My trade pb just came in the mail like 5 minutes ago. Now I'm gonna have to read it ASAP.Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir review:
Do I have to finish watching The Clone Wars first?
My trade pb just came in the mail like 5 minutes ago. Now I'm gonna have to read it ASAP.Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir review:
In true comics fashion you need to retcon your origin.
As far as I know, the non-main Convergence books are just standalones told during the actual event. Should be fine.
started reading Ellis's Moon Knight
pretty awesome. And yes I know Ellis only lasts 6 issues >_>
My trade pb just came in the mail like 5 minutes ago. Now I'm gonna have to read it ASAP.
Do I have to finish watching The Clone Wars first?
My trade pb just came in the mail like 5 minutes ago. Now I'm gonna have to read it ASAP.
Do I have to finish watching The Clone Wars first?
You guys weren't kidding about True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys, I had bought it during the last big Dark Horse sale and i managed to only get eight pages in before fleeing. I think it's time to give it another try this weekend.
You guys weren't kidding about True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys, I had bought it during the last big Dark Horse sale and i managed to only get eight pages in before fleeing. I think it's time to give it another try this weekend.
Reading Hawkeye on Marvel Unlimited; really enjoying it! A lot more so than Hickman's FF (I'll finish it eventually) or Superior Foes (I probably won't.)
Reading Hawkeye on Marvel Unlimited; really enjoying it! A lot more so than Hickman's FF (I'll finish it eventually) or Superior Foes (I probably won't.)
It's atrocious. It's just this completely goofy extension of a My Chemical Romance album that tells no story worth telling. And the worst part is that there's all this "musicality" attempted to be interjected into it, but it all falls flat.
Just pretend Gerard Way only wrote one series: Umbrella Academy.
E: I think it was frye who said he was always amused or surprised at how interjecting music/lyrics-meant-to-be-read-as-music into comics never works well (I'm paraphrasing, I think), and this is like the prime example of that.
It's atrocious. It's just this completely goofy extension of a My Chemical Romance album that tells no story worth telling. And the worst part is that there's all this "musicality" attempted to be interjected into it, but it all falls flat.
Just pretend Gerard Way only wrote one series: Umbrella Academy.
E: I think it was frye who said he was always amused or surprised at how interjecting music/lyrics-meant-to-be-read-as-music into comics never works well (I'm paraphrasing, I think), and this is like the prime example of that.
Music in comics almost always fails, at least to me. I have an idea on how it could work and I'm looking to put a music based comic together in the future.
Here's my first comics post, back in 09. Spike wasnt even the one making the comics threads back then
Music in comics almost always fails, at least to me. I have an idea on how it could work and I'm looking to put a music based comic together in the future.
Here's my first comics post, back in 09. Spike wasnt even the one making the comics threads back then
Music in comics almost always fails, at least to me. I have an idea on how it could work and I'm looking to put a music based comic together in the future.
And then there this one, of course.
Next issue is one of the most popular of that run.
Drawn by Liefeld and we have a dealHow about a Taylor Swift comic drawn by Land?
Do you mean written songs in comics or are you thinking more laterally, along the lines of actual music playing with the flow of the page?
And then there this one, of course.
How about a Taylor Swift comic drawn by Land?
I kind of mean both I guess? When some music is shown in comics blaring out of a radio or something, I can't get with it. None of the music experience carries over to when I'm reading.
The link you sent me does some things right I think, but I think theres still something missing. I'm still developing the idea of how you can make it work. You bet Ill share it here when I've done part of it. I could also spectacularly fail at succeeding, so theres that possibility too.
Drawn by Liefeld and we have a deal
Hey everyone, I might be getting into comics, made a post here in case someone doesn't visit that thread but can help out.
On top of what I asked there, does anyone with MU know how it handles login into multiple devices?
It's on my phone, my iPad, and my desktop. There could be a limit, but I haven't hit yet.
Nice, a little further does it deal ok with you opening a different comic on each device in case someone around you wants to read something while you're doing the same?
They say "all's fair in love and war," and it looks like some Marvel characters are getting some love during Secret Wars.
At Saturday's "Secret Wars: Battleworld" panel at Chicago's C2E2, Marvel announced a new one-shot titled Secret Wars: Secret Love. The series, set for release in August, is an anthology-style book featuring romances with the All-New Ghost Rider and Ms. Marvel as well as a love-triangee between Daredevil, Karen Page and Matt Murdock.
The full list of stories is not available, but creators involved include Felipe Smith, Michel Fiffe, Katie Cook, Jeremy Whitely and Gurihiru.
Secret Wars gets romantic with Secret Love
Aw, don't cry Kamala. You're too good for him anyways.
Pretty sure this was my first post in these threads
How about Written by Liefeld and Illustrated by Land?