Do any ANAD books spoil Secret Wars? There's a post in the Secret Wars OT that implies Iron Man does.
Spoiling is a weird word to use but yeah kind of I suppose? I don't know, it's nothing that anyone should be surprised about
Do any ANAD books spoil Secret Wars? There's a post in the Secret Wars OT that implies Iron Man does.
SoDoom Lives?
I got the pink Jughead to match my pink Archie
Holy crap. I'm reading Batman Death of the Family right now. About 3/4ths in. This is brutal.![]()
How about he stops drawing covers and gets back to drawing Afterlife with Archie?
Messi, stahp, it hurts.
I think the delays are officially as bad as Sabrina delays right now.
You might want to expand on this because how the hell is anyone meant to know what you are talking about lol
right?spoilers work better when you give people context so they know whether or not to click
Aren't Afterlife's delays worse? At least we've gotten 3 issues of Sabrina this year
There is the the great comics I have read today and then there is Omega Men #5 which transcends great comics to being and instant classic.
I haven't kept track, but I think the delay between #1 and #2 was something like 7 months.
I wish we'd get more, but greatness can't be rushed. I learnt that lesson with Planetary and Astonishing X-Men a long while back, same thing with Hawkeye this year.
Which one?
I will never be able to fathom the amount of torture people who waited on Planetary had to have felt.
I have been holding off on reading the Afterlife issues in hopes of a volume 2 trade. But I just bought the vol 2 issues on comixology. Fuck it, Sabrina is on the cover for #6 so I am glad to see she is back in the book. I dropped her book after the massive delay between 1 & 2
#6 was my favourite, it got weird as fuck.
Awesome. He rest has been fantastic.
I seen the cover for vol 2 on Amazon and I really wish I didn't. I hope that cover and title isn't a spoiler.![]()
Naw that's the name of the arc. It's been known.
Well that's good but I do not like what it implies.
I will never be able to fathom the amount of torture people who waited on Planetary had to have felt.
There have been so many of you in this thread recommending this. I hope there is a trade out soon.
And Ive saved my self-ascribed one image per post quota for this incredible piece by Lewis LaRosa of Ninjak post-timeskip, because its dope as fuck and my hype levels are through the roof.
Real question is what will they do with ninsquig.
Yes. I loved that story,
so B&R eternal....
the shit with batman shooting someone? that better be misleading or something
Honestly, the writing is still about on par with Lemire, IMO. It just doesn't have Sorrentino's astonishing art to carry it any more.
Speaking of less than astonishing art, Green Arrow Annual is kind of a mess. Some panels look like more like poorly cel-shaded 3D than anything else, and the story is kind of all over the place. I think I would've much preferred it if they took a break from serious stuff and just did an "Ollie and Emiko attend a Halloween parade, things get crazy" story. As is, the social justice message is kind of dull.
You're going to be waiting a long time, the TPB was resolicited from a volume 1 to come out this winter to a complete collection to come out next August or so.
You may laugh, but that Squirt thing is actually pretty fucking dark and it's take a ridiculous new turn in the latest issue.
There is the the great comics I have read today and then there is Omega Men #5 which transcends great comics to being and instant classic.
Starting Gotham Academy Vol. 1.
It gets worse? It was already super dark and ridiculous through the end of the first trade as it was. :x
i am definitely done buying Slott spideys monthly, have been for awhile and the relaunch didn't persuade me, all spidey books are relegated to MU for now.
How are people even questioning whether or not that's a fake out?so B&R eternal....
the shit with batman shooting someone? that better be misleading or something
I've never read a Spider-Man book. Well maybe one cross-over issue with X-Force back in the day but that's about it. He just doesn't interest me as a character. The movies certainly haven't helped their cause at all.
How are people even questioning whether or not that's a fake out?
So Ben Percy ripped off his (very mediocre) novel Red Moon for the Green Arrow annual. Well that's certainly something
Starting Gotham Academy Vol. 1.
Edit: Oh wow, amazing art.
It doesn't help that Peter is boring as shit.
Is point one worth getting? I don't even know what books it covers.