So my take is (only to chapter 4)
1. Great story - perhaps not as great as the other two, but not by much IMO.
2. Different kind of story, which is a nice change of pace (at least, you can get excited for Danganronpa 3 not being like this game

3. Challenges have unwritten rules. I've done at least three challenges where I did the challenge exactly as written, but for instance one asked me to electrocute all Monokuma in the water, and I did - however, it seems that it must have wanted me to do it all in one shot. These experiences really soured my experience, though I was still finding myself enjoying the experience overall.
4. It controls kinda nice. It's better than what I would have expected from this deviation, definitely.
5. A lot of neat gameplay ideas. I wish the Monokuma's eyes weren't so hard to hit though. Especially in the beginning, it felt like I was missing out on a lot of Monocoins because I was still adjusting to everything.
Overall, it's a little disappointing, but only a little because I was in between the "excited" camp and the "tempering expectations" camp. Still glad I bought it.