Finally read the last issue of Saga. It was amazingly heart-breaking... 
Well damn, Batman #31 fucking delivered this month!
Like button! Love the flash backs in this arc.
Southern Bastards #2 was good stuff.
But does it have a magnificent mustache?
I have to admit, I'm not digging the Batman Zero Year arc as much as I thought I would have. Still fairly early into it though.
I did get Futures End at the comic shop though, thought that was pretty neat.
fuuuuuuuuuuuck, that looks sweet. I think i'm gonna replace my normal HC with that one
Totally agree, especially the last page :O
Hey, so how about that Batman?'re telling me Zero Year still isn't over?'re telling me Zero Year still isn't over?
I hope it never ends, honestly. It's one of the finest stories in the history of our fledgeling medium.
I hope it never ends, honestly. It's one of the finest stories in the history of our fledgeling medium.
Superior Foes
...after Animal Man, I suppose
That's a shame to hear, I don't have much experience with the comics besides the current run. Is there a good starting point for the older stuff?
Superior Foes is dope! It's really funny and easy to get into.
Morrison Batman is always good too.
Today's free book on Comixology is Lumberjanes #1.
Pick it up. It's cool.
You can't beat $5 trades.
Heading to the comic shop after work. What's good right now? I'm out of the loop.
What the hell guys... is no one reading Zero or Dead Body Road? Had questions related to both that went unanswered. :-(
What the hell guys... is no one reading Zero or Dead Body Road? Had questions related to both that went unanswered. :-(
Fcbd Rocket Racoon and Guardians of the galaxy issues are now on Comixology.
I don't read it month to month. Trade waiter.I think GrandHarrier is the only one not reading Zero at this point.
I think GrandHarrier is the only one not reading Zero at this point.
I don't read it month to month. Trade waiter.
Was pleasantly surprised to see Guillem March did this latest issue of Batman Eternal <3 I wish DC would give him more than just Phantom Stranger covers.
And, yeah, pretty much don't want Batman:Zero Year to end. Is there any reason to be excited about the creative team coming on after this arc ends?
What was your Zero question?
I *was* reading Dead Body Road, but dropped it after the third issue. Didn't care for it.
We're all reading Zero, I know that.
No, I remember Snyder saying that he and Capullo are on Batman till issue 50.Snyder is leaving Batman after Zero Year?? Well, that sucks.
Snyder is leaving Batman after Zero Year?? Well, that sucks.