Well, what do we have here?
You must be a new arrival.
Let me guess. Fate of the Undead, right?
Well, you're not the first. But there's no salvation here.
You'd have done better to rot in the Undead Asylum....
But, too late now.
Welcome to Dark Souls Mafia, the Dark Souls of Mafia.
This is an open game and you can find information on all the roles appearing in this game below.
In the interest of brevity portions of flavor text have been removed from the role PMs listed here, as such standard rules about quoting role pms are in effect (as shown in the full rule listing below).
The roles in game are as follows.
- Big Hat Logan
- Solaire of Astora
- Sirris of the Sunless Realm
- Adherent of The Way of Blue x 10
- Yuria of Londor
- Darkwraith x 2
- Chaos Servant
You are aligned with the The Firekeepers (That means you're Town). You win when all threats to The Firekeepers have been eliminated.
Big Hat Logan - Hypnotist
In your journeys you have amassed a great deal of magical knowledge and ability and as such as a one time night action you may compel a player to divulge their alignment during the next day.
You may do this by sending Hypnotize: <TARGET> during any night phase.
The player will be compelled to clearly announce their alignment at least 24 hours before the end of the following day phase.
Hypnotism is a delicate process, however, if you are killed the same night you use this ability it will fail.
Solaire of Astora - Doctor
In your journeys you always enjoy a bit of Jolly Cooperation.
At night you can choose one player to engage in jolly cooperation assisting them in their battles and protecting them from their foes by sending the command COOPERATE: <PLAYER>.
If you are engaged in jolly cooperation with a player they cannot be killed or burrowed by the arsonist. Unfortunately this cooperation provides no benefit to you and you cannot cooperate with the same player two nights in a row.
Because time is convoluted in Lordran you can even cooperate with yourself, a future version of yourself returns to the past to cooperate. This temporal cooperation must still obey the rules of normal cooperation.
Praise the Sun.
Sirris of the Sunless Realms - Cop
In order to hunt your foes you first must be able to find them, to that end you have honed your ability to identify the nature of those you come across.
Each night you may investigate one player by sending the command INVESTIGATE: <PLAYER>.
You will either get the result BLUE if the player is aligned with The Firekeepers or RED if they are not.
Blessings of the Moon upon your Journey.
Adherent of the Way of Blue
Marked with the undead curse and lost in a strange land you have already encountered more horrors than you can count.
You hoped that joining the Way of Blue covenant would afford you some protection but you have yet to see assistance from a single Blue Sentinel.
You are beginning to think you might have to face these nightmares on your own.
You are aligned with The Darkwraiths (That means you're Mafia). You win when all threats to The Darkwraiths have been eliminated.
Yuria of Londor - Godfather
The magics you have developed as part of The Sable Church cloak you from your enemies, You will appear to be aligned with the Firekeepers if investigated.
Darkwraith - Goon
The age of fire has gone on too long, it has been unnaturally extended by those who would stoke it's flames with their very souls.
You know, however, of the Dark Soul in every human and with the help of Darkstalker Kaathe you will snuff out the flame and usher in the age of Man, ensuring your place as a Dark Lord.
You are aligned with The Fair Lady (That means you're Neutral). You win when you are the last living player.
Chaos Servant - Arsonist
Each night you may burrow a sacred flame into another player by sending the command BURROW: <PLAYER> or you may ignite all players that have a sacred flame in them by sending the command IGNITE.
Furthermore, through your study of pyromancy you have attained some healing magics and the ability to turn your flesh into iron.
You cannot be killed at night.