I added ALL the free comics to my cart because I'm a cheapass.
Rat Queens seems really interesting.
Rat Queens seems really interesting.
I'm like all little kid excited and can't sleep!
My roommate heard me mention I was thinking of dropping Deadly Class and so he didn't pick up issue #4 for me. I think I am OK with it. I just don't like Marcus at all.
In a couple months Deadly Class won't be coming out, and then something else can be in the top 3One of these months someone else will vote for Zero and the Manhattan Projects and restore my faith in humanity... at least until the next time someone says All Star Superman is bad.
In a couple months Deadly Class won't be coming out, and then something else can be in the top 3
Sigh. Not one other person even out Harley in 3rd place.
My 3 were
Harley Quinn
Thor God of Thunder
You made the right decision
Nobody has any impressions of the current Nova book?
Just got back from FCBD and, um, they just like had Original Sin #1? Like just with the rest of all the regular new books? And I bought it and read it?
Guys. It is is so fucking awesome.
like Fear Itself awesome or like actually pretty decent awesome?
Rat Queens is awesome.I added ALL the free comics to my cart because I'm a cheapass.
Rat Queens seems really interesting.
You made the right decision
Nobody has any impressions of the current Nova book?
Ok, I'm in Indiana at the Snyder signing, I'm not naming sources but......Brian Azzarelo = Catwoman.
Just as good if not better!!!!!
I added ALL the free comics to my cart because I'm a cheapass.
Rat Queens seems really interesting.
Still working my way through this week's haul. Really enjoyed Dream Police and the Batgirl annual.
I didn't expect the Watcher's death to git me this hard. Just wow brahs.......
Went down to the comic book store for free comic book day to pick up my free comic books!
.... And well since I was there I picked up the first volume of Saga and the first volume of Scott Pilgrim because you know, you may as well.
Free comic book day indeed.
Went down to the comic book store for free comic book day to pick up my free comic books!
.... And well since I was there I picked up the first volume of Saga and the first volume of Scott Pilgrim because you know, you may as well.
Free comic book day indeed.
Yep. It's available in select markets. It's evolving the way we think about comics. It had more characterization than the entire fourteen issues of Saga. It will overthrow Remender this month.Wait Original Sin #1 is out?
Yay! Was he awesome?
Just a few questions with no spoilers please, but:
Hawkguy - I understand it's now focusing on Kate and is experiencing a ton of delays. I'm going to get the third trade when it comes out and I'm wondering if this is going to continue to be an ongoing series or if they are planning on finishing it with the third trade or whatever.
Also, same series, yes or no only, does the third trade get into him tracking down the killer of Grills? I was caught off guard that they kill him off in the second trade, then the dog tracks him down, but then there's nothing after that.
Pretty much same question with God of Thunder. Is that an ongoing or is it a miniseries against the singular villain?
Thanks for the help.
Why didn't you give him my username!?!?!?!?!?!?Omg!
Have any of you guys read the book Eisner/Miller? I just got it and started reading it and it's a fantastic read so far.
The book is just one long conversation between Will Eisner and Frank Miller about the medium of comics. It's entertaining and highly informative. Even if you're somehow not a fan of either Eisner or Miller, I'd highly recommend picking it up (especially since it can be had for so cheap).
Miller is untouchable for me, but my interest in Eisner is almost entirely in his art. This is a pretty interesting book and it's also kinda weird. Eisner seems out of it sometimes, and he doesn't seem familiar with Miller's comic work at all outside of Sin City iirc. Also probably needed some tighter editing.
I do too.I hate All-Star Superman!![]()
FCBD was packed at my store. Didn't get much, but my son got his limit.