I'd guess we're going to see a bit of a downtrend, maybe to 35-37k(ish)... and then should shoot up either the release of ACES,Ledger or ARKVM news.
If I was a trader i'd probably sell some now to buy back later but it's a risky move imo.
Yeah not even gonna try XD. But i might buy some more once it has dropped a bit more.
When are those things coming up though? Any of them soon?
XRP is doing some bouncing right now, keeps getting to .29, and then drops. It looks like it can't get past .30. If we could even hit $1 would be amazing.
ACES should be released within the next few days,weeks.
Ledger firmware released on Sept 1st.
News on ARKVM was said to come out in a couple of weeks.
Thanks! Alot of things immiment then. Guess I'll try to get my hands on some more.
Im buying more if t drops close enough to my original buy in. Pretty close atm.
Is it normal for a BTC deposit to be pending for nearly 24 hours? Still waiting for my BTC to become usable.
You must have a passport to buy BNB correct?
You must have a passport to buy BNB correct?
Nope, you can trade without verification @ binance.You must have a passport to buy BNB correct?
You must have a passport to buy BNB correct?
Yes, you can withdraw 2 Bitcoin per day w/o verification iirc.It doesn't seem like it. I opened up and account without it. If you happen to make a lot of money off of BNB, you might need it since there is a daily limit that would keep you from taking out all of your money if you made a ton via BNB.
Thanks for the replies. I didn't see an option to trade after initial sign up. I'll check again.
XRP is doing some bouncing right now, keeps getting to .29, and then drops. It looks like it can't get past .30. If we could even hit $1 would be amazing.
XRP being hyped based on the promise of a totally unknown announcement I believe tomorrow around 1:30pm Eastern time. If I held any XRP, which I don't, I would be looking to get out of it before then or immediately thereafter at the latest.
I'm really not a fan of people in charge of a crypto asset trying to hype it by dropping hints of an announcement on a certain date. That almost always ends badly for holders. Better to just announce your news without warning.
Yes, you can withdraw 2 Bitcoin per day w/o verification iirc.
XRP being hyped based on the promise of a totally unknown announcement I believe tomorrow around 1:30pm Eastern time. If I held any XRP, which I don't, I would be looking to get out of it before then or immediately thereafter at the latest.
I'm really not a fan of people in charge of a crypto asset trying to hype it by dropping hints of an announcement on a certain date. That almost always ends badly for holders. Better to just announce your news without warning.
Guys, what is your opinion on Stratis?
Look like NEO is stabilizing around 0.01 btc
Buy the rumor, sell the news
My experience since i have some:Guys, what is your opinion on Stratis?
ah hell, i burned through alot of money today. around 20% of my portfolio. one bad decision followed the next...
ah hell, i burned through alot of money today. around 20% of my portfolio. one bad decision followed the next...
Think my last buy in was at around 37000.
SegWit activated on the Bitcoin chain.
Should result in faster transaction and reduced fees.
Guys, read over the OP and done a lot of reading on Cryptocurrancy and want to get in. Don't have a ton of money to invest but want to get in on some the next up and comers. Where is the best place to buy at an exchange some of the alt coins that look to be moving here in the next month or so?
Yikes? How? Day trading style of lots and lots of trades? Or what?
I get my BTC from Coinbase and then transfer to bittrex and buy alts there with it.
So, this is kind of exciting. Put in my first order for NXT which seemed like the el-cheapo crypto on Bittrex and now I have (I believe) 84 coins for per the $10 bucks of BTC I transferred over. Either way, this is kinda cool to see how this market place works and I'll be keeping tabs on this thread.![]()
Keep in mind coins with a huge suppy (like a billion or more) are generally less likely to explode in growth, especially in the short term. Shame we missed the first boat on NEO and even Monaco, but the Avalon ICO looks promising.
Keep in mind coins with a huge suppy (like a billion or more) are generally less likely to explode in growth, especially in the short term. Shame we missed the first boat on NEO and even Monaco, but the Avalon ICO looks promising.
Since I only bought on exchanges before.
How do you buy Avalon when it becomes available, by using Ether in the crowdfund?
First boat? Are you expecting a second?
Who knows, it could shoot to over a hundred before the end of the year.
Thing is, it's hovering around 39$ now. It it shoots to 100, you'd more than doubled your investment. But due to the high price of the coing, now, for me, I have to put in too much to get a decent return out of it![]()
I think I'll get some when it's around 30$.. if it ever get's there. I'll submit a call option on bittrex. I have friends who bought in on Neo when it was 6$, Lucky fucks.
Wow ARK is really dropping. This hurts me.
yeah, someone just filled all the bids down to 35. its recovering a bit, but volume is too low for a substantial bounce. my guess would be that its going to go a bit deeper with the weekend coming up. but you never know. next pump could be right around the corner. an artificial high volume buy and the game is back on. like the last time.