Slow down. Just go on the date. Stop thinking and enjoy.
Don't worry about the fact that it may not work out. Most things don't. The key to confidence isn't to believe that you're going to get the girl. Rather, it's to be comfortable with yourself whether you get the girl or not.
So if you're all worried about the outcome, you're going to appear as not being confident. So really, don't worry. Let it happen and be yourself. And if you don't get her, then whatever, at least you were yourself through the process.
Your post reeks of a lack of self confidence. You gotta work on that, man!
Yep. This, right here, is the chicken nugget of things. It's going in the next OT. Which I am making. Because gaiages asked me, and she's a cool human person for whom we will not create a chibi mascot avatar.
Like, last night? Date with lawyer girl went well. Naturally, we made out a ton. After walking her home, I left her with, "I like you. I want to see you again. Let me know your schedule." Today, she was super quiet in texts - and so was I, since I was working. I asked her out again, and I haven't heard anything. The thing is, I'm
okay either way. She'll probably be down. But if not? Oh well.
Once you realize it's just part of the journey, it's manageable. And, it's like the "unwritten rules" thing: I asked her out, she can either reply or not, and I won't initiate contact again because it's a waste of
both of our time. Maybe it's just where I live, but I'd put money on the fact that I've probably dated or will date someone in her friend network, so -- being able to have people say, "Yeah, he was super respectful but I just wasn't feeling it" is an ideal outcome.
Anyway, YMMV. Just got back from drinks with my French friend. I wish she'd move here from NYC, since we actually get on surprisingly well.