Just read x-o manowar #25. The owly with the armor story is the bestest thing ever. Cuteness overload! Almost as good as the owly in batman art sketch I got at comic con.
It was bound to happen sooner or later but I just had my first Digital Redeem sticker on a Marvel book peel off in a way that makes the code illegible.
Time to hit up [email protected] and plead my case.
I've had it happen to me a number of times. Fortunately, I've been able to work the codes out. I haven't had to contact customer service yet.
Christ, DC... disgusting.
Because certainly no one else has ever sexualized a female comic character before. No need for the faux outrage.
I chalk it up to being a riff on "Guns, cars, and women" culture.I was making fun of the fact that the Bombshell cover is so tame compared to this. Also, as someone who doesn't like Lobdell's writing 99% of the time, I actually kind of enjoy his RHATO. This issue was dumb fun.I kinda like it.
Also, speaking of Turtles:
Day 1. I'm buying them all.
Well, it's 2014 and I guess I expect more from the medium than I should. So sue me.
Where the hell is mikeys neck? Other than that, the build quality is nice. I wish EMH got revoltech support.
Red Hood is my guilty pleasure, shit just goes michael bay all the time..
I'll be sad when the book finally got the axe.
If you want to change the way the media perceives women, maybe start somewhere besides the comic industry.
It looks like his entire neck is a joint. Makes it look a little odd, but it's a cool-looking figure to be sure.
They really fucked up with starfire after building her up with the cartoon.
If you said this on game side about the games industry you'd get flogged. I suppose that one thing gaming has going for it. "Not as immature as comics."
It was bound to happen sooner or later but I just had my first Digital Redeem sticker on a Marvel book peel off in a way that makes the code illegible.
Time to hit up [email protected] and plead my case.
Case in point, kinda gross cyst story:One time in high school I thought I had a mosquito bite, but my math teacher told me it was a cyst. Eventually I popped it open since it was getting annoying and it came out as this super long stringy thing. I shudder and get slightly nauseous thinking about it.
Was a few issues behind but just got caught up on Harley. Still as delightful as ever. Kind of a lolwut twist to who hired the assassins.
My comment had nothing to do with the actual content of the cover. I just find it annoying when people feign offense at stuff like this when it's literally everywhere we look. Video games, magazines, television. Everywhere. The cover itself is fine, even if Starfy's pose is a bit too blatant.
I was worried that I didn't get the Red Hood and the Outlaws Bombshell cover, on accident, but surely this is it, right???
Arsenal's huge biceps are awfully exposed on that cover. I'm outraged.
"Someone else is just as bad" has never worked as a legitimate excuse for anything. Yes, the sexual objectification of women is everywhere, but that doesn't mean that comic books (like video games) aren't as good a place as any to start changing that.
Was a few issues behind but just got caught up on Harley. Still as delightful as ever. Kind of a lolwut twist to who hired the assassins.
Wait we both like the same thing? Is this real life?
"Power girl, you should cover up. I love you for who you are on the inside, M'lady. Maybe now that Amanda Connor sees how sensitive I am as a male, she will bend to my will and be my waifu. I am such a nice guy."
pls respond
"Power girl, you should cover up. I love you for who you are on the inside, M'lady. Maybe now that Amanda Connor sees how sensitive I am as a male, she will bend to my will and be my waifu. I am such a nice guy."
pls respond
You forgot to take off your fedora you disrespectful cur.
This is a great way to expel legitimate gender issues the comic industry is still struggling with something heavy
ComicGAF is above such nonsense.
Did it change your life?read through cyclops #1. want more of scotts dad and his squirrel girlfriend and less of scott. but i believe in rucka that he'll make scott more tolerable.
Part of the reason why I love her art is just how fun it is, there's so much personality in every character she draws. Power Girl wasn't bad after she left but the art just felt so hollow afterwards even if it was still pretty good looking.Amanda Connor has silly fun with the characters she draws. She wasn't coerced into doing that and I legitimately chuckled.
Did it change your life?
Part of the reason why I love her art is just how fun it is, there's so much personality in every character she draws. Power Girl wasn't bad after she left but the art just felt so hollow afterwards even if it was still pretty good looking.
And as always, I recommend her artbook. Lots of good commentary throughout.
Where is this from I need more of this artist.
Where is this from I need more of this artist.
Downplaying Sami Basri? D: ... I don't think we can be friends anymore, Tyrant. I'm not saying you are a human monster, but...