Educate me on DC
I thought Roy was Red Arrow but in the show they are calling Thea that. Was there a female Red Arrow aswell? Does Thea even exist in the comics?
Roy Harper is Speedy, eventually becomes Arsenal, then later Red Arrow. After the New 52 reboot, he's just Arsenal. Mia Deardren was a runaway who Green Arrow rescued, and chooses to be the new Speedy.
Roy becomes Arsenal from the start of his superhero career. Thea, Oliver's sister, is an original character for the show whom Oliver constantly calls Speedy as just a nickname (though when she lives abroad, she uses the fake name Mia). Eventually Roy leaves and hands his costume to Thea. She requests to be called Red Arrow, but Oliver says "I've already told everyone to call you Speedy..."
Young Justice:
Roy is Speedy, leaves Green Arrow, becomes Red Arrow. Eventually learnshe's a clone, but finds the real Roy Harper, who chooses to be called Arsenal.
Young Justice also sorta introduced an original character Artemis as a Green Arrow sidekick, but it ended up being a reworking of the character Artemis Crock who is a villain called Tigress in the comics.
kinda worried that Star Wars Battlefront is as uninspired as i initially thought it was going to be. We have the star wars franchise, we'll just make something really pretty and basic.
kinda worried that Star Wars Battlefront is as uninspired as i initially thought it was going to be. We have the star wars franchise, we'll just make something really pretty and basic.
You fool, you doomed us all!Stopped Harley Quinn vol 1 for now. Got a couple of issues in. It was okay but not really feeling it too much. I'll get back to it some other time.
technically it's a harley figure Messi.
Yea. Cancelled the pre order. If it still had some single player campaign I'd be in. Just not feeling the pull. Threw it on my holiday gift with list.Not feeling Battlefront either. Thought I was going to love it. Now I'm thinking of spending the money on some comic collectibles instead.
Not feeling Battlefront either. Thought I was going to love it. Now I'm thinking of spending the money on some comic collectibles instead.
Yea. Cancelled the pre order. If it still had some single player campaign I'd be in. Just not feeling the pull. Threw it on my holiday gift with list.
It looks great, sounds great but after a couple matches I felt I was done. I'm not the biggest multi player fan to begin with so this just reminded me even though I love Star Wars to death I can wait for this on sale or as a gift. That start menu looked sparse when I realized each mode listed could just be one map. If it had some cool campaign with it id be down.Whoaoaoaoa, really? I haven't played it, I'm just curious here. What was wrong? Too vanilla? I remember not really enjoying the last Battlfront game years ago. Pity if this is the same scenario. At least there's still Fallout 4.
It looks great, sounds great but after a couple matches I felt I was done. I'm not the biggest multi player fan to begin with so this just reminded me even though I love Star Wars to death I can wait for this on sale or as a gift. That start menu looked sparse when I realized each mode was just one map. If it had some cool campaign with it id be down.
Try the beta. I'd like to hear your thoughts. My fall lineup keeps whittling down. Which is good since I got a new iPad purchase coming up to replace my current cracked one. :/I hear you. I'm generally not a fan of games that lack any type of solo experience. I was hoping this would be different.
Going iPad pro for crazy comic reading experience!
Which Bachalo do we have in Strange? The out of control with details Wolverine & the X-Men one, or the more subdued miniskirt loving Uncanny X-men one?
Strange is simultaneously fighting and flirting with her. She's a nomadic soul eater, currently residing in a nine year old boy.Whats going on there? Whos the snake tiger lady? Bachalo got tired of short tops and miniskirts and just went full on nude huh?![]()
Strange is simultaneously fighting and flirting with her. She's a nomadic soul eater
currently residing in a nine year old boy.
Ok so I'm about 5 issues into 52. Fun read. SO feeling The Question and Renee Montoya stuff. Love everything about that story. Don't care much 'bout Booster or Detective Heartbreak or Black Adam. Steel is okay, I guess.
I've enjoyed the start of this, despite not having much context or investment in (most) featured characters. The story moves at a good pace so there's tension and it feels like important stuff's happening. I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes.
Just read Archie #3 and Jughead #1.Jughead is totally set in the new Archie universe. Great books. Very surprised all of the recent Archie books have been a hit with me. Loved Ericas art. Her Betty is a cutie. Fiona Staples art was a bit rough in places in Archie #3 which makes me sad.
I wonder if my girl Sabrina will be in Archie or Jughead.
Oh man, Hush is excellent so far, like three or four issues in.
Shame I already know his identity from other things I've read before this, though.
Roy Harper is Speedy, eventually becomes Arsenal, then later Red Arrow. After the New 52 reboot, he's just Arsenal. Mia Deardren was a runaway who Green Arrow rescued, and chooses to be the new Speedy.
Roy becomes Arsenal from the start of his superhero career. Thea, Oliver's sister, is an original character for the show whom Oliver constantly calls Speedy as just a nickname (though when she lives abroad, she uses the fake name Mia). Eventually Roy leaves and hands his costume to Thea. She requests to be called Red Arrow, but Oliver says "I've already told everyone to call you Speedy..."
Young Justice:
Roy is Speedy, leaves Green Arrow, becomes Red Arrow. Eventually learnshe's a clone, but finds the real Roy Harper, who chooses to be called Arsenal.
Young Justice also sorta introduced an original character Artemis as a Green Arrow sidekick, but it ended up being a reworking of the character Artemis Crock who is a villain called Tigress in the comics.
So question about ANAD titles that begin today.. I picked up ASM and the Avengers #0. Are they going to spoil anything to do with Secret Wars? Cos arent they set months in the future? I havent actually read my Secret Wars issues yet, im still plowing through Avengers/New Avengers.
Why are we starting all-new when there`s still 2 issues of Secret Warts to go? THIS UPSETS ME.
Why are we starting all-new when there`s still 2 issues of Secret Warts to go? THIS UPSETS ME.
All of the minis are ending and Secret Wars won't be over until December at the earliest due to delays. They can't just not publish anything in the intervening period.
It's three issues to go now, they upped it to a 9 issue series.
That`s the bit I can`t understand. They had 8 issues to write (Now 9). The absolute core of the series. They could have delayed anything else at all but they managed to delay the bit we needed. The rest was throwaway.
It`s just so strange when a company does it. Did they say why there`d been delays?
Hopefully we get the second Iron Man ongoing announced at the NYCC Iron Man panel later today.
That`s the bit I can`t understand. They had 8 issues to write (Now 9). The absolute core of the series. They could have delayed anything else at all but they managed to delay the bit we needed. The rest was throwaway.
It`s just so strange when a company does it. Did they say why there`d been delays?
i only buy DC statues and figures right now yet i don't buy any DC comics....please announce things that i want to buy.
technically it's a harley figure Messi.
Is it weird if I buy this?
Is it weird if I buy this?
only if you try to braid her hair every night while feeding her cookies.
Ok. Atomic Robo is officially amazing. God only knows why I ignored it so long. I`ve started Alex+Ada now and I`m liking that too. I`m going to see if I can get through the first five volumes of Unity this weekend and hopefully the Girls Complete collection too.
My Comixology pile of shame is huge and the sales just keep making it bigger and bigger.
I just bought Iron Man:Fatal Frontier and it`s download 475meg of 254meg so far which is impressive
Also, loved the end of Old Man Logan.