She's great and I love her, but she has to die or else her arc is meaningless
She's great and I love her, but she has to die or else her arc is meaningless
Awesome story. Glad you enjoyed Kabuki. One of my favorite series. The way the series evolves with his art style, the true blending of art panels with words that only can be done in the comic medium. There's really not much like it. And the library editions are sublime. I've met him at cons before too. Really friendly and accessible. Bought some prints.So I read through the fourth Library Edition for Kabuki last night, and as always it was damn good stuff.
It's funny, because (and I think I mentioned this before), in having finished the series (or at least I believe this is supposed to be the last of it from what I know), my mind wanders back to my first experience with the series and David Mack.
Which is to say, it was my first convention in general, the comic book convention closest to me. My friend had actually more or less dragged me there, as he was far bigger into comics stuff than me at the time. In fact, I had barely any experience with American comics back then, having only read a few odds and ends, like the first bit of Ultimate Spider-man. Anyway, the big reason we were there was because Bendis was there, and my friend really wanted his signature (as an aside, my friend actually gave me his old, beat up copy of Ultimate Spider-man volume 1 as a half gag to have him sign because why not. And I think the thing was originally a library copy, leaving it in such bad shape that it was more tape than binding holding it together. So as a result I probably have the worst condition copy of his own work that Bendis has ever signed). And thus we waited in the midst of what was a pretty damn long line.
The funny thing is, though, that the line passed by and essentially completely cut off the booth for a certain comic creator that neither my friend nor myself had heard of, and pretty much nobody was paying him any mind. When we passed by we actually struck up a brief conversation with the creator of... Kabuki. With the funny thing being that in my head I wrote it off as some little nothing faux-anime knockoff comic without ever looking into it, and my friend and I both honestly felt like we were just kind of humoring a poor guy who nobody seemed to care about. Much as I'm glad to have been introduced to the series through the super nice Library Editions that'll sit proudly on my shelf forever, it's funny to think that if I just paid a bit more attention to him, I may well have discovered what's now one of my favorite series in comics about a decade (probably a tad less, but it's close) earlier!
tldr; It's funny to think, but I met and talked to the creator of Kabuki a good while back when I knew nothing of the series, never knowing that it would one day become one of my favorites. Which somehow feels fitting with the series in a weird way, that a conversation so trivial at the time that I don't even remember the contents has become something that would now be a precious meeting to me, and something I'd probably come to a con just to do.
Personally, I think Generation X is interesting because it will be focusing on the "useless" mutants and finally giving them time to shine. Jean Grey has my interest because of the traveling and learning aspect, as well as Hopeless getting to write the character again. I haven't read a lot of older X-Men stuff, so I probably view the books differently.They sound like the exact same thing I'd expect. Cable time traveling? Oh how fresh. A Jean Grey solo focused entirely on the Phoenix? What new territory they're taking this character. Man it's a good thing that X-Men Gold is giving us a team and focus we've never had before. A team full of young mutants lead by Jubilee? Well I never...
Iceman's breaking some new ground by focusing on an older man coming out after years of being conflicted, which is a story that rarely gets told if it ever does. X-Men Blue combines two concepts we've seen into something different, but Bunn isn't exactly a draw for me. Weapon X has a derivative roster with some new blood, but one I dig and it has Pak (who gets praise but I've never read his stuff) and Land (who can at least do good action sequences when required, which is necessary for an X-Force).
Inhumans has a space adventure, cosmic prison break, and a standard super team book.
Inhumans may not have anyone here excited (except for me), but let's not act like X-Men is hitting any special buttons either
Wicked+Divine #1
welp that was a interesting start
Wicked+Divine #2
oo now this got my attention. That ending and creation of a God.
Wicked+Divine #3
that was certainly a experience. Morrigan is like crazy jane.
Wicked+Divine #4
I like the way the Gods interact with each other but Lucifer stole the show. great dialog from her.
Wicked+Divine #5
mind blown! did not see that coming.
can't believe it took me so long to start this. awesome series. love the concept
I think a lot of it is trying to convince everyone she's Thor, including herself. She picked up the hammer because she believed the world needed Thor. She knew what that magic could do to her body. She hasn't been able to do much of anything that hasn't been fighting cancer. I think a key part is the personality she shows on the outside is not necessarily the same as her inner thoughts, which is very prevalent early on. You can see the dissonance between her inner voice and her outer voice. As time has gone on, she's gotten more confident and has begun to own the persona that she's taken up.I mean she's not a great replacement of the original article if she wasn't gonna die. I can never get a bead on her personality and really, that's my only issue with her. She's the strong, silent type when nothing is happening and when facing what she perceives as an injustice she acts like Thor (Odinson). And that's another thing, she acts like Thor when she's raging and shouting at a villain. Is she doing that to convince others that she is Thor or is she trying to convince herself? Either way, it sounds like a kid playing super hero. When she speaks plainly and monologues to herself, that's when I can totally immerse myself in her plight. She used to be a mortal woman that could only imagine what kind of adventures Thor got himself into. Now she's Thor and doesn't have to imagine it! I think that aspect of Thor (Jane) is cool.
I think the Callback Issue where Darth Vader "is shut down" is my favorite moment of the Vader Series.
To bad that ended and we get a Dr I dont care with overdone joke #1 and #2 as companions now instead.
I'm not saying Generation X or Jean Grey can't be good or interesting, it's all just shit that's been done before. Especially Jean Grey. I'm legitimately angry at that book's premise. One of the oldest Marvel characters and they have zero confidence in doing anything that isn't Phoenix related. Fuck that.Personally, I think Generation X is interesting because it will be focusing on the "useless" mutants and finally giving them time to shine. Jean Grey has my interest because of the traveling and learning aspect, as well as Hopeless getting to write the character again. I haven't read a lot of older X-Men stuff, so I probably view the books differently.
I'm looking forward to the Inhuman books as well, so you aren't alone lol.
She was the best thing in the book IMO
Finished the first volume of Gwenpool. Love! I copped it digitally. Now to track down the other issues on floppy and add it to my pull.
Lessons learned from reading Gwenpool: 1) Gwenpool is awesome 2) I still prefer reading comics printed on paper.
I'm not saying Generation X or Jean Grey can't be good or interesting, it's all just shit that's been done before. Especially Jean Grey. I'm legitimately angry at that book's premise. One of the oldest Marvel characters and they have zero confidence in doing anything that isn't Phoenix related. Fuck that.
Generation X looks more oirginal than X-Men Blue which is just a continuation of another shitty book that people already didn't like.
That really depends on things we don't know.Doesn't look like there is much different to get people to jump on to the x-men relaunch. people who were reading the current titles are going to feel right at home. I don't expect the sales to improve past the first issues of each.
It's the time displaced O5, but this is a different premise by a different creative team, so I wouldn't just call it a continuation. We'll see if the book is good though.
That really depends on things we don't know.
That's being done for nostalgia, with Kitty taking over the team showing how things have come full circle. We'll have to see how that and other factors play out in terms of people checking out the of the books has the team wearing their costumes from 1979. I rest my case,
kitty means they have learned nothing. that is like a dog leading a team of wolves.That's being done for nostalgia, with Kitty taking over the team showing how things have come full circle. We'll have to see how that and other factors play out in terms of people checking out the books.
kitty means they have learned nothing. that is like a dog leading a team of wolves.
Kitty Pryde got Gen X of AoA killed
Got herself killed too.
is that real or edited?
I loved the series up until the Commercial Suicide arc. You probably won't have the same problem I had with that arc though so you should be fine there.
Wait... So Legend of Wonder Woman Volume 2 was cancelled because the creators ran their mouths off on Twitter?
Whoa whoa whoa, what's this "better than Vision" nonsense?
No. DC just decided not to continue with the series for whatever reason. Some people think it had to do with Wonder Woman suddenly being pulled from the UN Ambassador role, but who knows?
I absolutely agree that it was better than Vision. Opinions and all that.
Flow, Season 2 is already confirmed
The insider stuff says it's about Ray Dillon talking smack about other wonder woman books and tagging DC in all the tweets.
OH shit! I forgot about that promo image. I am excited and worried at the same. excited because I want more, but worried that it won't live up to the first season.
my top 5 best written this year:
1.Sheriff of Babylon
2.Black Panther
4.Cap:Sam Wilson
5.Cap: Steve Rogers
still gotta read more of the flintstones.
That sounds like a really silly reason to cancel a really good book.
How is Clean Room? Can anyone recommend that one?
Just picked up an IPad Pro today. Gonna check some of these out. I'm also catching up on Superman by Tomasi and Batman by King. I also have a subscription to Marvel Unlimited. What else y'all got?
didn't see any of the articles and such.
I know that, but how should they hype him up? Because from I've seen they've promoted him and his various awards in a lot of editorial articles and interviews. Even realized how they fucked him up with ruining his Superman run with crossovers and rectified it by giving him his own part of the DC universe to play with.
Immortal Iron fist by Fraction
Hawkeye by Fraction
All of Thor by Jason Aaron
I figured I might as well get some popular ones out the way.
Overall: easily the best written book of the year and most consistent. Better than Vision. Of course I gotta read Omega Men next week. I was going to say Nick Spencer was the best writer this year, but now it is going to King.
I didn't write a lot per issue because I just wanted to get the next issue. real page turner. especially towards the end .
What other high-profile book would his talents be used for in Rebirth?Late to the party but Yang should be put on a high profile book in addition to New Supeeman.
What other high-profile book would his talents be used for in Rebirth?