I think Messi went digital so the thrill of smelling comics before he bought them is gone.Do you miss smelling them?
I think Messi went digital so the thrill of smelling comics before he bought them is gone.Do you miss smelling them?
What if I told you it's not back until July and then is bi monthly.
Best off forgetting about this bookSnotgirl #1 - #5 : I have no idea what the hell is going on. Caroline is super creepy. Actually, almost everyone in the book other than Esther is super creepy. I almost skipped this because it was O'Malley but glad I didn't. It looks like it has the potential to be decent.
So Marvel Now 2.0 books are popping up on MU. Which runs are worth following? The only books I kept up with from ANAD are The Vision, The Ultimates, Captain America: Steve Rogers, ANAD Avengers, and the events (Standoff and CW2).
I think Messi went digital so the thrill of smelling comics before he bought them is gone.
Just saw Big Bang tweet about Nick Fury #1 totally biffing. 10% sold. Marvel label is really the kiss of death these days, yeesh.
Based on what I've read:So Marvel Now 2.0 books are popping up on MU. Which runs are worth following? The only books I kept up with from ANAD are The Vision, The Ultimates, Captain America: Steve Rogers, ANAD Avengers, and the events (Standoff and CW2).
They went big on that book for some strange reason. I don't get the logic behind it.Just saw Big Bang tweet about Nick Fury #1 totally biffing. 10% sold. Marvel label is really the kiss of death these days, yeesh.
Read through Pretty Deadly vol 1 this evening. I read this a few years back when it came out but the copy was nabbed by a family member and honestly I remember very little about that one read through and what I do remember was being confused. Thankfully I didn't feel that way this time around. I really love the mythology DeConnick thought up, I love the way she slowly pulls back the layers on it and delivers twist after twist as the characters' journeys unfold, and I love the way Rios presents it. Big props to Bellaire too, for every mind bending spread and tense fight scene Rios provides, the colours make them sing and make them easy to understand and follow. Excited to see how the second volume is, especially given the implications that the resolution of the framing device of the book present. The only annoying part is the resolution at the end is just a little too quick, andgets a bit of a short shrift. There's some other stuff kept for the next book, but just a bit more on that specific character would have been good.Ginny
I didn't care much for the art in the first arc at all. Rios' layouts were a huge pain in the ass to follow and Bellaire's colors were as bland and boring as I've ever seen them. That said I thought both ladies stepped up their games tremendously in the second arc.
Based on what I've read:
ASM Renew Your Vows
Jessica Jones
Unworthy Thor
Ultimates^2 continues the story of the original and is starting to ramp up it seems.
Finally making it through last weeks pulls.
Redneck #1
Now this is what I want from a book. Allusion to history and family bad blood. Smart and witty out of the gate. Creedy characters and jovial characters. A ton of potential. I really like this book.
Really? Thanos is good? Hmmm....
Robinson said that he asked Marvel for the book because no writer was using the character. People don't really care about Fury Jr. Apparently he's delivering, and I don't think the book should exist, but Robinson needs a new sandbox I guess.Maybe people don't care about Nick Fury regardless of how beautiful the art is. I know I don't care about him.
Read through Pretty Deadly vol 1 this evening. I read this a few years back when it came out but the copy was nabbed by a family member and honestly I remember very little about that one read through and what I do remember was being confused. Thankfully I didn't feel that way this time around. I really love the mythology DeConnick thought up, I love the way she slowly pulls back the layers on it and delivers twist after twist as the characters' journeys unfold, and I love the way Rios presents it. Big props to Bellaire too, for every mind bending spread and tense fight scene Rios provides, the colours make them sing and make them easy to understand and follow. Excited to see how the second volume is, especially given the implications that the resolution of the framing device of the book present. The only annoying part is the resolution at the end is just a little too quick, andgets a bit of a short shrift. There's some other stuff kept for the next book, but just a bit more on that specific character would have been good.Ginny
Bro, you're flying through those Image trades!
Maybe people don't care about Nick Fury regardless of how beautiful the art is. I know I don't care about him.
Maybe people don't care about Nick Fury regardless of how beautiful the art is. I know I don't care about him.
Haha one volume a night man, that's the golden rule, no more and no less. I think I've read a new trade each night for maybe a solid month now (and perhaps wrote a bit in here for each one too)! I'll run out eventually
Kelly Thompson said:The disappointment of comics. Fucking unbelievable. KMN
Nothing. It's just personal stuff.
It's NBD in the grand scheme. We've all dealt with worse I'm sure. Just frustrating when you try so hard and it still doesn't work out. 😡
It's my favourite book just now.Really? Thanos is good? Hmmm....
Surprisingly yes.Really? Thanos is good? Hmmm....
It's my favourite book just now.
My goodness All Star Batman vol 1 is relentlessly boring. Zero stakes, random ass villains and Romitas art is just ehhhhhh. Hoping it improves with Jock and Tula but I have problems with the writing and I know that isn't changing.
I honestly find that certain Marvel character just have a limited shelf life or are better as recurring characters in other books.
Nick Fury, either version, is one of them.
Last night I realized I like the individual issues of All Star Batman but as a whole I keep thinking "Enough already." Felt that way at the end of Vol 1 and felt that way after reading #9 last night. The Duke stuff makes my eyes glaze over too, which probably doesn't help.
Death Vigil? Please
Fuck. This is probably Hawkeye related![]()
There's really no reason "Nick Fury" couldn't work while two captain americas, punisher, daredevil, two wolverines, or any of the other barely above street level characters with books right now can carry an ongoing.
I can't think of the last time anyone really put much effort into either Fury that wasn't some 1970s relic, outside of Original Sin which was just...weird.
I picked up the current book and it's solid. The art is a bit confusing, but damned if it isn't impressive.
Never said the characters couldn't work. Merely that straight up take of either has a limited shelf life. You need to get mad weird for a Nick Fury book to work. Ellis, Kot, maybe even Lemire might be able to hit it.
Even then, I'd say it'd be better as a mini-series, not an ongoing.
That nick fury art is some of the best I've seen to grace marvel. Wish it was a mini though
well...you know my opinion. Everything Marvel does that isn't Spiderman or Deadpool is a mini series that WILL end around 20-30 issues...if it's popular. 6 to 15 if it aint.
That nick fury art is some of the best I've seen to grace marvel. Wish it was a mini though
Fuck. This is probably Hawkeye related![]()
Oh shit, really? I couldn't disagree more, but hey, that's art dude. All in the eye of the beholder. Glad you enjoyed the second volume though, I have that here (does that mean I should be worried then though?? Haha)
Welp this is a good point too.I don't disagree with that at all.
It might as well be. The difference between a low-selling ongoing and a mini is immaterial.
That nick fury art is some of the best I've seen to grace marvel. Wish it was a mini though
I would be shocked if Kate and wasp solos make it past next JanuaryMarvel:
We gave Kate a shot, below 20K, GOTTA BRING BACK CLINT!
And what a shock, Fury bomba. Same week as Secret Empire took over the attention.
We gave Kate a shot, below 20K, GOTTA BRING BACK CLINT!
It might as well be. The difference between a low-selling ongoing and a mini is immaterial.
Hey, Shutter was a you guys recommendation. I bought that! I actually don't know anything about Death Vigil, just Sunstone as far as Sejic goes.
Wouldn't be surprised if Hulk goes soon if Hawkeye is done. Probably a deck clearing exercise for Legacy. They said no character deaths, nothing about book deaths.
Nick snr was handled really well through the mid to late naughts. Bendis, Bru and Hickman had a bunch of great stuff between new avengers/secret invasion build, Cap and Secret Warriors. No problem with what Aaron did if it had been followed up on oppose to the editorial getting rid of him that it was. Saying Fury doesn't work is saying Spy fiction doesn't work; it just takes the right writer.
So I just saw that X-O Manowar relaunch sold 60k.......HOW
I can only speak for myself, but I've had an interest in XO for sometime. The recent series was already like 45 issues in by then, so fuck that. The relaunch just became the perfect jumping-on point. Also, the book is legit good.
Woah that is kinda low considering so much hype for Kate getting her solo book.102 Hawkeye 2 $3.99 Marvel 27,049
107 Hawkeye 3 $3.99 Marvel 20,089
137 Hawkeye 4 $3.99 Marvel 17,234
1 was 70k but overshipping.