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COMICS!!! |OT| January 2017 This is the Dawning of the Age of Apocalypse


if your book has two #1s in the same year, you have fucked up real bad

They didn't even bother to change the title for one of the Iron Man books. Two Invincible Iron Man #1s only 12 months apart from each other

Captain Marvel also had it's 4th 1# launch within 5 years or something
Quit trying to make Captain Marvel happen, its never going to happen

but if they do that then they'll get more whiny editorials about the lack of diversity on Marvel's lead comics


Hey remember how KSD's Captain Marvel run was kneecapped from the start by Marvel editorial? And then how Marvel did next to fuck-all to promote it? And how every subsequent relaunch has hit diminishing returns?

Compare and contrast with Moon Knight, where it's just Ellis and Shalvey running wild for 6 issues, and it's one of the best books Marvel is publishing right now.


Quit trying to make Captain Marvel happen, its never going to happen

but if they do that then they'll get more whiny editorials about the lack of diversity on Marvel's lead comics

Carol will continue to have a book since a movie will be coming and that makes the most business sense.

Marvel is putting out quite a few female lead books that are doing well for them though so I don't think we would be seeing complaints about that.

Hey remember how KSD's Captain Marvel run was kneecapped from the start by Marvel editorial? And then how Marvel did next to fuck-all to promote it? And how every subsequent relaunch has hit diminishing returns?

Compare and contrast with Moon Knight, where it's just Ellis and Shalvey running wild for 6 issues, and it's one of the best books Marvel is publishing right now.
KSD ruined the character IMO.
Moon Knight was selling like 37k by the sixth issue when Ellis left, and I think Captain Marvel was already at the 20k cancellation mark. Maybe they just aint an audience for that boring ass character.

^They cancelled Mockingbird and getting rid of Black Widow, so love is officially over


Imagine if Marvel did a Masters of Kung-Fu book with Fraction and Del Mundo.

They are cancelling Black Widow or its ending? Which one

I want to believe it's ending because Waid said he was working on something exciting on twitter or whatever.


hey remember how Fraction had this grand vision for the Inhumans post-Infinity, and how Marvel shot that down because what they wanted was "the X-Men, but worse"?

There's a recent history of Marvel editorial preventing their high-profile books from straying too far from their Coroporate Vision, sanding off every bit of edge or personality an idea might have had because they wanna play it safe, and it explains to me why so many of their new books fail to find an audience.
Hey remember how KSD's Captain Marvel run was kneecapped from the start by Marvel editorial? And then how Marvel did next to fuck-all to promote it? And how every subsequent relaunch has hit diminishing returns?

Compare and contrast with Moon Knight, where it's just Ellis and Shalvey running wild for 6 issues, and it's one of the best books Marvel is publishing right now.

KSD is also not exactly on the same level as Warren fucking Ellis.


tbh, relaunches/reboots never really bother me. I kind of take superhero comics by story arc/creative team anyway, and continuity is always kind of fast and loose no matter what. The jump start every once and a while is not much of a bother imo.

I wasn't crazy about either one. Neither one was what I would call a viable candidate. The thing is that Trump has since only surrounded himself with more idiots and yes-men, which only compounds the problem. He's trying to run a country like a business. The US is almost done with its heel-turn. We Axis powers now. :(


He did that during the campaign, too, though. the man (rumored) to be guiding a lot of his policy was also his campaign manager. it was pretty clear that this was how it was gonna go. I didn't like clinton much either, but there was never this kind of danger with her imo. pretty much every horrible expectation with a trump presidency is playing out that way at this point

but in any case yeah, it's all going dark sci fi :(


KSD is also not exactly on the same level as Warren fucking Ellis.

That's entirely fair, but Bitch Planet is a great fucking book, and, like her Captain Marvel run, it's about women who fuck shit up. It has a shared DNA, a similar vision of how to tell this kind of pulpy stories, and yet only one of those is really really good.

If this had been a matter of ability, the relaunches would've worked.

Captain Marvel should be Marvel's Rocketter but it never will be. Woman needs to be fighting Nazi's and flying airplanes.

literally, the first arc of Captain Marvel is about her going back in time fighting aliens with a crew of women fighter pilots, and it was better than anyone gave it credit for


I'd rather see another female character like Angela or Thor fill the Wonder Woman role.

hey remember how Fraction had this grand vision for the Inhumans post-Infinity, and how Marvel shot that down because what they wanted was "the X-Men, but worse"?

There's a recent history of Marvel editorial preventing their high-profile books from straying too far from their Coroporate Vision, sanding off every bit of edge or personality an idea might have had because they wanna play it safe, and it explains to me why so many of their new books fail to find an audience.

I don't think your going to see many high profile books from anywhere that stray too far from what editorial wants for the character.

Captain Marvel should be Marvel's Rocketter but it never will be. Woman needs to be fighting Nazi's and flying airplanes.
I personallyt think Carol works better when books focus on how messed up she is.
That's entirely fair, but Bitch Planet is a great fucking book, and, like her Captain Marvel run, it's about women who fuck shit up. It has a shared DNA, a similar vision of how to tell this kind of pulpy stories, and yet only one of those is really really good.

If this had been a matter of ability, the relaunches would've worked.

I tried the Kelly Sue Captain Marvel books for a couple arcs, and while in hindsight, they're probably the best run of the character to date, it didn't really wow me the way it needed to to keep me interested.
I should probably binge the whole thing at this point now that it's finished and see how I like it now. Maybe they need to go back to something like that, because post CWII Carol just isn't very likeable.

Bitch Planet isn't bad. I don't read it regularly but I do go back now and then and catch up when there are 3-4 issues in a row to read.


literally, the first arc of Captain Marvel is about her going back in time fighting aliens with a crew of women fighter pilots, and it was better than anyone gave it credit for

All of the best issues of KSD run involved classic Sci-Fi themes or aviation. Best issues were the ones you mentioned, and the Breast Cancer issue.
Marvel has a lot of good female characters, so I don't understand why they are so committed to the infinite vacuum that is Carol Danvers

I've heard people say "Well, you can't do Kamala unless you do Carol first," but is that really true? Carol is never gonna be Ms. Marvel anyway

Edit: lol I like how the answer to the second question is the pictured character


On the fence about this, might wait for your review first (If you do one, of course)

I can definitely write up something after I read it. Until I saw the preview today I had completely forgotten Barnaby Bagenda was doing the art for the series and it reignited my hype.


Marvel has a lot of good female characters, so I don't understand why they are so committed to the infinite vacuum that is Carol Danvers

I've heard people say "Well, you can't do Kamala unless you do Carol first," but is that really true? Carol is never gonna be Ms. Marvel anyway

Edit: lol I like how the answer to the second question is the pictured character

I'm guessing it has to do with them deciding to make that push with the KSD run before they positioned/created the popular female characters they could actually use and now they have the movie.
I'm guessing it has to do with them deciding to make that push with the KSD run before they positioned/created the popular female characters they could actually use and now they have the movie.

I mean, the whole reason Carol is Captain Marvel now is because of the lawsuit over the name way back when saying that Marvel had to publish a book with Captain Marvel in the title every so often or DC would be granted the rights to the name. Since they eventually got tired of stunts related to Mar-Vell and his kids, it was the logical choice to make Carol into Captain Marvel.

Bring back Phyla-Vell.


All of the best issues of KSD run involved classic Sci-Fi themes or aviation. Best issues were the ones you mentioned, and the Breast Cancer issue.

The best issues of Captain Marvel are the one where she comes home for Christmas and the issue with her dead friend.

El Topo

Random comment: Mighty Captain Marvel #1 is pretty good.

The best issues of Captain Marvel are the one where she comes home for Christmas and the issue with her dead friend.

Those are great issues. There's some really wonderful moments in that run, it just never really comes together as a whole.
[angsting about blockbusters]
[big ass RLM gif]
[Dynamite shoutout]

It's good January's almost over, because this thread is fucking INFESTED.

Ah, lighten up. I'm only messing.

And it could be worse. It could be Zenescope.

The first step to bringing back the glory days of ComicGAF is getting back the guy who posted his list in picture form and 90% of it was Zenescope and old Archie books.

Also the guy who asked for hentai and wasn't even subtle about it. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=141093070#post141093070


Nobody, and I mean nobody can bitch about the old Star Wars EU ever again. The latest issue of Star Wars was so fucking stupid and weird that I honestly thought it was 2003 again.
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