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Daisy Ridley Thought Rey’s Parentage Was Revealed in ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

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yup, also I think in the novel kylo actually says something like "it is you!" when she calls the saber at the end lending credence to the fact that kylo also had a vision which included rey

Yeah it makes sense. And as the original poster of the theory pointed out, it would be an elegant way of telling the audience of her lineage without a blunt "I am your father"-moment. And then have the questions that come out of the reveal answered in an Obi-Wan anthology film.


I guess from a circular story telling perspective, the origin of the skywalker struggle was kenobi versus anakin. So it would make some sense that the struggle continues anew in this series with kenobi (rey) now being the weaker jedi versus anakins grandchild who mimics him.

That would make Lukes role essentially the conduit between Kenobis and return the saga to being about the struggle between Kenobi and Anakin which was a prequel thing obviously

Still a skywalker family drama but with an added layer of reoccuring ideas


Rey is a Skywalker, folks. Come on.

As much as I believe this will probably be the case, I think it's completely silly that people are so certain about a trilogy that has started out vague and is only 1/3rd done.

Really hope she is a nobody as that would be the most satisfying outcome.


I guess from a circular story telling perspective, the origin of the skywalker struggle was kenobi versus anakin. So it would make some sense that the struggle continues anew in this series with kenobi (rey) now being the weaker jedi versus anakins grandchild who mimics him.

That would make Lukes role essentially the conduit between Kenobis and return the saga to being about the struggle between Kenobi and Anakin which was a prequel thing obviously

Still a skywalker family drama but with an added layer of reoccuring ideas

PT: Skywalker vs Kenobi
OT: Skywalker vs Skywalker
ST: Kenobi vs Skywalker

also, i came to think, that maybe Daisy said that so people will take for granted she is a skywalker so the twist will be more shocking
I think that something people don't often recognize is that Obi-Wan may not be blood but he pretty much is family. Anakin anf Obi were both apprenticed to Jinn and while Jinn's death had the Council shift Anakin's apprenticeship to Obi-Wan, he always was more of an Older Brother figure for Anakin. He was also close with Padme and Bail Organa. He saved Luke and Leia and spent his last years watching over Luke specifically.

Obi-Wan may not be blood but he's pretty much as close to family as one can be without being blood. Keeping the Kenobi lineage closely associated to the Skywalker lineage makes perfect sense to me.

Edit: Somewhat like a Royal line and it's Stewards.

Patrick S.

When Rey picks up Luke's lightsaber, she has the vision of crying at being left behind by someone flying off in a spaceship, while Luke's theme is playing. Luke's theme also sounds in another scene with Rey, can't remember right now which one because it has been some time since I last saw the movie. The use of Luke's music alone is proof enough for me that Luke is her father.
I think that something people don't often recognize is that Obi-Wan may not be blood but he pretty much is family. Anakin anf Obi were both apprenticed to Jinn and while Jinn's death had the Council shift Anakin's apprenticeship to Obi-Wan, he always was more of an Older Brother figure for Anakin. He was also close with Padme and Bail Organa. He saved Luke and Leia and spent his last years watching over Luke specifically.

Obi-Wan may not be blood but he's pretty much as close to family as one can be without being blood. Keeping the Kenobi lineage closely associated to the Skywalker lineage makes perfect sense to me.

Edit: Somewhat like a Royal line and it's Stewards.

I've always liked kenobi but I can only support this idea if they plan a standalone obi wan movie so we can see his character develop to a person who would have a child leading to Rey. Apparently the tv shows show this off more but for movies only, he's basically asexual. Luke is the easiest route to take that wouldn't offend me.


Who's writing the story for the new trilogy? I'm assuming it's someone from LucasArts or is each director allowed to make up whatever they want?


I agree, it's not 100% sure, but on a personal level I think it's 100% certain (it's not even about being right or wrong for me, I just love to speculate about these kinds of things).

On the her vision, I do find it interesting that Obi-Wan is calling her out. Specifically mentioning 'Rey'. Yoda has a more generic (re-used) line for example same as Luke. Then there is the whole theory that her Force vision has some overlap with a vision that Kylo has about 'a girl'. And he's shown holding what looks like Obi-Wan's lightsaber in the vision:

The theory (origin of the theory) is that Rey has a vision about Kylo upon touching Anakin's saber and Kylo has a vision about a girl left on Jakku upon touching Obi-Wan's saber. Couple that with the tweet that went out on the official Star Wars twitter a while back:

It's looking like that it's going to be a plot point in future films. And finally I think Kylo's real name being Ben is going to have a more emotional pay-off then it just being his name, from a story point of view.
Good theory. It makes me doubt my own belief on the Skywalker theory. Going to have to look deeper into this. Thanks for sharing.


When Rey picks up Luke's lightsaber, she has the vision of crying at being left behind by someone flying off in a spaceship, while Luke's theme is playing. Luke's theme also sounds in another scene with Rey, can't remember right now which one because it has been some time since I last saw the movie. The use of Luke's music alone is proof enough for me that Luke is her father.

For me I'll take it as proof that he's the one that dropped her there. I do feel she's most likely his, but I don't think it'll be made a "twist".


Now I think about it, I'm not too sure why Han and Leia named their son after Obiwan.

Obiwan was extremely important to Luke but his relationship to Leia and Han are indirectly influential at best so I wonder if something more happened between VI and VII that made Leia and Han looked up to Obiwan enough to name their son after him.


What are the chances of them bringing back Alec Guiness via CGI? It could work given the Ghost effect distorts them enough to make an actor seem real. At least with Luke scenes, I think Obi will reveal Rey's secrets to him.

When Rey picks up Luke's lightsaber, she has the vision of crying at being left behind by someone flying off in a spaceship, while Luke's theme is playing. Luke's theme also sounds in another scene with Rey, can't remember right now which one because it has been some time since I last saw the movie. The use of Luke's music alone is proof enough for me that Luke is her father.

If you watch the Darth Maul fight, it follows that beat, and when Obi calls out to Qui Gon saber, the same music plays.


If Rey's parentage is a mystery in TFA, and the answer is "Luke", then proper storytelling would have made Luke an actual character in that movie (rather than a Macguffin to drive the plot).

"No, I am your father" in ESB wouldn't have meant jack shit if Vader wasn't a main character in the previous film.

Except for the fact that TFA has 3 prequels worth of Luke character development...
What are the chances of them bringing back Alec Guiness via CGI? It could work given the Ghost effect distorts them enough to make an actor seem real. At least with Luke scenes, I think Obi will reveal Rey's secrets to him.
I don't think there's any need to use a CGI Alec when Ewan would be willing. Ewan's as associated with the role as much as Alec is nowadays. Plus JJ brought him back to do the 'These are your first steps' line.


Yeah it really feels like some peeps have forgotten that Star Wars is a space opera.

Won't bat an eyelid if she is Luke's daughter.


I've been backing the Kenobi theory the most, but won't mind too much if she's Luke's kid. I think the why here is more interesting than the what.


has calmed down a bit.
So when Luke says, "my father had it, my sister had it, and YOU have it".... Who is he referring to? And if Rey is not his daughter, how does that framing make any sense?


As much as I believe this will probably be the case, I think it's completely silly that people are so certain about a trilogy that has started out vague and is only 1/3rd done.

Really hope she is a nobody as that would be the most satisfying outcome.

She read each draft, worked on the film, provided ADR, spoke to the writer/director regularly, has seen the finished film, and knows what the script for Episode 8 entails... and maintains TFA pretty much reveals who Rey's parents are.

In other words, she's flat-out saying that Episode 8 doesn't have a big reveal or twist re: her parentage.

So unless she's lying, Rey isn't a Kenobi. Or a nobody. Because why would she even bring it up if she was a nobody. It has to be something heavily implied in TFA, and that essentially leaves it as Luke. Which makes sense given the way TFA ends, and the fact it'll be addressed within the first few minutes of Episode 8 in a 'the parentage isn't the point, where it goes from there is the point' way.

As for it not satisfying, I don't know what to say to you. The weird backlash towards TFA and where the story is hinting towards going is one of the most unpleasant things I've come across online fandom wise.


Normally I'd think Luke being her dad is so obvious that it can't actually be true, but given how stupidly safe and obvious every single thing in TFA was I'd be surprised if it wasn't true.


I don't get the obsessive resistance (pun intended) at Rey being portrayed as Luke's daughter...

Are people just clinging to that old Jedi tenant of celibacy or something? A Jedi order policy that never applied to him in the 1s place?


I agree, it's not 100% sure, but on a personal level I think it's 100% certain (it's not even about being right or wrong for me, I just love to speculate about these kinds of things).

On the her vision, I do find it interesting that Obi-Wan is calling her out. Specifically mentioning 'Rey'. Yoda has a more generic (re-used) line for example same as Luke. Then there is the whole theory that her Force vision has some overlap with a vision that Kylo has about 'a girl'. And he's shown holding what looks like Obi-Wan's lightsaber in the vision:

The theory (origin of the theory) is that Rey has a vision about Kylo upon touching Anakin's saber and Kylo has a vision about a girl left on Jakku upon touching Obi-Wan's saber. Couple that with the tweet that went out on the official Star Wars twitter a while back:

It's looking like that it's going to be a plot point in future films. And finally I think Kylo's real name being Ben is going to have a more emotional pay-off then it just being his name, from a story point of view.

Whoa this is a really good theory.


When Rey picks up Luke's lightsaber, she has the vision of crying at being left behind by someone flying off in a spaceship, while Luke's theme is playing. Luke's theme also sounds in another scene with Rey, can't remember right now which one because it has been some time since I last saw the movie. The use of Luke's music alone is proof enough for me that Luke is her father.

If you're talking about the theme in the sunset scene, hat's not actually Luke's theme. It's the "Force Theme". As I recall, from reading Rinzler's book on the making of Star Wars, it was originally referred to as Obi Wan's theme.

Fake edit:

Just checked. In J.W. Rinzler's "Tha Making of Star Wars", on page 268, John Williams gives little descriptions of the various themes he wrote for the original film. He refers to Ben's theme as "...also being the theme of the Jedi Knights, the Old Republic that Ben remembers. It also overlaps into being the theme for the Force, the good Force that Ben represents."

The same page features a description of Luke's theme too, but it's hard to place.

Anyway, the theme that I assume you are referring to as "Luke's theme", the one in the binary sunset scene, is now considered the Force theme. However, it was originally Ben's theme. In addition to the above quote from page 268, there is another paragraph specifically for the sunset scene. Williams says:

George asked for Ben's theme there once he had heard it. I had originally scored that scene with Luke's theme, but when he heard the other, he said, 'could you put Ben's theme in there?' He liked it for some reason better for that scene...I have to say in the end he was very right.

So the theme most commonly referred to as Luke's theme, the sunset theme, the Force theme, was originally written as Ben's theme. Dun dun DUUUNNNN!

So when Luke says, "my father had it, my sister had it, and YOU have it".... Who is he referring to? And if Rey is not his daughter, how does that framing make any sense?

He was referring to his sister. Haven't you seen RoTJ?

Seriousy though, someone else said it might be for Ben Solo.
I don't get the obsessive resistance (pun intended) at Rey being portrayed as Luke's daughter...

Are people just clinging to that old Jedi tenant of celibacy or something? A Jedi order policy that never applied to him in the 1s place?
No that's prequel shit nobody wants to acknowledge.
We just don't want another Darth Vader/Luke situation.
That universe is revolving too much around the Skywalker line as it is. Let her be something else other than another Skywalker for once.
Now I think about it, I'm not too sure why Han and Leia named their son after Obiwan.

Obiwan was extremely important to Luke but his relationship to Leia and Han are indirectly influential at best so I wonder if something more happened between VI and VII that made Leia and Han looked up to Obiwan enough to name their son after him.

Since Bail Organa raised Leia and we know that he has contact with Ben between Episode III and IV, I assume that Leia knew of Kenobi before IV.

Mostly likely was told stories of Kenobi while being raised aand stuff since her adopted father was present during the clone wars,
I've said this before but out of all the possibilities this is the least likely

it'd be the laziest and least surprising thing they could do

The toy leak man, it wouldn't say "Skywalker" for no reason. I have no idea why there's still a debate with how accurate toy leaks are these days.
The parents of rey aren't important to the overall storyline. They are prolly nobodies, I mean who leaves their child with Unkar Plutt?

Doesn't Maz say she must look ahead?

I think she will adopt the Skywalker name at the end of the trilogy.


It's Snokes. Gotta have that "Rey, I am your father" moment in Ep VIII.

(It is totally Luke and honesly don't know why they didn't just do that in VII already).
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