I really enjoyed it. Cruising about on the bike, periodically getting mauled by an animal
. The hordes were fun to fight. But then, I bought it way down the line, after the patches etc, and for a solid price. I'd like a sequel.

If the alternative is GaaS then yes I would rather take a sequel to DS rather than GaaS but the game was average at best.Yeah that’s the only thing the game had to offer, a cringy line.
As a whole DS was a good game sold well, and was well recived by gamers.
Games much worse with less success got sequels.
That line is cringe even with context.This game also sparked my hate for copy paste news sites and no fact checking.
The ride me like I ride your bike quote has context. In fact, its a pretty good reference to their first moment or proposal;
When they first went out or when he wanted to propose, I forgot, she told him she hated typical biker marriages and typical jokes like ride me like your bike. She wanted a different marriage than that shit. Then she said it herself to take the piss.
Really, people who quote the line and base their opinion on that, I can immediately see they haven't played the game and are simply parrotting. And I must admit, I saw it in some reviews too and thought this game had some cringe as shit writing but then I gave it a chance and it wasn't so bad actually. I was surprised the delivery made sense even.
I believe Sony was planing to shift funding to their ”10 GaaS games” that needed resources. DG2 was the first one to go.
Who knows what else got canned because of their GaaS garbage. I mean DG was a bigger success financially than Death Stranding even. So weird what happend with DG tbh.
Yeah that’s the only thing the game had to offer, a cringy line.
As a whole DS was a good game sold well, and was well recived by gamers.
Games much worse with less success got sequels.
Wait what? Apparently I missed this announcement somewhere.
The line isn't even cringe, and you can always tell who played the game and not by the judgement of this single line. It makes a lot of sense in the context of the whole game what Sarah says here.I believe Sony was planing to shift funding to their ”10 GaaS games” that needed resources. DG2 was the first one to go.
Who knows what else got canned because of their GaaS garbage. I mean DG was a bigger success financially than Death Stranding even. So weird what happend with DG tbh.
Yeah that’s the only thing the game had to offer, a cringy line.
As a whole DS was a good game sold well, and was well recived by gamers.
Games much worse with less success got sequels.
Famous & reliable Destiny leaker sajd Days Gone 2 sequel has been greenlighted!i liked the game no sequel needed
I didn’t mind it tbh. It’s mostly the woke crowd that tried to find faults with in the game and some of them attacked it using that line among other things.The line isn't even cringe, and you can always tell who played the game and not by the judgement of this single line. It makes a lot of sense in the context of the whole game what Sarah says here.
They need to get over it, games get canceled and sequels aren't greenlit ALL the timeNew statements from Jeff Ross in regards to Days Gone 2:
Ross: Sony higher ups like Hermen were never fans [of Days Gone], so you won't hear about it at the PlayStation State of Play today or ever.
Q: What could Bend be working on now?
Ross: Whatever it is, they've spent at least a quarter of a billion dollars on it. I'm no businessman, but that's crazy given the fact Sony didn't want to fund a Days Gone sequel for the bargain basement price of a hundred fifty million (insane numbers all around, to be honest).
Q2: So Days Gone 2 not happening was a result of PS Studios not giving it the greenlight? Because from your interviews with David Jaffe and Colin Moriarty it seemed that there were creative leads and managers over at Bend that either didn't want to pursue Days Gone 2 or were at odds with you on the vision for it.
Ross: What I tried to say in those interviews is that corporate was always against it. For a while there was the pretense that we would make a sequel, but that ended quickly.
More reason to why I'm not keen on "The Hulster" leading the studios. Got a hunch the guy is going to greenlight some really banal and dry pitches.New statements from Jeff Ross in regards to Days Gone 2:
Ross: Sony higher ups like Hermen were never fans [of Days Gone], so you won't hear about it at the PlayStation State of Play today or ever.
Q: What could Bend be working on now?
Ross: Whatever it is, they've spent at least a quarter of a billion dollars on it. I'm no businessman, but that's crazy given the fact Sony didn't want to fund a Days Gone sequel for the bargain basement price of a hundred fifty million (insane numbers all around, to be honest).
Q2: So Days Gone 2 not happening was a result of PS Studios not giving it the greenlight? Because from your interviews with David Jaffe and Colin Moriarty it seemed that there were creative leads and managers over at Bend that either didn't want to pursue Days Gone 2 or were at odds with you on the vision for it.
Ross: What I tried to say in those interviews is that corporate was always against it. For a while there was the pretense that we would make a sequel, but that ended quickly.
That was the best part about it. We've got enough games with jokester main characters and their merry band of wise cracking, diverse side kicks. The meta trope sense of humor is at least 15 years past it expiration date. TBH we should have put it to bed after Pirates of the Caribbean 2.Days Gone took itself too seriously
Would have been a much better game if it was a bit on the silly side like Dead Rising
Yep, it's what ruined every Assassins Creed after the first one. Altair did not fuck around and killed people who spilled the beans in cold blood after interrogating them.That was the best part about it. We've got enough games with jokester main characters and their merry band of wise cracking, diverse side kicks. The meta trope sense of humor is at least 15 years past it expiration date. TBH we should have put it to bed after Pirates of the Caribbean 2.
i do not blame this guy still butthurt xD
Q: What could Bend be working on now?
Ross: Whatever it is, they've spent at least a quarter of a billion dollars on it.
Every big AAA game costs that much these days, for some reason people continue not to believe it.Damn, the fuck are they doing?
THANK YOU!"Could HAVE had"
And that's why your game isn't getting a sequel.
Damn, the fuck are they doing?
I can't imagine being this butthurt when I'm relying on others for tens to hundreds of millions of dollars . . .
from what came out, it sounded like the days gone 2 pitch was garbage though. Turned it into a co-op game.I can when what's happening is extremely unfair and is a result of a bunch of corporate morons being biased against your creation because it doesn't agree with their retarded standards
Siphon Filter reboot is my guess
Yet, some of the most interesting revelations are found a little further down the sales chart. For instance, Days Gone is actually one of the best-selling new franchises on this list, as the PS4 version of that title seemingly sold a whopping 7+ million units in the reported timeframe. That number doesn’t include the sales figures for the PC version of the game, which are referenced but not detailed.
There's an open market for new Metal Gear / Splinter Cell. The IP is mostly irrelevant. Just the fact that people recognize the name helps though.A $250 Million and still-rising Syphon Filter reboot?
Good luck to them.
I really didn't get the negativity towards this game. I thought it was a standout exclusive game for the platform.
Fixed.Guys, I still haven't played the only one.
I made this thread a year ago, its not his fault some random gaffer necro bumped it.It seems the time you ever hear this guy and the other Bend guy (fat guy) is when they talk about Days Gone. Game came out 5 years ago. Move on.