Sweet, thanks for all your help. Now I can play with cool luck weapons all game =D
No problem! And my bad at first since I picked the wrong character
Sweet, thanks for all your help. Now I can play with cool luck weapons all game =D
Stumbled over Oroboros videos on Youtube. Man those are hard to watch. The commentary is basically him insulting every player and nothing but "buffed to the teeth and spin combo every enemy" footage. Not sure what people like about him. Seems also heavily edited to show OP wins.
Any good narrated PvP videos besides DamnNoHtml?
I can speak to Rosaria to get the covenant item without breaking Sirris' quest line right? Got my 30th shackle last night and want to carry on invading so figure I may as well switch to the Fingers
I can speak to Rosaria to get the covenant item without breaking Sirris' quest line right? Got my 30th shackle last night and want to carry on invading so figure I may as well switch to the Fingers
I can speak to Rosaria to get the covenant item without breaking Sirris' quest line right? Got my 30th shackle last night and want to carry on invading so figure I may as well switch to the Fingers
[PS4 Only]
Anyone up for killing each other for Vertebra Shackles? The covenant item required for the Mound Makers.
It's the last thing I need to do and I can't be bothered to farm them after grinding out the others. Send me a pm on here and I'll message you details.
Anyone have advice for getting Old Wolf Curved sword? Is it reasonable to farm 10 of the items from PvE? How hard would it be to do in NG+ (level 90 or above) vs NG ?
damn im try that but your just probably lucky ��30 Concords farmed!
Will post video and stats later.
Summary: started last night at 8.25pm, by 12.15am I had 26.
Popped on just 10min ago and got 4 in a row by killing all 3 knights at Anor Londo.
The Falcon Shield works guys,persevere, have alcohol to hand and make your way through your podcasts of choice
My luck including Mimic, gold ring+2, falcon shield +10 and bronze coins was 383 for the record. I do have a Crystal Sage Rapier at +5 to bring luck up to 433 but I had WAY more frequent drops using the falcon shield.
Platinum is within grasp.
damn im try that but your just probably lucky ��
i guess i can +9 it...
I have it and I'd be willing to drop if you'd like? (PS4)
I'll even upgrade it for you.
If you go into NG+, DLC will be NG+ right? Also feel like mixing it up, what is a good greatsword?
If you go into NG+, DLC will be NG+ right? Also feel like mixing it up, what is a good greatsword?
Correct. DLC will be a bigger challenge for sure, especially with NG+ scaling.
Good greatsword? Twin Princes Greatsword, Black Knights Greatsword and of course the Fume Ultra Greatsword. All good choices.
Edit: Firelink Greatsword is amazing, too!
From 195 times farming by keep ruins bonfire, the statistics seem to be 1.68% chance for the poisonbreathing ghrus to drop a swordgrass and 0.92% for the shieldbearing ghrus. The conclusion is that there's 1.2% chance for a swordgrass for every time you kill the three by the keep ruins bonfire.
In the originals that's how covetous serpent ring and the mimic head worked.Is there any history (that can be backed up with statistics) in the Souls series of things that don't increase your "Item Discovery" stat but somehow magically increase your discovery rates in game?
It's good. It's got the Lothric Greatsword moveset. Does 608 AR on my 40/40. Weapon skill is a golf swing that throws opponents down and buffs the weapon in fire for 20 seconds giving 680-ish AR. Hyper armor is on the lower tier in the UGS class. I just got mine thanks to the wonderful SDR-UKWhat about profaned greatsword? How is it?
I can't get it anyways I used the boss soul to get the spell for cheevo...=/
What about profaned greatsword? How is it?
I can't get it anyways I used the boss soul to get the spell for cheevo...=/
It's fun to use and it does good damage. Though I've only upgraded it one. If you want I can give you 1. I can just save reload to get it back.
I am on PC, you?
Question. I'm made it to the. I've collectedGreat Belfry.the Dragon Head and Torso Stone, and the Twinkling Dragon Head and Torso Stone
Then I see thebut I see signs to notbellit. I think I've collected all the items, should I go ahead an proceed withringringing the bell?
Yes. Prepare yourself.Question. I'm made it to the. I've collectedGreat Belfry.the Dragon Head and Torso Stone, and the Twinkling Dragon Head and Torso Stone
Then I see thebut I see signs to notbellit. I think I've collected all the items, should I go ahead an proceed withringringing the bell?
I wish mine would do thatIs the game bugged? The game is taking me from one invasion to another without returning me to my world.
70 fucking knights until one drop i think i need 2 more...
I wish mine would do that. saves time!
yup i call BS on the falcon shield.. killed 66 knights 2 fucking proofs... i swear the grass will kill me.. those poison ugly things near the ruin bonefire.. just killed 40 1 grass..
ds3 by far did the covanent stuff the worst.. most of the rewards arent really worth it either.
i wonder if a pure int build with soul stream is better two kill them quickly