The list of completely unsustainable comic buying
Did you check out the Rucka and Dauterman series?No one can ever recommend me good modern grown up Cyclops stuffI want to read something that makes me feel "empowered" (I use that term cause I cant come up with something better. I hope you know what I mean)
Did you check out the Rucka and Dauterman series?
Why is Justice League of America on that list, Messi?
But why do you like it? I personally think it is a mediocre book, but I would like some input on someone who likes it.Because I still like it?
But why do you like it?
Missed the grown up part. Outside of new x-men and Astonishing I can't think of many x-men comics with great Cyclops moments.That was about kid Cyclops iirc
"Amuses me enough to keep buying" should be your motto in life.It has characters I like and it is stupid fun. Amuses me enough to keep buying.
"Amuses me enough to keep buying" should be your motto in life.
Also, thank you for telling why you buy that book. I might check it out.Cool
I was really surprised the WW movie didn't incorporate her laso/leg combo. It's becoming one of her signature moves
It has characters I like and it is stupid fun. Amuses me enough to keep buying.
Is Lobo still in it? I only read the Rebirth issue and the first two proper issues but it was pretty cool. I really like this version of Killer Frost. I picked up the trade of Justice League vs Suicide Squad but haven't finished it yet, she seems pretty OP going by what she did to Superman and the League.
His interview is on the TV in the bar where Mystique meets the security guard.
It has characters I like and it is stupid fun. Amuses me enough to keep buying.
I have it right here, but he is Teen Cyclops and not Mutant Revoluzzer Cyclops :/Did you check out the Rucka and Dauterman series?
I was reading Assault on Weapon Plus a couple days ago and I really love that scene between Cyclops and wolverine in the hellfire club when Cyclops talks about how he feels about his relationship with Jean and why it's no longer working in contrast to how he feels when he's with Emma, who he feels does not judge him for his weaknesses.
Suicide Squad #1-3 Ostrander series. This was the series I earmarked to work off my backlog. I wanted one meaty series that I hadn't read before and so far it's already delivered. Like VanWinkle mentioned with Grell I'd also echo that with this series. Ostrander writes in the modern comic book style that you see today back in 1987. Back when you still had a lot of the classic, over explained, over excited writers going (aike claremont who I like but I have to work around his verbose style). Characters are real realized off the bat and things are getting done fast. In 2 issues they accomplish a trades worth of storytelling. Can't wait to read more. It's also interesting to see a Waller that isn't a 100% jerk so far. Starting out she does what needs to be done but might listen to some feedback from others
I may have to revisit that. Longbow Hunters blew my 13-year old mind but I didn't stick with the in-continuity series long because the lack of "mature content" was disappointing for me at that age.
Man, DC from 85-90 was just amazing.
Suicide Squad #1-3 Ostrander series. This was the series I earmarked to work off my backlog. I wanted one meaty series that I hadn't read before and so far it's already delivered. Like VanWinkle mentioned with Grell I'd also echo that with this series. Ostrander writes in the modern comic book style that you see today back in 1987. Back when you still had a lot of the classic, over explained, over excited writers going (aike claremont who I like but I have to work around his verbose style). Characters are real realized off the bat and things are getting done fast. In 2 issues they accomplish a trades worth of storytelling. Can't wait to read more. It's also interesting to see a Waller that isn't a 100% jerk so far. Starting out she does what needs to be done but might listen to some feedback from others
I know I know. I've had it sitting there for a while on my backlog of shame. It's this and morrison's doom patrol that might br my biggest gaps of notable runsI'm really surprised you've never read this before! It's one of the all time great runs.
I know I know. I've had it sitting there for a while on my backlog of shame. It's this and morrison's doom patrol that might br my biggest gaps of notable runs
And o started comics in 92. I'd say I'm pretty weak with a lot of 80s and earlier D.C. And until recently D.C. wasnt great in collecting/releasing it either. Now my problem is I own it but just need to actually sit down and read it
You've got a good approach. You're getting the notable collections and working them off one by one. Comics like almost every medium has a handful of great, a bundle of very good, a lot of good, and a bunch of ok. It's easy to get caught up spending a lot of month to month reading on the ok/good. Early on outside of books like Sandman, I spent a good portion starting off reading a lot of ok and not knowing any better. The internet helps a lot to help curate notable runs, books, and series. My tastes and reading variety really expanded in the early 2000s when I found good message board communities that threw a lot of good recommendations my wayMan, I, having started comics in 2015, have had SO much to catch up on. I have read A LOT in the last two years, but I still have so much to read. I will say this, though: I have been finding out that mid to late 80s DC was INSANELY creative and good.
"Characters I like" means Killer Frost.
The list of completely unsustainable comic buying .
Man, oh man you guys are on another level with those pull lists, I feel faint just looking at them. I checked, if I read monthly I would have 5 or 6 books this week.
Man, oh man you guys are on another level with those pull lists, I feel faint just looking at them. I checked, if I read monthly I would have 5 or 6 books this week.
Been thinking about cutting it in half so I have more time for literature. I like reading lots of comics but I miss novels
1. The Walking Dead #170
2. Batman #28
3. Injustice 2 #17
4. Superman #28
5. Darth Vader #4
6. Sex Criminals #20
7. Injection #14
8. Nightwing #26
9. Justice League #26
10. East of West #34
Been thinking about cutting it in half so I have more time for literature. I like reading lots of comics but I miss novels
Been thinking about cutting it in half so I have more time for literature. I like reading lots of comics but I miss novels
I REALLY need to get around seeing this show more. Maybe it be on that new DC streaming service lawl.
Ha ha, I been feeling like reading some novel nowadays given that I mostly read comics, so I went to pick up Wrinkle in Time and a small book about Irish Folklore last month.
Been thinking about cutting it in half so I have more time for literature. I like reading lots of comics but I miss novels
I'll hand it to non-comics... I feel like I get more value for way cheaper.
Cartoon Network will you stop sabotaging these shows.