It's not really an argument, just a desire that I know will never be reverted back to.

Personally couldn't give a fuck about business, just my own personal enjoyment.
Sony wanted a piece of 360's popularity at a time when they weren't so popular like today.
I'd prefer the old PlayStation to today's by a lot.
smh, if this is merely your personal opinion, i'm not really sure why you are arguing with others on here.
What you are saying by your own admission isn't rooted by any business logic, but simply by a personal subjective opinion of what you like.....
What I'm saying doesn't have shit to do with what i personally like or not, the logic of catering to a loyal fanbase is NOT a subjective thing just talking about what you like, you are directly questioning how they run their business and making a point on how they should.
I'm point out to you that its flawed as the vast majority on PS (like on all platforms mind you) are based on multiplayer online games. are actually suggesting they indeed support that um "loyal fanbase" that happens to be majority online MP titles....
You are not in that majority friend.
This sentiment always annoys me.
Continue to the let it lol This isn't about feelings, this is about reality and business.
The absolute vast majority of what I play is singleplayer...this year alone, Hogwarts, Octopath 2, FFXVI, Spiderman 2, Baldur's Gate 3 (i don't partake in any of the MP stuff lol) Starfield, Yakuza title coming up and much more, not 1 MP title was bought by me this year lol
annnd I'm still going to say this move makes sense. Most are playing Fifa, Madden, Destiny, Call Of Duty, Fortnite, APEX etc.