Tweets he even adds a tiny bit more precision/confusion by using "the internet" as the same group he's commenting on.

So unless you are arguing that "people", "gamers", and "the internet" are specifically differentiated groups all of whom should take collective responsibility for their own stuff...

Just take the L man. You misconstrued his point and are now arguing with me despite the fact that his only "crime" is saying that (as an obvious generalization) that people/gamers/the internet are weird at times.

Which is the truth. And this silly argument we're having is further proof of that!


Lawbreakers was fun, I enjoyed the little time I had with it..

Cliffy B's picture is right next to the word Hubris in the dictionary. His Twitter account can only go up because it's below rock bottom and shows his attitude in the worst of ways.
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HOLY SHIT. I'm one of the few people on this planet that is excited about this. LawBreakers was classic UT99 visceral action. Thank you CliffyB you soy boy bastard!
1 gamer past 24H. Who was it?

Gamer: 0.1%
Cliffy B: 99.9%

The game is not available for purchase dude, it was pulled from storefront shelves. That one person is most likely a bot or something.
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I haven't heard a single person talk about LawBreakers in several years, let alone supposedly ask for a remaster or a remake. The only reason it's being talked about now is because CliffyB posted a vague click-baity tweet. The notion that there's suddenly "a lot of interest" in a middling game that couldn't compete with its contemporaries and died nearly 5 years ago is laughable at best.

Battleborn had a stronger playerbase, ffs.

Pointing this out isn't reveling in the death of the game or hoping it fails, but simply stating facts. It had a niche audience and arena shooters no longer hold the sway they once did -- which is also evident in the sharp drop off of Halo Infinite's multiplayer community despite being free to play. Edit: Forgot about Splitgate, which came out, burned brightly for a short bit, and then fell off as well. Arena shooters just don't seem to be what people want anymore.
Man i think i was the only person who loved Battleborn


Gold Member
It's more likely that he is probably facing a silly class action lawsuit about it.

"Lawbreakers gave me cancer yo", or "Lawbreakers ruined my sex life because it wasn't on Xbox y'all"


I thought Lawbreakers was a lot of fun. Was sad to see it shut down so fast. Not sure more time would have made a difference as I don’t know if arena shooters can make a go of it nowadays but I was still disappointed to no longer be able to play it.


Was it any good?.I think I saw it once, roaming about in the store, and I think I briefly considered downloading it, but then started titanfall 2 up.

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