Glad the game sold well and im sure it will at least double if not triple its sales over lifetime.
Now about cp2077 phenomenon, an example for ppl to realise how big it is, here link to some polish youtube video about it
, where complete casual( the guy is sports journalist, reviewed the game, and despite the bugs(he even didnt call them bugs, too casual probably to know this word, he rather used polish word for a fuck up ;p) he still praised it including how it looks graphically and in his own words its best game he ever played(he played on ps4 and from the date of the vid u can tell it was 1.02-1.04 version
About 3 previous cdpr games, here polish review including players score back from the day first witcher launched, game wasnt back then widely known in the west but here in Poland it was universally loved altho not perfect game (8,9/10 score made from over 31k players votes).
Witcher2 already got big in the west so u guys can see its scores, and most importantly scores from players on metacritic 88meta from journos, 85 from users, both pc and xbox360 versions are similary scored, only difference is 8,5 vs 8,4 userscore.
Witcher3 is what everyone knows about, even if they were sitting under a rock so not much point linking to its meta scores, but fk it, some ppl will still call it eurojank so eat it, haters ps4 version got most reviews with 92 meta and 9,2 userscore, and back in may 2015 not too much sjw outrage yet except maybe few usual suspects.
So yup all the cp2077 haters/sjw's maybe u guys finally realise how good of reception all the cdpr games got(including 2 amazing w3 expansions, with 1 exception- gwent, it was a cash grab so wasnt reviewed/got low user scores
And incase some1 doubts- im playstation fan(boy) here, loved and played religuously playstation consoles back from 1997(only then i could afford it back then as a poor polish teenager but i made it in time for ff7

, ofc all console players, especially ones playing it on base ps4/xbone should refund it if they dont like the game/performance/its bugs, thx to unprecedented move from cdpr they actually can unlike with other buggy games- f76, anthem come to mind. ofc it pissed off sony big time with their almost non existant/outdated refund policy- hence temporary ps store ban/delisting
Didnt play game yet, still waiting for new gpu so who knows when it comes, but the later i play it the better so not in a rush