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Coming to Xbox Game Pass: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Resident Evil 2, Hell Let Loose, and More

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
That's factually false. Teardown, Meet Your Maker, Sea of Stars, Tchia, Humanity, etc. have all launched Day 1 on at least the Extra tier.
5 indie games with no retail release. I never said PS+ got zero day 1 games. I said they get much less, and basically no large retail 3rd party day 1s. I was wrong about Hell Let Loose though. Wasnt aware of that one so that was my mistake.


5 indie games with no retail release. I never said PS+ got zero day 1 games. I said they get much less, and basically no large retail 3rd party day 1s. I was wrong about Hell Let Loose though. Wasnt aware of that one so that was my mistake.
Honest question - other than The Show (ironically), how many of these large retail 3rd party day 1's were really worth getting excited for?

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Honest question - other than The Show (ironically), how many of these large retail 3rd party day 1's were really worth getting excited for?
Exoprimal, Atomic Heart, Wo Long were all worth getting excited about. I like indies as well. My point is that I buy lots of games and if I get new games on a sub those will be games I dont have. If I get games I already own on a sub I'm just lighting my money on fire. Its a criticism I apply equally to PS+ and GP. I want games on the sub that I dont own, and as many of them as possible. Pretty basic comment that I didnt expect to get any pushback.


Exoprimal, Atomic Heart, Wo Long were all worth getting excited about. I like indies as well. My point is that I buy lots of games and if I get new games on a sub those will be games I dont have. If I get games I already own on a sub I'm just lighting my money on fire. Its a criticism I apply equally to PS+ and GP. I want games on the sub that I dont own, and as many of them as possible. Pretty basic comment that I didnt expect to get any pushback.
I wasn't trying to push back. I consider the first party day 1 to be the main differentiator so I was wondering if I missed much of substance.


Assassins Creed Valhalla and RE2 for me. Very nice.

I had a friend that recommended Hell Let Loose to me a few years ago. Did not like. Way too hardcore, full of folk telling you what to do. COD/BF it is not 😂
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Maybe unpopular opinion but Valhalla is my favorite asscreed game.
I almost bought HLL when it was on sale recently, excited to finally try it
odyseey started the bloat trend
Not true at all, it started as far back as AC2 already, though AC4 is where they went all in with littering the map with collectibles.
AC2 also started the having a ton of side quests, however you could still ignore pretty much all of them.
AC4 is also where this kinda changed because if you didn't do side activities, you could find yourself underleveled for the story missions or random ship encounters that could blow you to bits in 3 shots; however it was still technically doable, just super hard.

AC: origins is the true start of it all, where you have a ton of uninteresting repetitive side missions that are required to do.
Required because of the new RPG esque leveling system, being underleveled now suddenly means you can get one shot by an off-screen archer...this game started the design of having to seek out the other activities in order to progress the story, and if you didn't, you'd run into a wall of one-shotting enemies.

AC odyssey makes this slightly less bad, but also worse in other ways.
Again tons of repetitive side missions, but with the way stats and loadout works, you can play with the gear in ways that allow you to tackle encounters even if you are underleveled; the combat system also has no stamina, so you really can't ever lose an encounter since you can just dodge at any moment to slow down time, plus all the godlike combat abilities kassandra gets, means you can generally brute force your way even when underleveled.
The worst thing about the game is the excessive loot-puke like it's a borderlands game.

AC valhalla makes changes to get rid of the nonsense origins and odyssey introduced.
For one there are no longer any side quests, yes the map is still littered with collectibles as introduced in AC4, but you can ignore literally all of them.
The RPG esque leveling system is still there, but with one major change: once you hit level 8 (which is like the first 3 hours or so of the game), you can start assassinating literally anyone, regardless of how much higher their level is; origins and odyssey didn't have guaranteed assassinations, your assassin damage was determined by your stats (far after the games' final updates they added accessibility options, which allow turning on guaranteed assassinations, but since it's an accessibility option and not an in-game mechanic, it's essentially a cheat), making it incredibly painful to do full stealth if you weren't leveled up "properly".

They also brought back many stealth options from past games, like blending and social stealth, so you'd actually make use of the assassinations, there's even ways again to reach targets unseen for a special assassination, and aside from a handful of story based missions, you can play the entire game in stealth.
There's also no loot-puke any more, you can just wear your starter gear throughout the entire game and just upgrade it when needed.
They also nerfed the bird, because it slowed down the game considerably; in odyssey you'd reach an area with enemies, whip out the bird, scan and mark all the enemies and then continue. The bird can no longer mark enemies, so now it's only used to get a quick overview of where the objective might be, instead of a super powerful wall hack.

It's definitely a big game though, but in a way that's different from the previous two, there's more "real content" in it because every quest is unique, there's no repetitive "go kill those 10 bandits" mmo shit like in origins; it's a giant viking "epic" that's more like the main story of ac2, brotherhood and revelations combined, and it's a huge plus you're never level gated like in the previous games.


What time is it?
Super Mega Baseball is always a good time but I've strayed away as the pricing has gone up so I'll give that a shot. Not much else of interest to be honest.


Good thing I bought Persona Collection in the sales.

The Persona 3 Remake is being added on launch day, though. In about a month from now.


What time is it?
Good thing I bought Persona Collection in the sales.

The Persona 3 Remake is being added on launch day, though. In about a month from now.

Have to give a lot of credit to the Xbox/Game Pass folks for some of their investment strategy. Going after Japanese games of this tier is a smart way to make sure your platform keeps getting supported with titles that might have skipped you otherwise.


Have to give a lot of credit to the Xbox/Game Pass folks for some of their investment strategy. Going after Japanese games of this tier is a smart way to make sure your platform keeps getting supported with titles that might have skipped you otherwise.
Yeah, its quite the difference from just a few years ago ~ 2018 where there were no Yakuza or Persona games on the platform.


advanced basic bitch
If you say so. PS+ doesnt release new 3rd party retail games. Evil West is one of the newer ones and its still at least a year old.
Shadow Warrior 3 was released on ps plus day 1? I might be remembering that incorrectly but that sounds familiar and I don't care enough to look it up lol. Day one third-party releases are rare on ps plus for sure though. I won't dispute that.
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Pass for me. RE2 Remake is great tho, esp if you haven't played the originals. Having played and loved the originals made me wish the Remake had included the reverse scenario system.


Good to know that if I pay $17 a month for four years, I can rent an amazing RE game that regularly goes for $30 or less to purchase.
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Gold Member


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Do you think valhalla would be good for someone who enjoyed odyssey?

IMO, it's a bit of a letdown compared to Odyssey. I never got around to playing its DLC though. Unlike Origins and Odyssey where I ended up buying the Gold upgrades cause I had more fun playing them.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Super Mega Baseball is really fun.

I remember playing REmake in the month of January like 20 years ago, going to recreate the experience with RE2.


Got a feeling Stalker 2 isnt going to be as good as we hope it is. Apart from the obvious problems involving development, i feel eve nthe older games were not for everyone, and i feel this will be reviewed in that sense.


Games I already have or games that I don't care about. :(

The a few months I feel that the quality and especially "freshness" of the GP is going down. RE2 is an exceptional game but it has been on sale at 9€ a dozens of times, the only people who haven't played or finished it are the people who really don't want to.


Purists are gonna scoff hard, but RE2 is so much better with mods for one headshot kills (for zombies) and no Mr. X.

With Mr. X and "you're only supposed to stun them" enemies, the game just isn't for me. I'm not saying it's bad at all, just a personal preference. I didn't like Outlast or Alien Isolation either.
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