Can I join Leeness on the friendship train?
The girl I was dating for about a month, we just had a conversation and she doesn't want to move further, romantically. We are on good terms, one month isn't enough for any feelings to get hurt. I appreciated her being upfront. I thought she was ghosting and kinda sensed she wasn't super interested, so I saw this coming.
Surprisingly, I genuinely don't mind. I'm actually kind of excited about having a platonic girl friend. I only have guy friends, and I interact with their SOs, but I don't really have any female friends of my own. We have similar interests, so even if nothing physical is happening, she's good company. And she might have single friends, it's not like it's a bad thing to extend my social circle a bit.
So, Leeness, finally, I get you. Tbh, I still wouldn't mind a no-strings-attached fwb arrangement, but I'm already seeing another girl for that.