Okay, so my parents wanted me to meet this girl for marriage (Indian family, they want me to get married so bad). She's a family friend's granddaughter, newly arrived from India.
Now, I get cultural traditions, and if I meet the right girl, I don't mind making that decision quickly. But like here's the thing... I am not attracted to this girl at all. I realize I'm being superficial as fuck, but I just, I got nothing. And I feel bad, but I basically said no cause like I said, I'm not attracted to her at all, and we don't have a ton in common besides we both like horror films.
Anyways, my parents and granddad are seriously disappointed in me cause she said yes to marriage lol, and I said no, and they probably think I'm a superficial jerk right now. I'm not asking for advice or anything, just venting. I feel bad disappointing them, but I just can't say yes to someone (as nice as she is), that I'm just not attracted to. And it's not like I'm some Adonis or something, but I dunno, it's frustrating and weird.
Messofanego probably knows what I'm talking about.