evil solrac v3.0
I think I dohold me sorac.
All I've read from the story posts is great, it's a good story.
there there, critics are just frustrated film school dropouts that revel in misery, that have confused cynicism and dourness for knowledge. when you go see BvS and come out of the theater with a megawatt smile you'll forget all those silly reviews. don't believe everything you read son.
Story is not script.
story, script, plot, same shit different day.
Transformers films have taken a big hit on the domestic front over the past couple films. The last one couldn't crack 250M domestic and it seems that the horrid reviews have had some impact. Luckily for Paramount, the franchise is a beast OS especially in China where it out grossed the domestic total.
Snyder is not going to look so hot if the other films in this universe receive a better reception than his films and it becomes an ongoing trend.
it wasn't the reviews, the movies were getting worse and worse.