Well, GAF bro's this is a first. Think I'll have to cancel on a date because of politics, aka she was a crazy ass Trump supporter. She was actually pretty hot but damn, I just can't.
First she puts this on Facebook:
"If you want change, vote for Trump. Trump is not a political grandstander, but has done way more in 30 years than Killary! Sure she has experience, but what's experience when you have nothing to back it up with? Trump made really good points at the debate! Hillary only made attacks! Wake up America!
To which I politely replied:
"Totally not trying to start an argument here,

just curious what points he actually made about policy? Trying not to criticize your guy but he really needs a vocabulary and speech class, I was embarrassed to hear him even talk up there."
The talk continued for 32 replies (she couldn't repeat any policy of course) followed by this gem:
"So, what he didn't pay his federal income tax he didn't break the law that's your homie Hillary's area of expertise! When was the last time you said to yourself I want to pay more in taxes? Yeah, that's what we call dumb."
Was supposed to grab us tickets to do something this weekend, but nahhhh