Danish TV show that pairs kids and naked adults slammed as depraved

The thing many people from the US don't seem to get is that nudity and sexuality is seen very differently in Europe. Sure, there are puritans terrified by naked skin here too, but nudity in and of itself is much more common. We can watch stupid shows like Naked Attraction completely uncensored for example, while something made in the US will always cencor the most inane shit.

And why? Who sexualizes something more? The Americans who blurr out the nipple to make everyone know that this is a forbidden thing, or the Europeans who just leave it there for all to see, not drawing any attention to it?

What is fucked up is people thinking nudity is fucked up. Just reflects on your own distorted views on the bodies we're all born with.

Nudity and Sexuality are not the same thing.
Its definitely the stranglehold the Christian cult has on America.


The thing many people from the US don't seem to get is that nudity and sexuality is seen very differently in Europe. Sure, there are puritans terrified by naked skin here too, but nudity in and of itself is much more common. We can watch stupid shows like Naked Attraction completely uncensored for example, while something made in the US will always cencor the most inane shit.

And why? Who sexualizes something more? The Americans who blurr out the nipple to make everyone know that this is a forbidden thing, or the Europeans who just leave it there for all to see, not drawing any attention to it?

What is fucked up is people thinking nudity is fucked up. Just reflects on your own distorted views on the bodies we're all born with.

Nudity and Sexuality are not the same thing.
Yo just for your information: This is about a show with naked ADULTS with kids participating. This is not about how different countries view nudity but how perverted adults are infront of CHILDREN.


Honestly euros seem to have a lot healthier relationship with nudity than we do so I won't be so quick to judge others


Yo just for your information: This is about a show with naked ADULTS with kids participating. This is not about how different countries view nudity but how perverted adults are infront of CHILDREN.
So you feel qualified to judge these adults as pervets based on what exactly?


Gold Member
So you feel qualified to judge these adults as pervets based on what exactly?
No ones saying they are, but I think you'd be hard pushed to find many parents willing to stick their kids in front of some old blokes genitals

If you would and your kid dont mind, fair play, I guess?

It's not for me and mine though. They grow up and they can find that out themselves.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
The thing many people from the US don't seem to get is that nudity and sexuality is seen very differently in Europe. Sure, there are puritans terrified by naked skin here too, but nudity in and of itself is much more common. We can watch stupid shows like Naked Attraction completely uncensored for example, while something made in the US will always cencor the most inane shit.

And why? Who sexualizes something more? The Americans who blurr out the nipple to make everyone know that this is a forbidden thing, or the Europeans who just leave it there for all to see, not drawing any attention to it?

What is fucked up is people thinking nudity is fucked up. Just reflects on your own distorted views on the bodies we're all born with.

Nudity and Sexuality are not the same thing.
Just for a sake of argument. Censorship in media, Swiss vs USA.

WARNING ULTRA NFSW IF YOU ARE AMERICAN, it's save for Europeans to click:


No ones saying they are, but I think you'd be hard pushed to find many parents willing to stick their kids in front of some old blokes genitals

If you would and your kid dont mind, fair play, I guess?

It's not for me and mine though. They grow up and they can find that out themselves.
Hydelol said this: "This is not about how different countries view nudity but how perverted adults are infront of CHILDREN."

So yeah, someone did call them perverts.

Anyways. I wouldn't have an issue with it. It's a supervised TV show with the intent to educate. It's not like I'm sending my kids to a remote cabin with naked strangers.

Naked skin doesn't scare me.


Hydelol said this: "This is not about how different countries view nudity but how perverted adults are infront of CHILDREN."

So yeah, someone did call them perverts.

Anyways. I wouldn't have an issue with it. It's a supervised TV show with the intent to educate. It's not like I'm sending my kids to a remote cabin with naked strangers.

Naked skin doesn't scare me.
To even have a discussion about this is absurd. I don't care that naked skin doesn't scare you. Naked adults should stay away from children. Make your stupid naked tv shows but leave children out of it. If I really have to explain why, you are clearly part of this sexually indoctrinating children problem.


And making a tv show with naked adults and children is in every way perverted. Thus everyone involved is perverted.


On one hand i get it in a way. Its not meant to be sexualized, nudity is probably less stigmatized in that country, and its supposed to teach kids about body positivity. On the other hand, its not a good look, children with adult nudity, its just sort of fucked up, but also i dont think the intent was to sexualize anything. Doesnt change the fact that this still looks horrible, it needs to be taken off the air. There is censorship, then there is getting rid of moral depravity
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Jon Neu

Honestly euros seem to have a lot healthier relationship with nudity than we do so I won't be so quick to judge others

As a certified euro, I would like to add an anecdote.

I was 11 in school, we made a trip to the forest and we reached some kind of lake. Suddenly, the female liberal teachers (Catalonia is liberal as fuck) told us we all should get naked and bath in it. They didn't say we could get naked if we want it, they literally said we had to.

All the boys inmediately got naked without a problem, we started running around and swimming in the lake and having a great time. Some of the girls though were ashamed of having to be nude in front of everybody, but the teachers finally made them go naked too.

Most girls were plain as a paper and didn't even have pubic hair, but there was a girl who was clearly more developed and looked more like a 14 year old, with actual titties and pubic hair. We were all waiting for her to take of her clothes and most of us got an erection when she did.

And that's the story.


Getting naked in front of strange kids not enough?
I love how you frame it as simply as getting naked in front of kids, like that is all there is to it.

Let's just leave out that participating kids said they felt better about their own bodies afterwards. Nudity is always sexual to some people, even in situations where there is nothing sexual about it. I'd also like to add, you can teach and talk about sexuality without that in itself being sexualized.

Is it better that kids "learn" about bodies from vain influencers and increasingly extreme and violent porn? Cause that's where most kids, a lot of them pre teens, get their sex ed these days.


I love how you frame it as simply as getting naked in front of kids, like that is all there is to it.

Let's just leave out that participating kids said they felt better about their own bodies afterwards. Nudity is always sexual to some people, even in situations where there is nothing sexual about it. I'd also like to add, you can teach and talk about sexuality without that in itself being sexualized.

Is it better that kids "learn" about bodies from vain influencers and increasingly extreme and violent porn? Cause that's where most kids, a lot of them pre teens, get their sex ed these days.

The difference being that in the classroom there's not a bunch of dirty old bastard drawing one off at the back, there will, however, be plenty of pedos setting the alarm for this.
I'm just wondering about how things are in the US and the childhoods of the American users here. I saw many old man dongs as a child since the changing rooms and shower areas were openly designed at the gyms/swimming pools, which had everyone walking around naked, both kids and adults. I take it this would have horrified people in the US?

I wouldn't recommend travelling to anywhere in Europe for you guys, nudity is in open public areas. I remember seeing lots of tits in the shop windows in Italy, and porn channels were randomly dotted in-between the kids programs and the news channels when flicking through the hotel TV in the mornings. They weren't even blocked or age restricted, they just sat there like another other daily TV program.


Gold Member
As a certified euro, I would like to add an anecdote.

I was 11 in school, we made a trip to the forest and we reached some kind of lake. Suddenly, the female liberal teachers (Catalonia is liberal as fuck) told us we all should get naked and bath in it. They didn't say we could get naked if we want it, they literally said we had to.

All the boys inmediately got naked without a problem, we started running around and swimming in the lake and having a great time. Some of the girls though were ashamed of having to be nude in front of everybody, but the teachers finally made them go naked too.

Most girls were plain as a paper and didn't even have pubic hair, but there was a girl who was clearly more developed and looked more like a 14 year old, with actual titties and pubic hair. We were all waiting for her to take of her clothes and most of us got an erection when she did.

And that's the story.
How in the fuck the girls accepted that?!

11 years are already enough to have sense of pudor, what was the menace for not getting naked? Getting a zero in alchemy or some shit?!

I'm pretty liberal with this stuff but this seems a bit extreme.
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I'm actually not outraged over this. It's not like they're fucking on stage, and it's not like these kids are 7. They're going through puberty and it's apparently a serialized Q&A session. For God's sake the first time I saw a vagina was when I saw a baby coming out of it in a birth video during my sex ed class, and all it did was make me a homosexual. :messenger_squinting_tongue:

That young children's cartoon about the man solving problems with his massive penis was sketchy, this is just televised sex ed with some non-tittilating nudity.


The show’s first season, aired in 2019, won an award for best children’s program at the Danish TV Festival

Haha oh damn
I am surprised it even lasted 1 season


So what about when you paint/draw a naked person in art class?

Edit. Was too late.
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Pretty much. I'm pretty liberal most of the time but theres no way i'd run around my own house with my dick hanging out in front of my own kids

Poor sod would be haunted. It haunts me ffs.
But what about running round the house dick hanging out in front of other kids?


I'm of two minds with this. On one hand, gross. On the other, assuming it's not at all sexualized, I can see this being beneficial. I went through a lot of body anxiety in my teen years, and even into adulthood. I think a lot of us did. Something like this can certainly help with that.

And really, every other animal on earth is naked in front of their children. It's the natural state. In some tribal cultures, it still is. If religion and commodified sexuality hadn't so severely fucked our collective heads sideways, simple human nudity wouldn't be the taboo it's become.


advanced basic bitch
If you want to stick your dick in a kids face you're a pedo. There's no reason they can't be "educaed" about bodies without some creep displaying his junk to children. Anyone who supports this is highly questionable to me.
What is this shit with america and europe comparison? I'm from "Europe" but 99,999% people I know would call this shit disgusting and creepy, because it is. Imagine as a kid watching 80 year olds grandpa filthy dong. What the fuck.


I'm just wondering about how things are in the US and the childhoods of the American users here. I saw many old man dongs as a child since the changing rooms and shower areas were openly designed at the gyms/swimming pools, which had everyone walking around naked, both kids and adults. I take it this would have horrified people in the US?

I wouldn't recommend travelling to anywhere in Europe for you guys, nudity is in open public areas. I remember seeing lots of tits in the shop windows in Italy, and porn channels were randomly dotted in-between the kids programs and the news channels when flicking through the hotel TV in the mornings. They weren't even blocked or age restricted, they just sat there like another other daily TV program.

I kinda agree, but...

On one hand yeah we've been used to seeing naked adults. If you went to the local pools, the rules said that if you want to use the sauna, you can't use your swimwear there. And most didn't wear any swimwear in the showers either because obviously that's not very convenient. And of course in the changing rooms people were naked.

But then again on the other hand, no-one was trying to get anyone look at their junk and ask to comment on that either. Technically this show is like being in a shower or changing room at public pool and someone being there all "ok, look at this, how do you feel about it, hey, after looking at my junk how do you feel about yours" :D

So yes I see that people at the US have some really weird problems and fixations with nudity that's sometimes the complete opposite we in Europe have lived with forever, but I can also understand some of the things that bother them in this particular issue. And to really take an honest look at our culture, I'm not 100% sure we really are too sane in our heads as especially in Sweden and Denmark (and probably in Germany too) in the 70's, 80's and 90's there were movies that had underage nudity in them and we didn't have any problem with that whatsoever and we saw these movies on Finnish television with zero censorship, and I still don't really have an issue with those movies, which honestly I'm not sure is a healthy way to look at it.

So I really understand our differences in culture what comes to nudity, but I'm not sure if we are right on that. But then again I don't think the extreme USA way to look at it is good either. Maybe a middle ground would be the best, but what that might be, I don't know.


And then next, the kids will get naked and the adults will look at their bodies. You know learning and shit.
The Bravo magazine did this in the 90s where teenagers could make nude pictures by themselves.

The magazine was controversial internationally for its section Dr. Sommer's That's Me!, which often featured sex interviews and full frontal nude photos of teen models aged between 14 to 20, which was later changed to 16 to 20 in the early 2000s.[13][14] While this was legal in Germany, it caused problems with international child pornography laws. The magazine often worked around the laws by having the models hold the camera's shutter button themselves, thereby showing explicit consent.

Rat Rage

And making a tv show with naked adults and children is in every way perverted. Thus everyone involved is perverted

adjective: perverted; past participle: perverted
  1. (of a person or their actions) characterized by sexually abnormal and unacceptable practices or tendencies.
  2. (of a thing) having been corrupted or distorted from its original course, meaning, or state.
    "this sudden surge of perverted patriotism"
  3. perverted definition: changed to or being of an unnatural or abnormal kind
Tv show was made for educational purposes to promote a "normal = natural" body perception among children. Your argument is very flawed, since it's completely missing the contex.


don't let any americans ever get their hands on a Bravo magazine (especially from the 90s), they'll get an aneurism
This is not what we Americans fought for back in World War II. You've failed Europe, I think it is time we head back over there and extort some good old fashioned Uncle Sam democracy on your Danish asses.

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Some movements on the left have been trying to do the same shit around here (Brazil) for many years now... I really don't get the necessity of showing a stranger's naked body to kids, I find it repulsive if done in any sexualized way and completely unnecessary and distasteful if done any other way.

I, on the other hand, don't think nudity should be a taboo inside the household, though. I've seen my mother and father naked when I was a kid, I showered with them sometimes up to 6 or 7 y.o.... there was nothing wrong or weird about that... but I know of parents that completely hide their nudity from their kids as if it's something prohibitive, and that I don't get either...


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Oh no! Naked bodies! So depraved.

It's weird but at the same time I don't see the problem? Just naked people standing their taking questions from kids.

Considering how sexualized media is in general, where small piece of fabric can cover a couple areas and we're good to go. We're bombarded with that shit.

I guess they could have little covers for the genitals. I don't know. Oh my god a penis! Childhood ruined.

How would you feel if I told you that one of the adult participants in the Dutch showed his penis piercing to a bunch of children? In a radio interview he told that kids were curious if it hurt.

A naked man showing a Prince Albert to kids in a tv show is completely fucked up.


How would you feel if I told you that one of the adult participants in the Dutch showed his penis piercing to a bunch of children? In a radio interview he told that kids were curious if it hurt.

A naked man showing a Prince Albert to kids in a tv show is completely fucked up.

No different. Again, I don't see the big deal. It's not like dudes got a hard one and he's stroking it.

I'm curious, what's so disgusting about someone with a piercing in his penis?

It's not like these kids were rounded up on the play ground, dropped off at a studio where a bunch of naked adults were. Parents gave consent, kids were asked if they wanted too. 11-13 seems like a good age. Close to puberty, kids get curious.

Absolutely nothing is sexualized about this. Don't like? Don't watch, and don't have your kids in there.
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