Silent Chief
Yup. Slow walking, heavy rolling, having to equip a dagger to get through quickly 0/10.
Didn't have a problem with that, but I started as an assassin.
Yup. Slow walking, heavy rolling, having to equip a dagger to get through quickly 0/10.
I really dread RoS/Farron Keep/Catacombs on repeat playthroughs, it just feels like a slog to go round and pick things up and put out the flames. I didn't mind them on first playthrough but they feel like a real chore to do now, I'm always glad once they're done. I've kind of got my bearings in the swamp now, so I can hit all 3 flames pretty easily, but this early game slump is the least entertaining stretch of the game for me.
Magic in general has been nerfed in a bad way. It's just sad comparing the repertoire of a sorcerer in Dark Souls 2 to a sorcerer in Dark Souls 3.Guess that makes up for the super long cast time, and how it does pretty subpar damage to everything else D:. I miss clerics of Vanilla DaS 2(pre-nerf)
It would be nice if you farmed them using the Falcon Shield. We've put in a lot of work here and the more data about this, the better. If you find yourself farming and killing with one weapon, please consider the Falcon Shield on your back to see if your drops increase.Ah good to know about that shield but I have a dex-str build though so I have to use the rapier in my off-hand, also I've been doing some PvP so I'm pretty much done with vertebra shackles and tongues and I think I have like 12 bloodgrass, I'm lvl 120 right now though so I think is to late for me to get the dregs and the rest of the bloodgrass trough PvP, also I forgot to mention I'm using the gold serpent ring, I think I'm gonna make a run for the +1 version before I start farming though since I'm almost at the end of ng+.
I often forget just how important enemy damage resists are. Was doing a faith playthrough, and I was shocked at just how quickly Lightning Spears took down the armored cathedral knights. Greatsword cathedral knights become a lot less annoying when you can just poise a point-blank lightning bolt to their face.
Said no one everMixture of physical/magical/lightning works relatively well.
Anyone knows which straight sword has the highest reach/range?
Magic in general has been nerfed in a bad way. It's just sad comparing the repertoire of a sorcerer in Dark Souls 2 to a sorcerer in Dark Souls 3.
Didn't have a problem with that, but I started as an assassin.
Ah okay. Don't worry, the PvP range is gigantic. I'm SL 135 and I still see plenty of invasion signs outside PAh good to know about that shield but I have a dex-str build though so I have to use the rapier in my off-hand, also I've been doing some PvP so I'm pretty much done with vertebra shackles and tongues and I think I have like 12 bloodgrass, I'm lvl 120 right now though so I think is to late for me to get the dregs and the rest of the bloodgrass trough PvP, also I forgot to mention I'm using the gold serpent ring, I think I'm gonna make a run for the +1 version before I start farming though since I'm almost at the end of ng+.
Will doIt would be nice if you farmed them using the Falcon Shield. We've put in a lot of work here and the more data about this, the better. If you find yourself farming and killing with one weapon, please consider the Falcon Shield on your back to see if your drops increase.
Hey there. So you're finally playing DS3 and building your internal encyclopedia?Welcome.
Starting to build it although I'm interested in the next couple of patches and seeing if anything major changes before going concrete on it.Yes! Wonderful addition to the thread.
That table whilst accurate for 40/40 it didin't take into account the Oath of Sunlight buff of 11.5 AR % on the SSS which makes it the strongest straight sword once in use.I didn't save it, but someone on reddit actually calculated their ranges and put it on a table for comparison. He/she also set out to find which straight sword has the highest amount of damage and DPS.
Surprise, surprise, the answer is exactly the one you imagine. The Dark Sword.
Okay Nameless King NG+ is a bitch. 5 deaths so far. Took him down to 40% of health only once. Even Dragonslayer Shield does not help me much as after I block his barrage of attacks I ran out of stamina to attack with my Great Club +10... bah. I guess roll 4 lyfe then? I mean all of his attacks are kinda slow and telegraphed and he is not as fierce as Gundyr... it's just that I make stupid mistakes i.e. block his slow-ass impale attack.
And this first phase Ancient Dragon AoE Fire attack can go to hell. Always hits me for 90% health.
In the meantime I one-shot Dragonslayer Armor. Feels good man.
Okay Nameless King NG+ is a bitch. 5 deaths so far. Took him down to 40% of health only once. Even Dragonslayer Shield does not help me much as after I block his barrage of attacks I ran out of stamina to attack with my Great Club +10... bah. I guess roll 4 lyfe then? I mean all of his attacks are kinda slow and telegraphed and he is not as fierce as Gundyr... it's just that I make stupid mistakes i.e. block his slow-ass impale attack.
And this first phase Ancient Dragon AoE Fire attack can go to hell. Always hits me for 90% health.
In the meantime I one-shot Dragonslayer Armor. Feels good man.
That table whilst accurate for 40/40 it didin't take into account the Oath of Sunlight buff of 11.5 AR % on the SSS which makes it the strongest straight sword once in use.
Any particular reason you want to beat NK in NG+ ? As far as I know there's no special reward from it. On NG++ there's at least a +2 ring after beating him you need for the trophies.
If you want you can sorta cheese his second form with Dragonslayer Shield and an Avelyn+10. Lock on but keep a safe distance from him with the shield up and then just fire away with the Avelyn.
Can I solo Yhorm and rescuefrom his cell later, and still get the slab?Siegward
Edit: well just tested and the answer is yes. Cool. I always wanted to fully solo Yhorm at least once haha.
His AoE is easy to dodge, when he flies up just run, run for your life!
Haha I never used the damn weapon arts. I should experiment with it more I guess. On this character, I use the sword strictly one-handed, with the offhand shortsword or dagger (I used to use a poison rapier, for pokes and parrying, but I switched it to a blessed ghru dagger for parrying + regen + poison if I ever want to bother -- though so far I haven't used the dagger's poison at all). It's for role-play reasons, for my character. But yeah though he's a dual wielder, nothing to say he can't two-hand his longsword every now and then.
Ah so it does a guard break eh? Well the kick does as well, but this guy who ran from me wasn't just turtling, he was rolling backwards too so it was hard to follow-up. The art would have surely been better than a kick there though, I guess, but it might have also whiffed.It's very useful. One of my favorite additions of DS3 is the weapon arts.
I recorded a small invasion video where I used that weapon art against someone who was turteling behind a shield.
BTW it was from my PS4 and holy shit! The feature is really easy to use.
NoIs there any way to open the door in Anor Londo behind the red eyed knight, on the right from the main doors on top of the stairs from the bonfire?
Ah so it does a guard break eh? Well the kick does as well, but this guy who ran from me wasn't just turtling, he was rolling backwards too so it was hard to follow-up. The art would have surely been better than a kick there though, I guess, but it might have also whiffed.
A few more vids coming up tomorrow, btw. Nothing as funny as those I recorded prior, sadly, except maybe one -- I think the Catacombs are more suited for funny shenanigans than Irithyll. Gonna try the dungeon next, I didn't have as much fun in Irithyll (I might have levelled/upgraded myself out of range of the Catacombs though, so I hope the dungeon/capital are fun to invade).
Is there any way to open the door in Anor Londo behind the red eyed knight, on the right from the main doors on top of the stairs from the bonfire?
It's very useful. One of my favorite additions of DS3 is the weapon arts.
I recorded a small invasion video where I used that weapon art against someone who was turteling behind a shield.
BTW it was from my PS4 and holy shit! The feature is really easy to use.
There's a difference between a weapon art and a typical buff so you can't buff the Dark Sword in the same way at all.But you can also strengthen Dark Sword with buffs...?
A raw Astora Straight Sword.What weapon is it?
... And grab all the loot.... What do you mean you don't have to grab all the loot every runthrough, even if you don't need it?!It takes like 5 minutes because you already know where the flames are.
The big door right up from the bonfire to boss? Somewhat yes. If you want to sunbro it up.
... And grab all the loot.... What do you mean you don't have to grab all the loot every runthrough, even if you don't need it?!
I think these wide flat areas just seem boring to retread on replays, it isn't just the swamp, RoS is also dull imo and one of the worst looking areas, it has a very similar palette to Shaded Woods which was a full-on design crime.
I finally got back to my randomized character challenge playthrough after a week and now I'm having a "really bad day" in it. Lost 17K souls in the rafters in Grand Cathedral.
I thought there was supposed to be a wayfrom the rafters but the guides only show how to get to it from a get to Rosaria's Bed Chamber
I'm not saying it takes a long time, that's not my point. I was just commenting that the level design in this early-mid part of the game feels like a slump and is a chore to do on repeat playthroughs. I wasn't originally commenting solely on the swamp, I just think this part of the game is dull compared to Irithyll onwards.
I think it's the wide, flat level design of RoS/Farron Keep and parts of the Catacombs like the Lake that make it feel laboursome on repeat runs.
It isn't a guaranteed drop like it was in DS1, it's better to farm them if you want it by lobbing lloyds talismans at them until it drops. So now your options are either get someone to drop it for you, or wait until NG+.So killing all the mimics for the symbol of avarice and when i killed the final () one it didn't drop. I quit and reloaded and nothing there, i double checked all the other locations and they are all dead. Anyone have any advice?thirteenth
Cathedral of the Deep is one of the best areas in the game though.I agree completely. Lothric Castle and Undead Settlement are a lot of fun but then the game takes a pretty big dive in level quality overall until you get to Irithyll. Then it takes another dive at Anor Londo as that level is pretty bad but I suppose it's a DS1 throwback.
Cathedral of the Deep is one of the best areas in the game though.
Yeah it's graphically rough and the first part with the Corvians is boring, but the flooded forest section is very visually distinctive and the sound design is so fucking creepy with the ambient sounds and the groaning stake carriers. That was probably the first time in Dark Souls 3 I felt legitimately intimidated and alone.Yeah I always forget the Cathedral. It's a good level..with some really annoying enemies.
Visually Road of Sacrifices looks crap though. Maybe if it had better lighting it would work better.
My "cosplay" characters are like that. In Dark Souls 1 I had a Melisandre pyromancer haha. In DS2 I made Drizzt and Jarlaxle and in DS3 I made Drizzt and Entreri. Entreri's a ruthless asshole invader who gives no fucks about honour.Question: Does anybody here try actually role playing when they do a Souls playthrough? It seems like a fun way of doing things, having a character in mind that you actually tailor your decisions to.
I agree but it's surprisingly fun to invade. My favourite invasion level so far. I almost regret levelling up and moving on to further locales...My least favorite area to play through is the Catacombs of Carthus. Bland visually with uninspired level design and the shrouded skeletons are very frustrating enemies. Not to mention previous games did the catacomb setting much better, especially Demon's Souls with the Shrine of Storms. Only redeeming factor is the boss looks very cool.
It isn't a guaranteed drop like it was in DS1, it's better to farm them if you want it by lobbing lloyds talismans at them until it drops. So now your options are either get someone to drop it for you, or wait until NG+.
Damn you guys weren't killing with Abeing resistant to magic. I do absolutely shit damage lolldrich