Well, firstly, these are mainly Sony devs saying these things. And maybe the occasional Jonathan Blow type, who have their own clear biases at this point, for whatever reason (even if it means jeopardizing business relationships with a platform holder). You won't be getting comparative statements (even comparative-by-omission) by 3rd-parties as a whole because they need to keep good terms with the platform holders as a whole.
If the PS5 is streaming SSD data into VRAM, that is virtually no different than any current SSD setup on other devices. In those setups the SSD data has to be moved into RAM before it can be operated on. The only difference here in your stated case is that the RAM is "VRAM", as in GDDR6, but that still somewhat technically holds true to what I just said. That's why I mentioned AMD's SSG cards in particular; it is the more potent use of memory-mapped v-cache NAND by far.
And as well, these aren't techniques exclusive to PS5, but it may be able to better leverage a lot of them thanks to the faster SSD as a whole.
Well if you have the means to "correct" anything I've stated then feel free to do so. But I'm thinking you do not possess those means at this time. Anyhow, I'm obviously aware the Hellblade 2 footage was not real-time, but it is in-engine. Same way...Uncharted 4's trailer was...CG in-engine

And I think we can agree the final version of UC4 came pretty dang close to that trailer. I give NT the benefit of the doubt and say HB2's final in-game results will match up pretty closely to that reveal trailer. Seems fair to me.
I've already read them, buddy. Where do you think I got the Ariel iGPU profile testlist idea from when it came to the Oberon revisions?
Anyway if you can't explain in your words why I'm "off", then you probably shouldn't be telling me about other locations I've already visited and taken into consideration. And you don't seem to be considering RAM use-cases at all, that's why I mentioned the physical RAM amounts alongside the bandwidth those as a total give. You get 448 GB/s on all eight modules since each module is 56 GB/s in total bandwidth and speed.
I mean, it's all literally right there in my reply to you. But agree to disagree if you wish.
Don't lump me in with those sorts. I was literally posting in the Next-Gen speculation thread for a LONG time how everyone obsessing over TFs were looking at the consoles wrong.
Now that one system has an objective lower amount compared to the other, suddenly a lot of people who were buying into ridiculous TF numbers and claims as rumors are conveniently on the "TFs aren't the only thing of importance" train now. But it took until that presentation for them to switch up. Myself and quite a few others were trying to stress the importance of things besides TFs for a while way before that PS5 presentation.
And now you have a lot of the same people who conveniently changed narrative only a week or so ago, hyping up the SSDs beyond reason and doing as much to downplay any GPU advantages for XSX as possible. Going from one extreme to the other, rather than attempting a balanced and nuanced take on the systems.
But hey, people are allowed to do as they wish, as long as it doesn't come down to malicious concern-trolling, console flamewar bait or personal threats and insults. We can agree to disagree but if my outcomes in opinion from speculation don't align with your own, it is what it is.