It would not have even earned that much without the review buzz about best action movie. Here is the thing - Reviews dont guarantee success but it sure can help it.
Let us say BVS earns 1 billion now. Surely you dont think good critical reception and wom online would not have helped it gross higher? People will see this for the novelty of seeing Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman in the same screen but are not going to go to the theaters just to see another poorly received movie starring these characters in the justice league. I think all of you are really underestimating the power of social media these days to influence brand perception.
At least that is my view. Lets see how it plays out. If Snyder is retained for Justice League 1 then I do not have much faith in the future of this universe which is sad since I absolutely adore Bats and Supes more than any other superhero.
So. How are we holding up.
Unless BvS hits under 700-800 million WW and the audience reaction is abysmal Snyder is safe. They will adjust some things for JL at worst.
Holy shit, I just got home'm at a loss for words.
So. How are we holding up.
So. How are we holding up.
So. How are we holding up.
Still excited for the movie, I'm going to just see what I think of it. Avengers 1 is rated high up on RT and I personally think that is not a top 5 MCU movie at all, so I'll just watch the movie and have my own opinion.So. How are we holding up.
So. How are we holding up.
So. How are we holding up.
So. How are we holding up.
So. How are we holding up.
"Why do we fall?"So. How are we holding up.
I can believe that. Too many people use that meter as an end all be all measure of quality and it's unfortunate because a lot of quality films are dismissed immediately if it doesn't have the right number like Speed Racer.Nah, they've shown studies that RT has a tangible affect on box office score. For helping and hurting.
If this movie was sitting at 95 instead of a 30, that might be a difference of 200M to the box office.
Bummed. Moved into a new house this weekend and was finally getting settled when the reviews dropped. Hoping it can reach 60% since it will bode well for seeing my favorite heroes on the big screen all together.So. How are we holding up.
So. How are we holding up.
Remember this guy from Arrow?
This is fucking Lex Luthor right here. Goddamit.
Should have casted him instead of Jesse.
It's weird how I put so much stock into video game reviews but could care less about movie reviews.
I'm still hyped as fuck. Seeing Wonder Woman kick ass.... Ugh my body is ready.
Disappointed tbh. The "self-serious" phrase is something I'm beginning to loathe.So. How are we holding up.
So. How are we holding up.
So. How are we holding up.
I think a reboot would be out of the cards, at least not one in the next decade. They're afraid of touching GL until 2019, almost 8 years later from their last attempt.
The craziest thing to happen would be a delay on justice league with a new director and another film shifts up to take it's place. Maybe a Batman solo.
Hey guys don't mean to mess the thread but this just really aggrevates me. I mean this image has been making the rounds all over twitter and even here on GAF. Just really funny to see the same writer praising Age of Ultron so much.
I'm starting to question how critics can like the likes of Interstellar when it's all bleak and depressing and shit.
the Marvel koolaid is strong my friends
I'm pissed these characters deserve better, DC fans deserve better.
Oh well, back to The Flash.
Hey guys don't mean to mess the thread but this just really aggrevates me. I mean this image has been making the rounds all over twitter and even here on GAF. Just really funny to see the same writer praising Age of Ultron so much.
Hey, Interstellar was fantastic.
But yeah, I guess they only tolerated it with Nolan and don't really like this tone for their superhero movies? I dunno. That RT thread just keeps on giving, so fun to read.
did you see the movie?
I just don't get it...I appreciate that there have been some great films in the MCU and I'm excited for Civil War but how can tripe like Thor The Dark World and Ant-Man review so well....