Just turned 12, but pretty damn violent/dark makes me just want to wait and take him to Civil War instead. Thanks tho.
If I'm a critic, I'm the worst one in the world, I like everything
Home of work, gonna rest up for tonight!
I did see this though and surprised Hot Toys listened to all the feedback...
I watched movies like Robocop when I was like 3. I'm sure this movie is like Sesame Street compared to that.
Including BvS! He admitted it himself!
A jump cut maybe? It doesn't bother me either. It's interesting to me that something small like that is enough to take someone out of the experience.
This is Earth 2 anyways, everything you have seen is a lie.
Just looking out for my little cousin, Bane scared him, but I felt doomsday was just a grunt type villain for him to enjoy getting beat by Heros.
Then again he watched Rises 2 years ago, I think I'm being overprotective of him.
I let him decided What he wants to do.
Thanks guys.
Is Barry Allen going to kill me
I hope I really like it like you and it makes a ton of money.Hope this movie pulls an Age of Ultron; just completely forgotten in month or so. OT is toxic, all those threads and I don't want to click on any of them.
Hope this movie pulls an Age of Ultron; just completely forgotten in month or so. OT is toxic, all those threads and I don't want to click on any of them.
Seems to be tracking good.
Video doesn't load, TL;DW?
Video doesn't load, TL;DW?
Man, I guess today is just The Internet v. Snyder day, huh? Dude's getting more threads than Trump.
Man, I guess today is just The Internet v. Snyder day, huh? Dude's getting more threads than Trump.
I wont call out names, but some people here on GAF really enjoying the failure of BvS, critically. They just make shitful posts, with not substance in it so we can't even discuss it. It's really baffling, how you could enjoy something like this so much.
I know at least one guy you are talking about, dude's day is pretty much going into those threads and talk shit, sleep and repeat. Funny thing is; he probably has not even seen it.
I know at least one guy you are talking about, dude's day is pretty much going into those threads and talk shit, sleep and repeat. Funny thing is; he probably has not even seen it.
You mean Rip?
I wont call out names, but some people here on GAF really enjoying the failure of BvS, critically. They just make shitful posts, with not substance in it so we can't even discuss it. It's really baffling, how can you enjoy something like this so much.
This thing is headed towards the 20's real soon on RT.
Knew that throwaway comment about Star Wars destruction was gonna have a field day... people really do love to shit over the dumbest most trivial things.
tbh Snyder looks legit sad and depressed in today's intwrview, you can tell he gave it everything. that's why his "I don't know how to do it any other way, it is what it is " pains me a bit. It wouldn't surprise me if he actually was the one quitting JL, and I'd be sad for the man.
- Affleck on DC All AccessGeoff Johns is a brilliant guy. I consider him to be the most valued resource on all things comic book, and every time I like something in the comic I always mention it hes like oh yeah I wrote that. Now I just think hes bulls******* me and he says he wrote everything. You know he and I are working together on something and I really am excited about it, and I love him, hes the best.
Hope this movie pulls an Age of Ultron; just completely forgotten in month or so. OT is toxic, all those threads and I don't want to click on any of them.
When will they most likely announce that ? I want an exact date.
I will defend this movie as long as it takes but this made me laugh outloud.
Now that you've had time to let it sink in, do you stick with your original review and score?
I don't get to see this until tonight at 10:30 EST.
Jup, I'm probably in the odd minority though. I'm someone who can really like a movie like Only God Forgives and then dislike something which is beloved by critics/audiences. The movie really worked for me, I understand that it has structural problems and the scenes don't flow into each other nicely. But I can overlook that, it doesn't bother me. I certainly don't have this attitude of; omg that character is not supposed to do that.
For me it has great imagery, great action, great music and an interesting plot I really, really liked. Some scenes are like from a horror movie, and thriller and then action again. It doesn't play it safe and I can really appreciate that. But above all; I just want to be entertained and/or moved (depending on the movie). This had both for me personally.