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Cyberpunk 2077 disastrous launch allegedly in part due to outsource QA fraudulent conduct


lol, being a software consultant i can easily confirm that those things are pretty common through the industry.


Gold Member
At the end of the day it's management's call to release it.

No different than my company implementing new ERP software years back. It rolled out OK, but if let's say the consultant company screwed us over making a shitty program, all the internal employees (like me) part of the test cycle would notice how shit it is and tell execs dont roll it out. It's not like execs are the ones going into the tool. They rely on us to tell them how good or bad it is.

In gaming, you'd think the execs would also test out the game themselves. But who knows. Maybe they dont and they sit in their corner office never playing 10 seconds of each game. Hard to believe.

Either every non-exec was in on it making a shit game and telling execs it's good to go, or execs rushed out a crap game to hit Xmas sale.

I'll go with the latter.

I don't see how it's possible for execs to be blindsided this bad.
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Not going to read that drivel,the game had MANY fundamental issues that are nothing to do with outsourcing. At the end of the day the state i released in is entirely on CDPR.
They polished the game as well, they absolutely could have and should have delayed it again, but they chose not to.


Now that you've got all that off your chest, that's not what i asked. I asked who are these armchair specialists that you're referring to in this thread, or was it just bait for the wall of text?

As for the wall of text itself, it's not exactly a revelation to anyone. And this would've all stopped at UAT if it was true. Speaking as a QA of 13 years at outsourcing companies in particular, if we're dropping numbers anyway.

Come on, the thread is littered with "the fuck it was!"-esque dismissive replies.

Every project i've been part of in games QA has used the Agile methodology, so your description of 'a UAT department' who perform some sort of final check to save the day is alien to me. Compared with Waterfall, these checks in Agile are performed iteratively by the QA team via Sprints throughout the course of development:


Based on the reviews of the Sprints, plus assessing any major issues remaining in the database which could fail the Sony/MS certification process, you get an idea of whether something is 'done' and could reasonably be released.

But if there is a pattern of incompetent testers consistently marking areas off as done when they aren't, then I can foresee that plenty of issues can slip through the cracks. I've seen things marked as done for over a year, across a dozen sprints, which when probed into further turned out to be completely broken. And as I said (if you read the wall of text instead of complaining about it), since external QA are often involved in that decision making process of whether a project is 'done', a false impression of the state of the game could be created by a bad acting QA company.

The only parallel I would draw to UAT would be the certification check done by the console manufacturers at the end of the process (which I also mentioned in my post as its own separate area of failure for not denying CDPR the release). But that's by no means an exhaustive check and has its own pitfalls (see below).

Thanks for the insight! Would you be able to share what exactly Sony and Microsoft look for during the certification process? Always wondered about that in regards to how a game like cyberpunk 2077 gets released

It's more like technical and safety checks than explicitly testing the contents of the game. At most it might check that you can at least finish the game (which you could since day one, just very poorly).

It mainly checks for:

- stability
- performance (fps)
- excessive loading times
- whether the software puts their platform at risk (ie. console exploits)
- how the game behaves in circumstances like the HDD being full, or a controller disconnect
- whether the game is correctly following all of the procedures on the platform like
- DLC + microtransactions functioning
- trophies unlocking correctly
- PS menu and store branding is fine etc.

Off the top of my head if you had sustained drops below your target FPS, it can fail. This is a very strict requirement in VR games, otherwise it can cause motion sickness. Epilepsy checks are taken seriously (I remember Wipeout HD had to be altered because of that). Crashes can fail you. Loading times over 60 secs used to fail you (if over 30 secs, you needed some sort of moving icon on screen to let the player know it's not crashed).

Basically there are a number things that should've barred CDPR from releasing the game. However, Sony can also give you a conditional pass, which is like you promising that all of the problems will be fixed at the last minute in a day one patch. CDPR admitted that they attempted to do this, but failed to actually address the issues they said they would. Hence it got pulled by Sony.

So if they used two external QA contractors in addition to their internal QA team how does one company lying lead to the giant mess that Cyberpunk was?
You're not very convincing.

It depends on what testing areas were assigned to each team. QLOC also co-developed certain areas of the game so it's possible they may have been testing their own contributions (they handled and tested Stadia implementation, for example).

I'm not here to convince you of anything, just to provide my input of why it's plausible despite people still being too mad at the game to actually want to find out why it turned out like it did.

If you don't like that pretty reasonable response and just want to treat this as a confrontation then you can suck my cock.
ITT: armchair experts with zero experience in QA bloviating as if they know how QA even works.
Anything to not admit cp 2077 is a decent game lol. Now if Sony outsourced its QA, the lemmings would praise it to high heaven saying how it frees up the devs for more 'creative coding'.
Objectively the game is a 6/7/10 without bugs.
Not really worth the hype or time unless you really love cyberpunk lore.
And you oBjEcTiVeLy are incorrect

Willing to bet that you didn't actually beat it, regardless of how much you want to say that you did

6/10 on most review scales indicate that it's awful, and that simply isn't true
They are going to accuse QA for the total lack of police AI? Last gen versions pretty much not working at all? The choices don't matter at all?

Seems like there is no end to all the bullshit even after they have been already exposed.
Oh you mean 3 different ending sequence based on who you allied with. Yep didnt matter. Just like how horizon fw has the one singular ending lol.
Anything to get out of the legal problems they've been drowning in lol. If CD Projekt RED had really been clueless about the bug issues as they claim, they would not have demanded that gaming outlets preview the game weeks ahead of launch on specially tailored PCs and under supervision.
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I mean even if they fix the bugs the game just isn't very good. The UI is an eye sore and the story isn't that appealing. I've played games where the gameplay sucked or was a buggy mess but I still finished them (Lost Planet 3, Spec ops: the line etc). Cyberpunk just isn't a good game.


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
If you launched CP 2077 and played for just 1 hour, you knew it was a disaster.
And I'm sure the dev team played it, so don't tell me they needed that QA to know it was NOT ready (at all).

So yeah maybe they didn't do their job right, but this is a false excuse.
It's called passing the buck. Instead of taking responibilty point the finger at the other guy.


Its impossible to firmly believe someone tested this game and in the first hours didn't find something broken. Its just like Skyrim.

I believe its their own fault. If you let that pass its because you though "everything works just fine" when in reality, nothing works.
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The buck stops with CDPR.

They released CGI trailers and told gamers it was gameplay. All while refusing to show the game running on console. These were conscious and deliberate decisions made by CDPR. The narrative that it's somehow someone / some other studios fault is PR in its purest form. Plain and simple.

Me when ANY studio or Publisher tries to sell me a game WITHOUT showing me the actual game running on my platform of choice

Yeah and the pieces of shit even told us "it runs surprisingly well on last gen hardware".

CD Project truly have become the king of excuses and lies. I can't believe they're still doing it.

PS- even the "next gen" update is disappointing and ironically enough, has more fps drops in the 60 fps mode than it did pre patch on ps5. Also, the fact that it doesn't have RT reflections in the 30 fps mode is weak. When the patch came out it stated "fidelity mode enables RT shadows AND REFLECTIONS". So, what happened to that?

For the amount of time we had to wait to get this I woulda thought it would at least be am actual next gen version of the game. Instead, a 2060 rtx can probably run it better.


CD Projekt RED became clowns when they said this game was going to be a "hardcore RPG". In truth, this game has less meaningful choices than Mass Effect 3.
Either you didn't play the game, or you didn't understand the game. Neither is CDPR's fault. The game is packed with meaningful choices, both near and long term, both big and small. I don't recommend regurgitating clickbait YouTube nonsense verbatim.
The excuses lmao.

It was a trainwreck, it still is nowadays. It's the publisher's responsibility in the end. They failed at everything possible with this release.
Damage control, PR, blame shifting. Suits in the movie studios sit through screenings of their movies at intervals throughout development. I don't know how it works in the game industry but the game was so broken I imagine someone high up right below the top brass would have needed a pretty big fucking sheet of wool to pull over their eyes if they didn't know what was really happening with the ports.

Then again, some corporate suits are really out of touch with the product they're putting out, and they surround themselves with yes men.
Funny how they purposefully did not allow any review copies to go out for consoles. It's almost like CDPR was FULLY aware of the problems with the game before launch!
Sorry, but I'm never going to stop blaming the people who are at fault here, which is CDPR themselves.

Also, how can anyone still stomach listening to that egomaniac UEG? The guy is insufferable.
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ITT: armchair experts with zero experience in QA bloviating as if they know how QA even works.
Ah yes, the ridiculous notion that you have to actually do a job professionally before you could ever possibly understand what their job entails.
So please then, never complain about a meal at a restaurant, unless you're a chef. Don't complain that your car won't start, unless you're a mechanic. And definitely don't have an opinion about a movie, unless you're a director. Oh wait, those sound like stupid statements, don't they? Hmmm


I played this when it got updated with the massive patch a few months ago on PS5 and i absolutely loved the game , i felt it was brilliant and got the Platnium for it .

So trying to pass a piece of the blame on others is wrong, they knew the state of the game before releasing ad have shot them selves in the foot

However CDPR need to take the responsibility of the way it was launched and make sure that doesn't happen again. They had a magnificent reputation of treating the customer right but after this debacle , that reputation as took a massive hit. They to make sure that Witcher 4 releases in a excellent condition to try and salvage and keep that reputation in some sort of form.


Any self respecting company would have a UAT department to check the work product of the outsourced QA. This is dumb.
They obviously did because we were getting numerous reports about delays due to "last gen hardware". Then they went and released a last gen only version anyway. So clearly QA were telling them there are problems with the game. The game was delayed numerous times and I think the managers decided they need to meet the next gen console launch dates or something.

It was Xbox Series' big launch game and I'm sure they had contracts to meet which put QA and managers under pressure to say "yeah this is fine" and not the fact that they didn't know there were obvious problems with the game.
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So they didn't actually play their current builds themselves and just forwarded everything to external QA?

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Anything to not admit cp 2077 is a decent game lol. Now if Sony outsourced its QA, the lemmings would praise it to high heaven saying how it frees up the devs for more 'creative coding'.
Let me know when a Sony first party game launched in as bad of shape as 2077 did. Lol why on earth are you trying to console war this topic?
Either you didn't play the game, or you didn't understand the game. Neither is CDPR's fault. The game is packed with meaningful choices, both near and long term, both big and small. I don't recommend regurgitating clickbait YouTube nonsense verbatim.
That is utter nonsense. You have almost no choices that affect anything in this game. Stating otherwise tells me that you didn't really try changing your choices through multiple playthroughs. If you did, you'd know that almost nothing changes, no matter what you decide to do. This is an open world checklist game, with very little actual RPG mechanics. Sorry that there's still people that can't admit that to themselves.


Even if QA was absolutely terrible, it's hard to believe that nobody at CDPR tried playing the console versions for more than 5 minutes to see how awful they were.
I can't wait for all the bugs to finally be fixed so people can focus on the real problem of the game: it's just intrinsically not very good.
I was looking for this. I played for just over an hour and didn’t understand what the fuss was about. This was also during the free trial period for the game on Xbox where I had a few weird bugs.

The game is very average and no amount of bug fixing will sort that.


That is utter nonsense. You have almost no choices that affect anything in this game. Stating otherwise tells me that you didn't really try changing your choices through multiple playthroughs. If you did, you'd know that almost nothing changes, no matter what you decide to do. This is an open world checklist game, with very little actual RPG mechanics. Sorry that there's still people that can't admit that to themselves.
That’s a long winded way to say “I don’t know what I’m talking about”.


Looking for the guilty party... the management should look in a mirror. This company went from heroes to zeroes in a minute! Lying, misleading assholes!
And the worst part... the so-called objective reviewers all went with it.


This is the biggest bullshit I’ve read in some time. I got it at launch and tested on my PS4 pro and an RTX 3080. It was infested with bugs in both versions. 40 minutes walking through the city and it was a cringe bugfest. Totally broken. Not to mention the crashes. They knew the shit they were releasing.

For the record, I like the game and finished it with the PS5 version. And still got characters floating on important dialogs or cars sliding with open doors.
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Either you didn't play the game, or you didn't understand the game. Neither is CDPR's fault. The game is packed with meaningful choices, both near and long term, both big and small. I don't recommend regurgitating clickbait YouTube nonsense verbatim.
I'm halfway through my second playthrough as we speak using a different lifepath. Apart from a few instances where you get a unique conversation choice, absolutely nothing has been different. And don't get me started on the boss battles where you can choose to kill or spare them which has no effect on the final outcome of the story.


Well, that's just confirms something I've been suspecting for a looong time - devs don't play their own games, that's why they're often run badly, control like shit, have clusterfuck UI, and so on and so on. Because more often than not all it takes is literally just 2-3h with the games to know that "guys, we need to fix this".


And you oBjEcTiVeLy are incorrect

Willing to bet that you didn't actually beat it, regardless of how much you want to say that you did

6/10 on most review scales indicate that it's awful, and that simply isn't true
I did finish it recently , it has terrible elements the gameplay for a start is clunky and i only managed to get a half decent controller setting just before ”the point of no return”.

The story had some interesting elements and the general atmosphere of the game is half decent which is why I’d give it a 6 so just above terrible.

But honestly it’s absolutely nothing special and has elements that are pretty bad such as mission design, combat and progression system . It’s a very average to poor game.
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