EDIT: Every issue is a good jumping on point, but be prepared to be bored to tears.
So what your trying to say is Rocket Racoon is the best ongoing right now for a Guardians fix?
EDIT: Every issue is a good jumping on point, but be prepared to be bored to tears.
Yo, I've been thinking about it, and Rick Remender is the writer Scott Snyder wishes he was. Remender masterfully plots long, 30-issue overarching plots that intricately develop, explode, coalesce, and then end beautifully. Dude is a fucking Ukrainian gymnast, sticking the the landing gracefully, powerfully, and with a fucking smile and a wink.
Snyder is just a super competent writer whose passion and anxiety create incredible beginnings for his stories, and then there are great developments along the way, and powerful moments, but then he loses the thread and his endings are like a fat dude canon-balling into the shallow end--it's a mess. Dude cannot stick the landing.*
*Except for Black Mirror.
So what your trying to say is Rocket Racoon is the best ongoing right now for a Guardians fix?
Yo, I've been thinking about it, and Rick Remender is the writer Scott Snyder wishes he was. Remender masterfully plots long, 30-issue overarching plots that intricately develop, explode, coalesce, and then end beautifully. Dude is a fucking Ukrainian gymnast, sticking the the landing gracefully, powerfully, and with a fucking smile and a wink.
Snyder is just a super competent writer whose passion and anxiety create incredible beginnings for his stories, and then there are great developments along the way, and powerful moments, but then he loses the thread and his endings are like a fat dude canon-balling into the shallow end--it's a mess. Dude cannot stick the landing.*
*Except for Black Mirror.
Yeah, my bad for analyzing the craft of two people whose work I read and enjoy and trying to turn it into a conversation.
Would you like to share some updates from all of the bad DC books that you hoard?
So what your trying to say is Rocket Racoon is the best ongoing right now for a Guardians fix?
Yo, I've been thinking about it, and Rick Remender is the writer Scott Snyder wishes he was. Remender masterfully plots long, 30-issue overarching plots that intricately develop, explode, coalesce, and then end beautifully. Dude is a fucking Ukrainian gymnast, sticking the the landing gracefully, powerfully, and with a fucking smile and a wink.
Snyder is just a super competent writer whose passion and anxiety create incredible beginnings for his stories, and then there are great developments along the way, and powerful moments, but then he loses the thread and his endings are like a fat dude canon-balling into the shallow end--it's a mess. Dude cannot stick the landing.*
*Except for Black Mirror.
I liked the post. I don't know much of Snyder tho. welp, cya.
Snyder is just a super competent writer whose passion and anxiety create incredible beginnings for his stories, and then there are great developments along the way, and powerful moments, but then he loses the thread and his endings are like a fat dude canon-balling into the shallow end--it's a mess. Dude cannot stick the landing.*
*Except for Black Mirror.
Skottie Young is f*cking killing it on Rocket Raccon. It's only two issues in and I've only read the first one but it's really that good. The art, the humor, the characters and small details that are captured with each panel is amazing. In my opinion, it's probably the "best" issue 1 in the past few months. It gives you enough but leaves you wanting more. And you don't need to read anything prior to it because the story does a very fine job of holding your hand (not too much and not too little).
I don't want to overhype it for you but do you want the Marvel digital code to #1 so you can sample it for yourself?
Yo, I've been thinking about it, and Rick Remender is the writer Scott Snyder wishes he was. Remender masterfully plots long, 30-issue overarching plots that intricately develop, explode, coalesce, and then end beautifully. Dude is a fucking Ukrainian gymnast, sticking the the landing gracefully, powerfully, and with a fucking smile and a wink.
Snyder is just a super competent writer whose passion and anxiety create incredible beginnings for his stories, and then there are great developments along the way, and powerful moments, but then he loses the thread and his endings are like a fat dude canon-balling into the shallow end--it's a mess. Dude cannot stick the landing.*
*Except for Black Mirror.
I don't want to overhype it for you but do you want the Marvel digital code to #1 so you can sample it for yourself?
Check out Black Mirror. It's Snyder's introduction to DC, and dude explodes right out the gate here. There was discussion of horror and how ineffectual it is in the comic genre, but there's this slow, psychological escalation around one character in Black Mirror that is genuinely creepy as fuck, and currently, my favorite 'horror' moment in a comic belongs to that run.
I wouldn't say that it's the best. (the writing is a little bit less than average, but the art is great). It'll do until Guardians 3000.So what your trying to say is Rocket Racoon is the best ongoing right now for a Guardians fix?
Thanks, marking this in my mind for the future.
And Messi, I still wanna know what someone who is working on a Master's degree looks like.
And to whoever asked if this is the only comics thread, it is and thank christ for that. Have you seen the shit that gets posted when someone makes a comics thread outside of this?
The start. I actually enjoy dixons run more tbh but Simone got more acclaim for some reason.Should I start reading Birds of Prey from the beginning or when Gail Simone takes over?
I'm pretty sure it's a requirement to be growing a beard if you're a male in post-grad, isn't it?
I dunno, he was talking about how Barbara Gordon doesn't look like someone who would be working on a Master's degree and I'm curious what those people look like.
Looking back on Snyder's Batman, I think I disagree. The endings of Court of Owls and Death of a Family and Zero Year were fantastic (Black Mirror too). I think Snyder hits the nail on the head no problem. What's wrong with those endings?
Real talk. One thread of mine turned in to a "Manga vs Super Hero comics" thread. It spiraled.And to whoever asked if this is the only comics thread, it is and thank christ for that. Have you seen the shit that gets posted when someone makes a comics thread outside of this?
I mean, having just reread Fear Agent, like yeah, it ain't a perfect book, and there's so much crazy horseshit time-travel clone body scifi fuckery, but the emotional core to that book, and Heath's fucking journey, and that entire last issue. Man, it feels so right and reads so damn well because it was fucking earned and it was the only way it could end.
Yep. Fear Agent is an example of a perfect landing if there ever was one. It sealed the deal on it becoming one of my favorite runs of all time.
YOU HEAR THAT TIM!? Read Fear Agent vol 2 already!![]()
Please don't disturb Tim. He's working on his Master's thesis; White Space: The Six Lies that Warren Ellis Sold Us
Please don't disturb Tim. He's working on his Master's thesis; White Space: The Six Lies that Warren Ellis Sold Us
Please don't disturb Tim. He's working on his Master's thesis; White Space: The Six Lies that Warren Ellis Sold Us
Haven't read through everything this week, but from what I have read this week:
Rocket Raccoon #2 and Legendary Star-Lord #2: I was pretty worried about the state of Marvel Cosmic these days, considering it's been stuck in Bendis hell with its headline book, but I think both of these books are going to turn out pretty good. Young's art on Rocky is gorgeous, and full of energy that really brings it to life, and the writing's pretty alright, even if the "don't call him a raccoon" bullshit drives me up a wall. Humphries writing on Star-Lord works for me as a voice for the character much better than Bendis ever has, and while he's no DnA, the last two issues have been pretty charming space adventures. Plusthis issue started to touch on what happened in the Cancerverse, and what went down with Thanos and Rich, so there's that...
You mention Young's art but what do you think of Medina's thus far? I'm a big fan of his.
Hopefully I can get #1/#2 of both of these this week. My LCS was trying to finagle me some copies with a late order.
Screw that, I've already got two Master's degrees I have no desire for another.
I wasn't even mad at Messi, it was just such a weird thing to say I was curious what in the world he meant.
Enough of Snyder and Remender, they get enough love. Let's talk about Joshua Williamson who writes Nailbiter and some other books that get good reviews.
Nailbiter is 4 issues in and it has been fantastic. It's every bit as good as any top Image book without the praise. Just read issue 4 and that ending!
It's been surpringly good. My thirdfavorite new book I've read (shutter and the woods trump it)
I think they made a mistake with the #1 issue cover. Way to graphic and made me think it was a gore/gross out book. Which it's not
Remender has the ability make all his stories reach an epic level while having groinded characters
Yep, i hate gorey things so i kind of ignored Nailbiter and Colder. I was swayed to pre-order Nailbiter vol 1 tp because dcbs has it for 4.99 in the recent pre-order, I ordered it based on reviews, didn't see too much about it here until now, i'm glad to hear it's not a complete gore book though or i'd cancel.
*Except for Black Mirror.
Uncanny X-Force had a great arc for about 19 issues, but it kinda kept going into a bad pastiche of itself and petered out into whatever.
But its better to be good for that long, then not good at all for any amount of time on your long, boring-as-shit comics(see: Snyder's Batman).
Two Master's is impressive, dude. Congrats. What are they in?
I know you said you had written up on Bosnian history during the Zero #9 discussion. Have you talked to Ales on twitter about any of it?
It's been surpringly good. My third favorite new book I've read (shutter and the woods trump it)
I think they made a mistake with the #1 issue cover. Way to graphic and made me think it was a gore/gross out book. Which it's not