Mass Effect
Wow, Jeb really might not make it, will he? And before everybody was thinking he was the gaurenteed nominee.
Not that surprising. Have you paid attention to the current GOP?Holy shit. Jeb is just... over.
Who would have thought Trump and Carson would be leading the polls right now... Wow.
Like this. Being uninformed is the name of the game.Goes to show how little I know these candidates. I guess I'm for trump because I feel I know him best.
Was saying to myself that Carson seems reasonable but a little passive and weak. Now he seems much less reasonable, still weak, but also slightly off his rocker.
I didn't say I wanted it to happen, just giving an analysis of the race.Why would you want any of those buffoons to replace Trump? He's way better than any other Republican candidate.
What do you find appealing about Trump?Goes to show how little I know these candidates. I guess I'm for trump because I feel I know him best.
Even if the other option is donald trump?
What did sanders even do?
Wow, Jeb really might not make it, will he? And before everybody was thinking he was the gaurenteed nominee.
For anyone doubting that Republicans aren't vying for TRUMP based on obvious racism and his comments on Mexicans.CNN said:Trump's growth in the field has also come alongside an increase in attention to the issue of illegal immigration.
A majority of Republicans now call the issue extremely important to their vote for president, 51% now call it extremely important, up from 39% in a June CNN/ORC poll. Among that group, Trump holds a wide lead, with 42% support compared with 17% for Carson, 10% for Cruz, 9% for Bush and 5% for Walker.
This illegal immigration platform is going to poison the hispanic vote for the gop for decades. what a mess.
The GOP laid they foundation so they now have to sleep on the bed they made.
I'm still not calling Trump electable. He could have 100% of the Republican vote but that says nothing of swing voters and moderates, who generally are the ones who actually decide elections. That, and we haven't even begun shedding GOP candidates, which is when we get a clearer picture of who gets the ticket.
Well, let's be honest.. given that Congressional gridlock is all but inevitable into the next decade, this is what we're really picking between..
0% his sister would be approved by the senate, so no. Trump even said he wouldn't pick his sister.I think there's a 95% chance Trump would appoint his sister first. 100% chance he selects Ivanka Trump for VP in four years.
I would imagine the debate in October may help him raise awareness, seeing as he's been trying to gain momentum against a media establishment that profits against his ideals. I don't even say this as if it'll help him win, for what is important is we make it clear as can be to the people what our problems really, honestly are, and we must do this with as little impositions or falsified evocations as possible. Even the Democratic solution to poverty - jobs - is also an affront and as terrible of a solution as the Republican party has proposed. They both skin that chicken in different ways, but the problem itself is the chicken, not the skinning: it's the ideas of jobs that is the problem. Our second machine age, which we are entering, will show us this, but I hope we can explain it before we risk unneeded depressions over psychological mumbo jumbo like jobs, money, and an economy, all of which are merely subjective ideas often confused for objective reality.
The Republican party has failed this, as for example, they paint all illegals in this country as crime-committing parasites. Is that true? I doubt it. How come nobody ever asks how many, if any, came to this country to get away from cartels and systemic corruption in Mexico?
I read an article that touched on this a bit. It makes the easy and flawed comparison to Trump unfortunately, but the latter half of the article did get me to think of the possibility that Sanders's unpopularity with minorities isn't just because of the lack of media coverage.
Carson is a full blown theocrat who is way in over his head.Goes to show how little I know these candidates. I guess I'm for trump because I feel I know him best.
Was saying to myself that Carson seems reasonable but a little passive and weak. Now he seems much less reasonable, still weak, but also slightly off his rocker.
Carson is a full blown theocrat who is way in over his head.
He doesn't know American History or the intricacies of foreign policy. Why would he?
He denies evolution, too.
He won't have the staying power to remain on top. He has no experience and it will continue to show.
I'm not sure I agree about jobs. What is the solution if not job creation, then? Sincerely asking.
You are completely right that most undocumented immigrants are not "crime-committing parasites." In addition, they are willing to do a lot of jobs people otherwise are not willing to.
Also, I think the term "illegals" is generally considered derogatory. Just FYI.
Carson is a full blown theocrat who is way in over his head.
He doesn't know American History or the intricacies of foreign policy. Why would he?
He denies evolution, too.
He won't have the staying power to remain on top. He has no experience and it will continue to show.
He's going to be the last president of the US, isn't he?
The Trump trumps all. Woohoo!
How well would a Trump/Carson ticket do?
Pretty amazing to me that Carson is in second place. The man literally has no idea about anything.
Man, I say fuck Hillary 'we came, we saw, he died' Clinton. She's the biggest warhawk there is.And pray so Hillary doesn't fuck this up, because based as he is, Bernie is not an easy sell.
Man, I say fuck Hillary 'we came, we saw, he died' Clinton. She's the biggest warhawk there is.
The sad thing about it is, so is Bernie. Regardless, of who wins, we lose.
He hasn't figured out shit since bursting onto the scene two years ago. I doubt he's interested in actually learning anything about how our government actually works, since he'd rather implement the equivalent of Sharia Law instead.The most important thing is that he has a brain. He can figure things out and learn very rapidly.
Exactly.It's amazing to you that people who have no idea about anything like a guy who has no idea about anything? That's par for the course for Republicans. Actually, Ben Carson is perfect in this regard: he's a neurosurgeon, so they can appeal to his academic intelligence, but he's also fucking clueless about most other things, so they feel like they're on his level.
I agree to an extent that it's posturing (i.e. you must show blind devotion to Israel to be elected). But I think there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Clinton would most certainly choose war. Her record as Secratary of State alone would suggest this.I didn't like that speech but it's all posturing. The strategy is to be aggressive to calm worries from potential voters who feel Clinton might be weak if Iran reneges on the deal, and I'm sure a lot of that has to do with her being a woman.
There is no evidence or reason to think Clinton would choose war even if Iran did break the terms of the deal.
Messages like that won't even matter when the media are covering Trumps next threat to Mexicans in spite of that deeply racist messaging resonating with no one but the deep south. The Democrats would actually be feeling pretty comfortable right now no matter which way the Republicans intend to attack them.
Clinton v Trump has a better chance than Sanders v Trump, if you ask me. Sanders would have to work hard getting his numbers up among the Black community which make up a good chunk of the Dems and then going middle for the general. Clinton already has it, basically. Personally I can see voting for Clinton simply to stop Trump is more likely there, where with Sanders I could see people just staying home. But Sanders has been working on that, and I wouldn't be shocked if the rhetoric gets out of control from Trump's side in a general election and minority voters come out for anybody BUT him. Trump is so outspoken, he is going to rile up some...interesting supporters. Things ran away from McCain and Romney, I can't even imagine what we'll see here. So that could play a part.
I'd like to see what Trump's current numbers are among minorities. They would have to be a disaster...but then again, I didn't expect him to gain ground among women but here we are.
I didn't like that speech but it's all posturing. The strategy is to be aggressive to calm worries from potential voters who feel Clinton might be weak if Iran reneges on the deal, and I'm sure a lot of that has to do with her being a woman.
There is no evidence or reason to think Clinton would choose war even if Iran did break the terms of the deal.
I agree to an extent that it's posturing (i.e. you must show blind devotion to Israel to be elected). But I think there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Clinton would most certainly choose war. Her record as Secretary of State alone would suggest this.
It would certainly be interesting...
I wouldn't be shocked if Trump cut a deal with Carson sooner rather than later.
I called it and could see Carson as trumps vp.Holy shit. Jeb is just... over.
Who would have thought Trump and Carson would be leading the polls right now... Wow.
Every candidate is controlled by someone. The people who choose who we get to choose from.
For now Trump is his own man, but if he can win the primaries, he'll get that Koch money and so on. That won't be a problem. His interests align perfectly with theirs anyway.
It would certainly be interesting...
I wouldn't be shocked if Trump cut a deal with Carson sooner rather than later.
Carson proposed a 10 percent flat tax, saying it would be fair and equitable to all Americans.
I think Gods a pretty fair person, and he advocated a tithing system, he said. There must be something inherently fair about proportionality.
Citizen incomes are the solution. The demand of jobs creates poverty, so it is only a natural function in that mindset. Demand everyone be a have creates the have not class. Money is a idea, so if we demand everyone have it, it must be offered humanely. Linking it to jobs is just a bad idea.
Jobs are a terrible band-aid, for our idea about labor itself is the problem. Automation will be the catalyst that demands this change. The alternative, to put it bluntly, is this: we risk the greatest depression on earth otherwise. It is like climate change, where something MUST be done, or the whole enterprise is ruined.
America will be one of the last developed nations on this planet to see this, just like with health care. This is how bad we are with our social fictions, allowing them to create unreasonable conflict. I'm on my phone so I can't explain in depth, but there are more factors than just automation.
To believe we can have 7 billion decent, humanely supporting jobs is nothing more than thinking like a sadist. This isn't even considering machine learning.
This illegal immigration platform is going to poison the hispanic vote for the gop for decades. what a mess.
More like his advisors have suggested he keep his mouth shut so he doesn't remove all doubt.Ben Carson playing careful until there is an opening. Very smart man, knows how this works despite not being in politics.
No they don't, and Trump won't let himself be a puppet, that goes against his personality.
He already has money, he's doing this for fame and attention. That became pretty obvious as soon as he went from being a left of center Republican who didn't even know why he was a Republican, to jumping full on the crazy train. A person doesn't just abruptly change like that, he's in it for the attention. He's a giant ham.
I wouldn't be surprised if he already has a plan in place to transition his platform back towards his pre-Obama nonsense. Get the nomination, dial back the crazy, and point towards his past record as proof he can be a moderate.
The Trump trumps all. Woohoo!
How well would a Trump/Carson ticket do?
"Because he's a doctor, and he hired one nurse, he's going to end up being the president of the United States?" Trump mused. "Ben Carson is not going to be your next president. That I can tell you."