My flatmate hasn't looked at it still due to spoilers

and he's not playing CB2077 until he gets his new PC, which will be "when RTX 3000 series is available from PC custom build websites", I was like:
...might be waiting a wee while mate, I'm hope CB2077 won't be completely spoiled for him by then

I played BotW every day for like 4-6 hours a day (from launch) for the first few months and I still didn't get to stuff in time before it was spoiled by stupid IGN articles and the like, that I definitely WAS not seeking out.
I told him we could get a separate RTX GPU from various stock bots I've found and just order the custom build PC without a GPU and stick it in... but he doesn't want to do that in case something goes wrong with it.
Maybe I'm an idiot but I can't live my life thinking "oh I won't do this because there is a 5% chance things could go wrong with it", he's a headstrong man.
Being a wife/gf/partner to a manly-man must be hard, can I get testimonials from all my GAFWAGs?