I bought statue

I bought statue
I bought statue
Good job, Messi.
shit, that's all ya need to write WW, huh. RAFA, get on it!a couple of stories for Zenescope.
My statue lust has been quenched for the time being.
I am sorry Cheska, I couldn't be a baller on your level.Please don't hate me.
75$ plus shipping aint bad. But I see there is also a Catwoman and the Harley statue that caused all the uproar.
a couple of stories for Zenescope.
It was a pretty stupid of DC to release a cover girls statue of New 52 Harley stepping on her old costume.
Oh :lol, you got me!I bought this
Fooled yall, motherfuckers.
Action Comics #33
Batman Eternal #13
Batman Superman #12
Green Arrow #33
Superman Unchained #7
East of West #13
Lazarus #9
Southern Bastards #3
Black Widow #8
Captain America #22
Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man #3
Moon Knight #5
Original Sin #5
Punisher #8
Rocket Raccoon #1
Thor God of Thuder #24
Listen, its July. Where is the new bloody thread? Laughing stock of GAF again.
So, once again, Rich was right, Wonder Woman goes to Mr. and Mrs. Finch post-Azz, Chiang, Atkins, Kano and Sudzuka I may have forgotten one.
In this post-"We handed Moon Knight to a sexual predator" world, I'm completely fine with that.
I bought statue
Listen, its July. Where is the new bloody thread? Laughing stock of GAF again.
I don't know how things work in your heathen country, but it's still June here.
Godammit, one less good book from DC that's not batbooks..
Damn I'm pissed, the current run better end conclusive.
I don't know how things work in your heathen country, but it's still June here.
So, once again, Rich was right, Wonder Woman goes to Mr. and Mrs. Finch post-Azz, Chiang, Atkins, Kano and Sudzuka I may have forgotten one.
In this post-"We handed Moon Knight to a sexual predator" world, I'm completely fine with that.
"That's one aspect of being a female writer I can bring to her. Women tend to react in a different way, and I can bring some of that reactionary (thinking), going from your heart sometimes more than from your head,'' she says.
"The Finches want to branch off and focus on who she is her interpersonal relationships and her responsibilities to the Amazons and her fellow heroes in the Justice League."
"The Finches want to branch off and focus on who she is her interpersonal relationships and her responsibilities to the Amazons and her fellow heroes in the Justice League."
read: Dan DiDio squeals with glee as he gets a compliant good-DC-soldier creative team who will execute all the terrible editorially mandated DCU crossover ideas he couldn't force Azzarello to include
I mean, it's great to have another woman on WW, but AFAIK, Meredith Finch has written next to nothing other than a couple Sexy Violent Oz comics for Zenescope; could the nepotism be much more blatant here?
EDIT: also, what the hell is this sexist garbage
EDIT: also, what the hell is this sexist garbage
I know it makes too much sense but why don't we wait til the new WW is actually out before we down it. Maybe she can write a good WW.
After reading Arkham Asylum, was in a Joker mood so I went and bought Azzarellos Joker OGN. Can't wait to dig in.
"Hey, you guys wanted more women working for DC, well here you fucking go!"I didn't even want to read the goddamn piece but holy shit between that and Finch's inability to see women as anything other than a butt or boob shot delivery mechanism this is goddamn dire. Like, I'm all for more women in comics, but dang DC. Not like this. Not like this.
(still better than Wood on Moon Knight)
We are just discussing it, i'm sure most here will give it an issue or two to see how it is. It's just a bit of a letdown that the current creative team is leaving.
So its going to be a justice league book?
That's what I got out of it, and that's going to make me drop the book if they do it. I'm still reading WW precisely because it doesn't tie into any of their other books.
That creative team gave it 35 issues! That's pretty damn good. Also, they are going to take over Catwoman.
Remember when DiDio said this after forcing JHWIII and Blackman off Batwoman? Azz's WW has been remarkable in its near-complete refusal to acknowledge the rest of the DCU, but you can bet that he's been salivating for ages at the prospect of handing the book to a creative team he can trust to faithfully execute whatever DCU crossover he demands, critics be damned.
Please. Don't play with my heartstrings. Did you get any response to that Catwoman tweet earlier. I appreciated it. Gail Simone was straight up about not wanting to lol.
I need a fucking shower. Cheska you are an awful awful influence.
still awesome though.
Don't you fucking do it, Messi. Cheska is a bad influence (and probably a terrible person). Don't give in! $400 is nutso, and this is coming from someone who spends several hundred dollars per month on imported pvc figures from Japan.
Sorry Cheska, I had to demonize you for Messi's benefit.
I know its nuts. but here were are, sitting on the confirm order page. its like looking over the edge of a cliff.
Boy oh boy, at work all day and this madness starts! HAHA250 is my statue limit. Told ya mang, Cheska balls hard.
Also why you stop posting in/looking at the Pickups thread, as glorious as it may be.
Mondotees is too addicting for it's own good. I'm selling three of their art prints though if you guys are interestedArt print gaf also, of which Cheska is also a prime member.
This legitimately made me laugh out loud!!Cheska is D. Wade and Messi is Kevin Hart.
@brendenfletcher: Sneaky peek at @karlkerschl illustrating a page of #GOTHAMACADEMY! http://t.co/elrWp0t7Ig
Was this directed towards me? I peek in there sometimes.
Anything noteworthy from the Nightwing sale? I'm already gonna get that first miniseries.
All i know is that the New 52 stuff was consistently mediocre for a while