Yeah I think I will do that. It it just bothering me.
Damn it. Why?
It's like one big giant 22 page gatefold that you have to manipulate and play with to get the real end of the story. It sounds super ambitious and pretty cool.
Yeah I think I will do that. It it just bothering me.
Damn it. Why?
It's like one big giant 22 page gatefold that you have to manipulate and play with to get the real end of the story. It sounds super ambitious and pretty cool.
Really though, what are the chances that three highly praised runs all have some kind of a big conclusion today? Multiversity, Batman, and Hickman stuff. I feel like everyone has something big to read today.
Thanks for the heads up. Gonna get a physical copy. I wonder how the digital one reads.
seen the spiderverse hardcover today for 80 euro, was gonna cancel my order a few days ago but it looks awesome and I loved the story.
was like
daylight robbery.
From the solicits, yes.Are all other Batman Books like Detective Comics, etc. the new Batman, too?
Today is the day we get to see if this is the issue where Kimber knocks Jem the fuck out.
ComicsGAF, is/was SpiderVerse a good read? Worth buying the hardcover?
I see the book on IST for half off this week. I'm considering getting SpiderVerse and Axis....
ComicsGAF, is/was SpiderVerse a good read? Worth buying the hardcover?
I see the book on IST for half off this week. I'm considering getting SpiderVerse and Axis....
ComicsGAF, is/was SpiderVerse a good read? Worth buying the hardcover?
I see the book on IST for half off this week. I'm considering getting SpiderVerse and Axis....
Only get AXIS if you're actively looking to cause yourself pain.
I can't argue with this. Bad Art Is The Mind Killer.
New Avengers Question
What did Doom throw at the Beyonders? Is that the fabled roof of the Baxter Building?
holy smokes Justice League
saturday is gonna be TIGHT
Is Johns suggesting Anti Monitor used to be a New God called Mobius? It's pretty much the part I'm kinda eh on...
ThatIs Johns suggesting Anti Monitor used to be a New God called Mobius? It's pretty much the part I'm kinda eh on...
Not sure, though I would dig it.
Hey, somebody tell me if the Secret Avengers ending was as great as the rest of the run. Just kidding, I know it's going to be.
holy smokes Justice League
saturday is gonna be TIGHT
Don't get Axis. It's not good. Spiderverse was a lot of fun, I'd recommend checking it out.
SpiderVerse yes if you like SpiderMen. No on Axis on all fronts.
Only get AXIS if you're actively looking to cause yourself pain.
I can't argue with this. Bad Art Is The Mind Killer.
AXISAXISAXISAXIS was pretty bad, the Deadpool stuff was cool at least. Remender peaked at Uncanny X-Force for me. I haven't really liked any of his Marvel output since.
Thanks. I'm not a huge Spider-Man fan, but I heard SpiderVerse was fun. For half-off, it might be worth it.
As for Axis, I have the Uncanny Avengers omnibus and I thought Axis was the proper conclusion to the series.
Thanks. I'm not a huge Spider-Man fan, but I heard SpiderVerse was fun. For half-off, it might be worth it.
As for Axis, I have the Uncanny Avengers omnibus and I thought Axis was the proper conclusion to the series.
And can Black Cat stop being a villain already
I like that notPeter punched out her tooth that one time now and she's a big time crime boss. One of the stupidest things to come from Slotts run.
Yep.Wait, is this right?
NA and A today
SW 0 Saturday
SW 1 Wednesday
SW 2 the Wednesday after that?
Yeah that was a dicey narrative move that has had way too lasting ramifications
So does every beloved comic book writer just keep at it long enough to be hated? It seems like everyone loved the early stuff by Bendis, Remender, Fraction, etc, but eventually come to despise them...
So does every beloved comic book writer just keep at it long enough to be hated? It seems like everyone loved the early stuff by Bendis, Remender, Fraction, etc, but eventually come to despise them...