best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Hold the phone. Somebody needs to tell me that is Blade in the bottom panel. If it's blade I'll buy this weekly. serious?
Hold the phone. Somebody needs to tell me that is Blade in the bottom panel. If it's blade I'll buy this weekly.
Hold the phone. Somebody needs to tell me that is Blade in the bottom panel. If it's blade I'll buy this weekly.
wrong company bruvHold the phone. Somebody needs to tell me that is Blade in the bottom panel. If it's blade I'll buy this weekly.
Look at the cover of Futures End 14. New Deathstroke costume.
And it's the 2004 series that started with Kurt Busiek, yes.
Just finished No More Humans and liked it. Decent story. The only X-universe stuff I've read lately was Battle of the Atom so I actually knew who thisguy was.Raze
Look at the cover of Futures End 14. New Deathstroke costume.
I like how everybody here was not hyped at all for Futures End, myself included. (GH excluded). The #0 and #1 are hype enlightened to get most excited.
I don't disagree. They just morphed two mutants together.I know who he is, and I still don't care. He's like, the worst-designed character ever.
Truth, brother. "Oh look at how great he is, former Vertigo editor in chief!!!!!"
Seems like they intend to continue using this new batch of "future" mutants which are just variations on what already exists. It's a pretty lazy way to create characters. Or another cheap tactic, just pull some dude out of another dimension. Easy but cheap characters creation but that's pretty standard for superhero comics. serious?
Holy shit. I got excited. I miss Blade. Stop shouting
Hold the phone. Somebody needs to tell me that is Blade in the bottom panel. If it's blade I'll buy this weekly.
Holy shit. I got excited. I miss Blade. Stop shouting
Anywho, Started back with Annihilation, something I've been wanting to read for ages. On volume 2 now and loving it. Already grabbed 3 and the 2 conquest volumes. My question is - I want to get into Guardians of the Galaxy but I'm not sure what collections/trades to get and what the chronology is. Any sites out there that could help me track that, or anywhere here guide me?
Hold the phone. Somebody needs to tell me that is Blade in the bottom panel. If it's blade I'll buy this weekly.
Wasn't hyped, still not hyped. DC events usually just feel convoluted to me.
Holy shit. I got excited. I miss Blade. Stop shouting
It's alright Messi, I didn't know Blade was a Marvel character until a few months ago.
The lack of a Blade book is criminal. They did a Morbius book and didn't feature Marvel's vampire hunter!
I can't help with the vintage stuff. But starting pre-Marvel NOW, the Abnett/Lanning Guardians of the Galaxy series ran through the War of Kings, and then Realm of Kings events. And then Thanos Imperative, I believe.
Allreds art and his wife's colors are so schway.
yo, have fun. this is top 3 comic runs of all time. ALL TIME
Oh man, that's easily one of my favourite runs on anything ever.
Morbius was too high concept for some reductive vampire Punisher.
all digital people isn't that a bitch now with Comixology making you jump through hopes? Don't you have to manually sync over every book through usb now or something. Sounds like a bitch.
Yeah. He's a piece of shit. Not afraid to say it. Editing a book is not a successful accomplishment. "Look mom I fixed the first person possesive pronouns and the comma splices!"Heard people talking shit about former X-Statix editor Axel Alonso what the flipping heck
all digital people isn't that a bitch now with Comixology making you jump through hopes? Don't you have to manually sync over every book through usb now or something. Sounds like a bitch.
Rad, just wishlisted them all. Comixology lists the Original run as volume 1 and the run starting with Cosmic avengers as volume 3. No sign of a volume 2. Any idea what that might be under?
It's not that bad. After you purchase something on the website you just check the recently purchased tab in the app and download through there.all digital people isn't that a bitch now with Comixology making you jump through hopes? Don't you have to manually sync over every book through usb now or something. Sounds like a bitch.
What? There no manual sync of anything. Order and buy on store (faster and easier when buying in bulk), and the next time I bring up the app I download what I want. It's less convenient for an impulse buy but I buy on weds which is still a hell lot easier then going to comic book shopall digital people isn't that a bitch now with Comixology making you jump through hopes? Don't you have to manually sync over every book through usb now or something. Sounds like a bitch.
So I finally got back into comics after buying them in the early 90's as a kid. Using the Comixology app on my tablet and it is AMAZING. being able to stare at the art on that screen is amazing.
Anywho, Started back with Annihilation, something I've been wanting to read for ages. On volume 2 now and loving it. Already grabbed 3 and the 2 conquest volumes. My question is - I want to get into Guardians of the Galaxy but I'm not sure what collections/trades to get and what the chronology is. Any sites out there that could help me track that, or anywhere here guide me?
all digital people isn't that a bitch now with Comixology making you jump through hopes? Don't you have to manually sync over every book through usb now or something. Sounds like a bitch.
What? There no manual sync of anything. Order and buy on store (faster and easier when buying in bulk), and the next time I bring up the app I download what I want. It's less convenient for an impulse buy but I buy on weds which is still a hell lot easier then going to comic book shop
I'm still holding out hope for an eventual Hickman Black Panther solo series.Thought that was a pro,o for new ablack Panther series.....
I'm still holding out hope for an eventual Hickman Black Panther solo series.
I'm still holding out hope for an eventual Hickman Black Panther solo series.
I'm still holding out hope for an eventual Hickman Black Panther solo series.
After this one, I have room for like 3 more things on my bookshelfs. Only thing todo now is save for a house.
After this one, I have room for like 3 more things on my bookshelfs. Only thing todo now is save for a house.
You know what to do.
Mine is in the first batch shipping May 28th. It sold out super quick.
All you really need is more bookshelves. Get a billy bookcase from IKEA, there's one particular model that's about 7' tall and will run you $80. Get some glass doors for an additional $50 each and you're all set. I got one for my PVC figures and I love it.
As is mine. Internet brofist!
So I finally got back into comics after buying them in the early 90's as a kid. Using the Comixology app on my tablet and it is AMAZING. being able to stare at the art on that screen is amazing.
Anywho, Started back with Annihilation, something I've been wanting to read for ages. On volume 2 now and loving it. Already grabbed 3 and the 2 conquest volumes. My question is - I want to get into Guardians of the Galaxy but I'm not sure what collections/trades to get and what the chronology is. Any sites out there that could help me track that, or anywhere here guide me?
All you really need is more bookshelves. Get a billy bookcase from IKEA, there's one particular model that's about 7' tall and will run you $80. Get some glass doors for an additional $50 each and you're all set. I got one for my PVC figures and I love it.
As is mine. Internet brofist!
Take that into consideration.
If anybody wants a cheap Spider-man collectible for the bookshelf. Buy a $10 mask off of Amazon and a $5 styrofoam head and you get this.