This is a fucking roller coaster
We'll always have that Batman solo.It's a fuckng Knightmare. I have to wake up in 6h. This is bad. How do I sleep now. I am scared to even look into threads now beside this one....
Is the dream dead?
It's a fuckng Knightmare. I have to wake up in 6h. This is bad. How do I sleep now. I am scared to even look into threads now beside this one....
Is the dream dead?
many people in this forum have already seen it and have given it very good marks, so no, not fanboys. piss off with that attitude.
nope, not really. but that's your bias coming out.
depends on the movie.
It's a fuckng Knightmare. I have to wake up in 6h. This is bad. How do I sleep now. I am scared to even look into threads now beside this one....
No, some suits will decide.Only you can decide that my friend.
That'd be the worst. And I liked Buffy.Will be interesting if there is a massive divide between critics and consumers, not the first time it's happened.
DIdn't expect lower than MoS, but reviews are still coming in. I'll have to see it first before I can judge, but I can't help but feel like alot of these complaints are similar to Man of Steel's.
I really do not want a JL universe with whedon style quips.
I think people should know that there are more critics seeing it tonight. A bunch of the guys at Collider have a critic screening tonight. Not sure why WB didn't have it before the embargo ended.
Will be interesting if there is a massive divide between critics and consumers, not the first time it's happened.
DIdn't expect lower than MoS, but reviews are still coming in. I'll have to see it first before I can judge, but I can't help but feel like alot of these complaints are similar to Man of Steel's.
I really do not want a JL universe with whedon style quips.
I think people should know that there are more critics seeing it tonight. A bunch of the guys at Collider have a critic screening tonight. Not sure why WB didn't have it before the embargo ended.
Latino Review is going full in saying his colleagues should not be critics since they told him the film was as bad or worse than Green Lantern. lol LR clearly loved it.
Devin saying it's "the worst modern CBM" but liked the F4 reboot is...something. lol
Faraci trashed Batman Begins, was ok with TDK but once The Avengers was released he turned on it and started trashing it.
There's no way he wasn't going to trash this movie, being shitting on it for almost 3 years now.
How is a review score of C+ (by EW) rotten?
Generally alignment of critical opinion has some merit at bare minimum. Critics aren't the be all or end all but they usually have some reason.
It's not like critics are out lambast superhero movies. They just don't like bad ones.
Now the thing to note is that individual opinions will vary. It's okay to make your own judgement. It's silly to act like execs won't care about reviews though. This movie will make bank solely based on name alone, but people aren't going to be back for more if the franchise they envision starts off with a critical dud. Its about the long haul.
I thought it looked awful, and the overall OT reaction was the same. Not sure if that's bias, because I hated MoS, but could totally be guilty of that sure. I'm also sure based on what I've read that if you like MoS, you'll prob like this - so that's cool.
And also tweet out spoilers minutes after embargo lifted.Faraci trashed Batman Begins, was ok with TDK but once The Avengers was released he turned on it and started trashing it.
There's no way he wasn't going to trash this movie, being shitting on it for almost 3 years now.
you are not GAF and have you got proof that the OT reaction was negative? a bold claim like that would need proof. but I don't care either way, it's quite obvious that the critic review and public review will be split again.
Faraci trashed Batman Begins, was ok with TDK but once The Avengers was released he turned on it and started trashing it.
There's no way he wasn't going to trash this movie, being shitting on it for almost 3 years now.
So if it changes to fresh do you change your tune or just disregard it?I thought it looked awful, and the overall OT reaction was the same. Not sure if that's bias, because I hated MoS, but could totally be guilty of that sure. I'm also sure based on what I've read that if you like MoS, you'll prob like this - so that's cool.
So if it changes to fresh do you change your tune or just disregard it?
Are you okay Penguin? =)
Avengers Age of Ultron is a masterpiece according to that hack.Faraci trashed Batman Begins, was ok with TDK but once The Avengers was released he turned on it and started trashing it.
There's no way he wasn't going to trash this movie, being shitting on it for almost 3 years now.
Top critics are actually evenly split
Yeah, I figured if a score wasn't present, RT would have a classification model to determine whether a review is rotten or not, similar to a spam classifier. But if a score is present, just pull that in (and map letter grades to appropriate numerical values).so a reviewer could theoretically give a movie a 10/10 and still mark it rotten??
am I understanding that right?
Faraci trashed Batman Begins, was ok with TDK but once The Avengers was released he turned on it and started trashing it.
There's no way he wasn't going to trash this movie, being shitting on it for almost 3 years now.
I'm peachy.
I always tell folks, my favorite and least favorite part of seeing a movie early is being one with your thoughts.
I've seen it twice, I know what I like and don't like about it.
Expected mixed reactions to some of it, but funnily enough stuff I had issues with doesn't seem to be as big of an issue to many so eh
I see. Then why use the current tomato meter to validate your position? I remember you've been negative from the start, it's poor form using things unsettled at the point they are convenient to you.No? I still think it looks bad based on me really not liking MoS or Snyder. Will still watch though, its definitely a hugely zeitgeisty film. Also, I'm sure the action will be cool.
Also - not trying to shit on yall's parade, just got a lot of shit for saying the trailers looked rough to me.
http://www.newsarama.com/28508-revi...y-succeeds-where-man-of-steel-fell-short.htmlFrom its performances to story structure to action sequences to effects, cinematography and editing, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice rates between competent to great across the board, and is very often riveting along the way, constantly building and surprising. And although it may suffer from a tiny bit of excess in the third act (again), if nothing else the film is beautiful to look at and listen to (well say it one last time operatic). Whatever Snyder's shortcomings, it is not technical craft.
Is it grim? Any story co-starring a Miller-esque Batman that thinks Superman is a threat to humanity has to be, but knowledgeable fans will be able to see the strings Snyder pulls in the over-the-top final action sequence to blunt a repeat of the oft-criticized Superman-Zod showdown.
Yes, like Man of Steel, Batman v Superman is serious, grandiose, and self-important, and certainly not for kids. But whereas another retelling of Supermans origin wasn't an ideal match for Snyder's big ambitions and directorial leanings, here in the first live-action meeting of the icons and the beginnings of the movie Justice League, its unabashed grand scale and uniquely profound tone is a much more natural and ultimately winning and welcome fit.
I think the rumor of the 'no jokes' policy might have heavily tainted it, and when that rumor was shot down, some took it as meaning this movie is as much of a comedy as it is a superhero movie.I don't get the whole joke thing.....it's not like the TDK trilogy was a laugh a minute either. Maybe people just expect everything to be like a marvel film these days
So I took a peak at that rotten meter. Boy, do I hate being right all the time. I hope it goes up but this is going to be another Watchmen.
As a sidenote, I got annoyed when one of the blurbs was akin to "For god sakes, tell a joke." Seriously? Not this shit again.
Also these sites and critics that don't like it are now openly spoiling it on Twitter so time to quit that for a few days. Jesus.
I see. Then why use the current tomato meter to validate your position? I remember you've been negative from the start, it's poor form using things unsettled at the point they are convenient to you.
You seem to have a dogmatic position on this movie for reasons unknown to me, except for your dislike for Snyder (I don't know if you know him or something) and MOS. I do hope you like it or at least are entertained by it. Time will tell if the movie sucks as some claim or not.