Wasn't sure about the first issue of Inhuman, #2 was substantially better and I thought #3 (out today) was really good. Shocked to see the next issue is out in two weeks rather than two months.
It is? Sweeet. In there.
Wasn't sure about the first issue of Inhuman, #2 was substantially better and I thought #3 (out today) was really good. Shocked to see the next issue is out in two weeks rather than two months.
Goddamn why is the Turtles comic so freaking awesome but the movie so freaking awful.
And one will make millions more dollars than the other.
There is no justice in the world.
Incredible.cWasn't sure about the first issue of Inhuman, #2 was substantially better and I thought #3 (out today) was really good. Shocked to see the next issue is out in two weeks rather than two months.
You guys are selling me on IDW Turtles. I'll probably put the first TP on my August order.
Nothing new. That's the way it's been for decades. A writer is on a good roll and the title gets completely derailed by some stupid event, crossover, or themed gimmick. That's the hazard of committing to most DC/Marvel ongoings.This is why I hate DC's themed months
Suicide Squad ends on a cliffhanger join us next month as we skip 5 years into the future?
When is the TP due out? I can't find it
Nothing new. That's the way it's been for decades. A writer is on a good roll and the title gets completely derailed by some stupid event, crossover, or themed gimmick. That's the hazard of committing to most DC/Marvel ongoings.
When is the TP due out? I can't find it
? There are eight trades out right now not including the micro-series. They even re-printed the first trade with a new cover based off the movie IIRC
Yuck, no thank you.
That still looks better than the movie designs.well not completely based off the movie like I thought, it's still kinda scary looking
Yuck, no thank you.
When is the TP due out? I can't find it
On your first question; apparently they did. It has to be more though.Finished reading The Walking Dead #130 and Spider-Man 2099 #2. 2099 is better than Amazing already.
Annoyingly the IDW TMNT trades only collect 4 issues each.
Which seems kinda crappy to me.
Personally I'm reading them digitally and waiting on some sort of larger collection.
I believe this is the series they were talking about?
Looks like there are 8 vols so far.
That is pretty much the standard for all trades.
Unless there is a major story arc, or a larger collected book. Both of those are normally years down the road.
well not completely based off the movie like I thought, it's still kinda scary looking
Only IDW trades really. Most other standard trades are 5 or 6 issues. It's why I'm waiting for the Transformers IDW Collection Phase Two to start getting physical copies of MTMTE and RID.
IDW trades are also like 18 bucks for four issue trades. it's not a great value at cover price, but then again who pays cover these days anyway
I don't believe so. I've seen recent Batman trades collecting about four issues or so. Walking Dead I think is usually 4-6 as well.
Again, I don't really purchase books any longer.
Court of Owls 7 issues
City of Owls : 6 issues
Death of the family: 5 issues
Zero Year Secret City: 4 issues
Zero Year Dark City: 8 issues
So, good value in my eyes.
Zero Year Dark City: 8 issues
So, good value in my eyes.
Yeah, its annoying how Marvel keeps pumping out the same character again and again. Wolverine and Hulks are especially worse in this regard.
I really have lost track how many younger/female/evil/children versions of those two are around.
This hasn't released yet, is this confirmed? Would be nice to have the whole story in two hardcovers.
Also, one of those four Zero Year issues was 64 pages, plus they all had back-ups. Not the same thing really.
Yeah, its annoying how Marvel keeps pumping out the same character again and again. Wolverine and Hulks are especially worse in this regard.
I really have lost track how many younger/female/evil/children versions of those two are around.
Yeah, its annoying how Marvel keeps pumping out the sams character again and again. Wolverine and Hulks are especially worse in this regard.
Yeah, Spider-Family is awful overflooded, too. You forgot Kaine and Venom and Spock and I wouldnt wonder, when there were a lot more after Spider-Verse.How many Spider people are there now in the 616? Man, Woman, Girl, Scarlet, 2099, that psychic lady, am I missing any?
Spidey 2099 was awesome today. Peter David knows how to make the dialogue both funny and interesting. If you want to read a Spider-Man book, this is the one to follow.
But you should still read New Warriors
How many Spider people are there now in the 616? Man, Woman, Girl, Scarlet, 2099, that psychic lady, am I missing any?
Miles ain't in 616. You cray son.
Yeah, Spider-Family is awful overflooded, too. You forgot Kaine and Venom and Spock and I wouldnt wonder, when there were a lot more after Spider-Verse.
There's also now Silk.
I have a funny feeling, though that Spider-Verse is going to involve killing a lot of them off.
He should be. There. I said it.
and he will be soonwhen he is in All New X-Men
He should be. There. I said it.
and he will be soonwhen he is in All New X-Men
Bendis corrected this way back when he released Spider-Men they were officialy out of ideas, when they would brimg back Ultimate Peter Parker...
Bendis corrected this way back when he released Spider-Men they were officialy out of ideas, when they would brimg back Ultimate Peter Parker...
Bendis corrected this way back when he released Spider-Men they were officialy out of ideas, when they would brimg back Ultimate Peter Parker...
I am not against the idea of Silk. Its been fun thus far in my opinion.
How many Spider people are there now in the 616? Man, Woman, Girl, Scarlet, 2099, that psychic lady, am I missing any?