I hate when that has happened in my game collections. It's why I finally sorted them all.When I'm browsing ebay for Legion lots I try to remember and hope I don't have it before I bid? And then I get sad when it's got a bunch of duplicates?
I really should be more precise about it.
Wonder Woman Premium Format.
Wonder Woman Premium Format.
Cheska owns this no?
Cheska owns this no?
I don't see how. She doesn't ship until October.
I feel like she bought this a few months ago. Maybe this is a second batch?
She preordered it and is on a payment plan.
I don't own it yet, but I've had it preordered for months and lucked out by getting in when the exclusive edition was still available.
Edit: thanks Korupt! Haha!
Might get the Starlord hot toy since I can pay in installments
Tales from the long boxes.
I went back and rediscovered comics I've forgotten I owned and read.
In this edition I'll talk to an easy one I do recall getting but never quite sure why. That is of course catwoman volume 1
I got into comics in the early 90s and I started with x-men, image comics, and batman. And when I started they were in the middle of the event Knightfall. And one comic that spun out of knightfall was Catwomans own series. So I bought it from the start. I don't remember too much but I thought it was pretty good. And back then I would ride out lulls in my comic runs since I didn't have too many (oh how the times have changed). Back then I didn't care who were the writers but the issues I dug seemed to be from Dixon (no surprise) and moench and the tie-in issues to the latest bat event.
The craziest thing was how it essentially had the same artist for the whole 80 issue run. And that was Jim Balent
So did anyone else read this comic series?
Well comixology has slowly been adding the series. They're up to issue 64I was only just looking into it a few days ago. Trying to find the best way to read it.
That's a dark road to start down.
I don't own one single floppy.
That sounds really cool! Thanks for that thorough response! I'll definitely try to read a King book sometime very soon. Would you recommend Pet Sematary to read first? Or a different one? If you'd recommend something different, I would like to read something along the same lines as Pet Sematary, rather than a dark fantasy sort of book which IIRC is something King writes quite a bit of.
I have to be honest man, Pet Sematary is an incredible powerful book and definitely something I would recommend to fans of King's work, but it's maybe not the best place to start, it really is a hard read in the middle section. It's actual infamous for being the one book he wrote that was so close to the bone he wasn't going to release it, and only did in the end to get out of a book contract after some encouragement from his editor and his wife. It's really intense stuff. I think Misery would be a really good place to start, and to figure out if you dig his stuff. It has a really great premise, it's actually completely bereft of any supernatural or fantasy elements, and uh, yea haha, I don't wanna say too much but it really is horrifying. You will imagine yourself in the lead character's position and shudder more than once. Barring Misery, I think the next one I might go to is Cujo. There is a vague hint or two of supernatural to it, but that's really just from one person's viewpoint and it's nothing tangible. It's really just about a really horrible set of events that occur to a family after a dog catches rabies. Again though, it's all family relationships and real things you can imagine happening to a love done that drive the horror in that one and it's fantastic.
If you end up bowled over by those though, I would whole heartedly recommend just straight up going to the beginning of his career and going through all the big ones or even as Birdie and myself are both in the process of doing, reading all his stuff. Carrie, The Shining, Salem's Lot, It, dude has knocked out so many classics and I've found some of my favourites are just as much the lesser known books. Really like the bachmann books myself, those also tend to be completely void of anything supernatural. The Long Walk is incredible, so is Rage.
With that perhaps I should put away the long paragraphs about novels for a few weeks haha and remember it's comics-gaf, and not King-Gaf (which I would fully support btw).
Also, no floppies for me haha, no place for them here. My boy does have some L'il Gotham & Itty Bitty Hellboy etc that I've bought him though haha.
Is the current FF run any good?
What do you get as a bonus with the exclusive edition?
Don't worry. FigureGAF is here for you...
Smaller edition size and in this case she comes with an extra interchangeable weapon.
Is the edition size important to you?
Is the edition size important to you?
Size matters bro
Yes! I finally am caught up on my new issues. I worked off 35 ish issues this weekend.
Now I can finally start rereading comics I've wanted to get too. First up, robin year one! Then Batgirl year one
So when you catalog games and comics and trades you just use google docs? Nothing more elaborate?
Preordered my Elsa mini bust ^_^
Remember last Sunday when I plowed through 3 books? I can barely lift a finger to the TV remote today. I just keep on looking at my shelf and thinking I want to but never do anything.
My night is consumed by Google searches of "Thanos vs Galactus". At least until The Strain starts...
Aw yissSecret Avengers #5 was wild.
And oh wonderful day, larger than 50% off discounts are back at DCBS? Do my eyes deceive me? Batgirl #35 for $1.04? Axis #1 for $1.74?
My night is consumed by Google searches of "Thanos vs Galactus". At least until The Strain starts...
Aw yiss
Coming up on ordering from dcbs for a year and haven't ever seen discounts like that.
I thought that the Strain pilot was horrible, then I couldn't stop watching and now I'm hooked.
Edit: Messi, the New DC movie pimped out your Harley again.
So, just got back from Guardians of the Galaxy, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Since my only experience with the team was the free comic book day comic from this year... what's the recommended run for the team? I actually didn't know that, outside of the classic stuff I'm assuming I can ignore, the modern book doesn't seem to be that old. Note that I'm willing to pick up a decent chunk at once because I'm crazy like that, so I don't just need a "good introduction" to try it out, as long as people on here can recommend it. Just needs to be available and not terribly out of print in trades. I guess if they're doing any reprints as a result of the movie I'm willing to wait as well.
freeza your avatar is no longer a cute anime girl![]()
I thought that the Strain pilot was horrible, then I couldn't stop watching and now I'm hooked.
Edit: Messi, the New DC movie pimped out your Harley again.
When did that happen? I know it was ages ago.
I enjoyed the pilot for the most part. There was some camp to it but I expected that. Ep. 2 was slow, but since then it's gotten progressively better. Things are really ramping up.
What's this DC movie we're talking about?