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I thought Jesse played a great mad scientist Lex. But if we were going the businessman path, Billy Zane is a lock

I thought Jesse played a great mad scientist Lex. But if we were going the businessman path, Billy Zane is a lock
Jesse talking about the shaving his head to be bald for Lex. I know there'd be criticisms about it, but I couldn't care less if Lex is bald in the films.
It's weird how he shaved it for like 2 minutes of bald time.
Didn't really care about the hair tho. And ive warmed up to his lex too although he went overboard with the last scene. Could have done with cutting that part tbh. Ding ding ding ding ding ding
The Lex vs Superman scene on the rooftop is probably one of the best comic book villain scenes in recent years
They would be idiots to ditch Eisenberg imo.
The Lex vs Superman scene on the rooftop is probably one of the best comic book villain scenes in recent years
They would be idiots to ditch Eisenberg imo.
It was pretty dope. Man those Martha pictures were oddly disturbing for a superhero movie tho lol. Looked like something out of a snuff film
Haha, I liked that part and his outburst during his speech the best.
"Because that is PARADOXICALheheheheheh...."
Fucking loved his Lex. Went in totally prepared to hate it based on impressions from the reviews but it went the complete opposite way for me. Best character in the movie.
Eisenlex was absolutely captivating. Incredible shit.
The Lex vs Superman scene on the rooftop is probably one of the best comic book villain scenes in recent years
They would be idiots to ditch Eisenberg imo.
Had it ended there, he'd be a great villain.
It was pretty dope. Man those Martha pictures were oddly disturbing for a superhero movie tho lol. Looked like something out of a snuff film
Yeah, I loved that part too. Even after all the crap that Lex pulled, Superman still jumped in to stop his ass from being swatted. Clark still thought that Lex was worth saving. People like to complain about Superman not being Superman in the film and I always think back to that specific moment in the movie. For me, it doesn't get anymore Superman than that.Had it ended there, he'd be a great villain. Starts to get over the top with the Doomsday creation and prison scene. Although I loved that Superman saved the wormy prick after all the business with trying to burn his mother and tossing his ladyfriend off a skyscraper.
If they wanted a Lex that was from today's age and could act then Jake Gyllenhaal would've been a good choice.
Any reactions from London MCM about Suicide Squad? Wasn't there supposed to be a screening?
Any reactions from London MCM about Suicide Squad? Wasn't there supposed to be a screening?
Any reactions from London MCM about Suicide Squad? Wasn't there supposed to be a screening?
I thought there'd be reactions too.
Bomba confirmed.
Read the post above yours.
He's joking lol
Is this allowed in a DC thread ?
Well, fuck.
Eisenberg can act.
Yeah... this is the one thing that makes me eye roll. When people say that Eisenberg can't act or BvS was just him doing his Social Network role... he's nothing like his Social Network role lol.
Marvel does it in their own weird right, kind of mash between Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the movies and stuff. So its a little upsetting because you know it is possible and it can be done and how good it would be if it was done.
The Flash is fine and so is Supergirl.Fuck the TV shows. They're bad. Arrow is attrocius and I can see Flash going th same road. Barry Allen sucks so much.
Don't get me started on Supergirl. Benoist is awesome, but everything else freaking awful.
I don't mind the cast of the Arrowverse complaining that they can't use the Suicide Squad characters in the show, but it bothers me when they complain about how the actors can't play the characters on TV and in the movies.Thea from Arrow complaining that WB asked them to remove/kill off the SS because of the impending movie:
Which is good because that Arrow squad is weak as hell and I want no part of them near the movie universe. Especially Thea who's terrible. I don't trust anything in their hands, hell they botched R'as Al Ghul. The only thing I want from that universe is the Flash crew (Flash and Cisco) and Supergirl. Even then, it's easy for Flash to pop into the DC Film Universe.
Fuck the TV shows. They're bad. Arrow is attrocius and I can see Flash going th same road. Barry Allen sucks so much.
Don't get me started on Supergirl. Benoist is awesome, but everything else freaking awful.
I'm so glad WB decided to keep the film and TV universes separate. Imagine Arrow season 4 happening in DCEU. A fate worse than David Goyer.
The [real] comics Doomsday is exactly like Lex. It's the kind of monster he would create.
So that's why it's R rated.