Deadpool and Wolverine Reactions — If you weren’t hyped before!! — No spoilers


Just saw it.
It's a fun movie, but not really a good one. It's a rollercoaster from set piece to set piece and cameo to cameo, with a messy and disjointed story and bland sets. It's held up by the novelty of Deadpool and Wolverine as characters interacting and the charisma of the actors, and a few of the cameo's. A lot of the jokes I could see the funny in them, but didn't make me laugh.
Maybe I'm getting too old for this kind of key dangling. I do think the makers put their heart into this movie, so it has that going for it too.
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Outpost #31

Saw it this morning. Had a blast. Absolutely loved it.
Went in basically spoiler free (only knew about one cameo) so was very, very pleasantly surprised by what i saw. My jaw hit the floor about 6 or 7 times. If you're a fan of this stuff definitely go see it. To me this was 🔥
I'm to anxious to go see it alone (no friends unfortunately), I'll wait for the digital release
It’s okay to go to the movies by yourself. There’s nothing wrong with that.

I can’t believe these 2 played these roles on screen together 15 years ago…
Holy shit.
How old were you in 2009?


Happy to wait for a download on this one. Don‘t really care about the cameos (looked them up) and it’s not really worth it for the story by most accounts.


watched it today, sincerely surprised by how much I liked it, I was expecting it to be an OK watch but it was a genuinely good movie with a lot of heart.

DP 2 was definitely the weakest, it's a tossup between this and the first one as the better movie of the trilogy...the first one is much leaner and all in all a more clinical script, but this one while a little more bloated really works as well

only low part is the action, not because it's not well made but because

it often includes regenerating characters so you don't really care about what's happening
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Gold Member
Just home from a midnight screening. It’s the most enjoyable MCU film since Infinity War. Has some great action scenes in it, but it’s basically the same three jokes repeated throughout the whole film, which felt super lazy at times and by the end I stopped caring about the film.

Marvel/Disney's output has been so ridiculously bad for quite some time so even if this may be a 3/5 in my book it would be a blessing.
But I'm biased for this shit so I'll probably love it.

Movie's been already out here in Germany for two days but because of work and exams the earliest I will be able to see it will be next week. Fingers crossed I won't get spoiled by then.
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Gold Member
Yet he ruined another beloved franchise with time travelling Nazis......

You mean the movie that literally only has any time travel at the very end?

Or are you talking about the fake plot leak made up by the masked Nazi on YouTube where the whole movie was time travel?

And I don't see how the final movie in a series invalidates everything that came before it.
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Saw it:
It was great.... but god damn they put SO MANY JOKES and (
kind of FOXY cameos
) in it. You need to do a 2e viewing just to appreciate it.

Also it makes me want to go to other marvel movies again.
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Gold Member
Saw it:
It was great.... but god damn they put SO MANY JOKES and (
kind of FOXY cameos
) in it. You need to do a 2e viewing just to appreciate it.

Also it makes me want to go to other marvel movies again.

When this hits $1B I wonder what the "MCU is Dead" grifters on YouTube will move on to next.


Gold Member
You mean the movie that literally only has any time travel at the very end?

Or are you talking about the fake plot leak made up by the masked Nazi on YouTube where the whole movie was time travel?

And I don't see how the final movie in a series invalidates everything that came before it.
Well, the entire plot revolved around securing a time travelling portal predictor so a former Nazi can go back and "Make Nazism Great Again" (and probably not in a "hug a Jew today and let Germany be a shining beacon of hope across Europe through technological, agricultural, and economic prosperity uber alles" kinda way). Nooooot that far a step away from how the MCU multiverse works, really. The only reason Indy didn't think to use the device to go and save his son is because he was cold cocked by a chick before the thought came to him :p


Gold Member
Well, the entire plot revolved around securing a time travelling portal predictor so a former Nazi can go back and "Make Nazism Great Again" (and probably not in a "hug a Jew today and let Germany be a shining beacon of hope across Europe through technological, agricultural, and economic prosperity uber alles" kinda way). Nooooot that far a step away from how the MCU multiverse works, really. The only reason Indy didn't think to use the device to go and save his son is because he was cold cocked by a chick before the thought came to him :p

Indy knew he couldn't use it to save Mutt because he knew the device didn't work that way. It ONLY sent people back to the Battle of Syracuse.


Gold Member
Indy knew he couldn't use it to save Mutt because he knew the device didn't work that way. It ONLY sent people back to the Battle of Syracuse.
That's how Archimedes built THAT device, doesn't mean you couldn't build off the calculations to detect other rifts to other times, or leave a message from the time of Syracuse that an older Indy would find, millennia later, that would let him save Mutt. I mean, he IS an archeologist with an intimate knowledge of, and a habit of, exploring, ancient burial sites, tombs, and structures. Surely he would have at least pondered the idea had he had the time to think about it, whether he would have rejected it or not we'll never know.


Gold Member
That's how Archimedes built THAT device, doesn't mean you couldn't build off the calculations to detect other rifts to other times, or leave a message from the time of Syracuse that an older Indy would find, millennia later, that would let him save Mutt. I mean, he IS an archeologist with an intimate knowledge of, and a habit of, exploring, ancient burial sites, tombs, and structures. Surely he would have at least pondered the idea had he had the time to think about it, whether he would have rejected it or not we'll never know.

You're forgetting that Harrison Ford and Spielberg would never go for that. Ford says Shia is a "fucking idiot" and Spielberg was the one who killed his career. The character was never going to be alive after the bullshit he pulled off with them. Indy might of wanted to save his son, but Harrison Ford wanted the idiot dead.


SBI’s Employee of the Year
When this hits $1B I wonder what the "MCU is Dead" grifters on YouTube will move on to next.
The problem is that although it is a film set in the MCU, it is not, strictly speaking, an MCU film. It's a third DEADPOOL part that made the wise decision to bring Hugh Jackman back from his Wolverine retirement. Many of the "This movie will resurrect the MCU" people are the ones who are desperate to generate likes and get Disney attention.

Whether that's enough to save the MCU itself remains to be seen. Back then, the two Deadpool films didn't really help the X-Men films, as their quality remained catastrophic. So you have to wait for the upcoming films to see whether they will be better or remain in the catastrophic MCU state of the last few years.


Gold Member
You're forgetting that Harrison Ford and Spielberg would never go for that. Ford says Shia is a "fucking idiot" and Spielberg was the one who killed his career. The character was never going to be alive after the bullshit he pulled off with them. Indy might of wanted to save his son, but Harrison Ford wanted the idiot dead.
Oh, I'm not saying that would be a good idea for a Jones film, just that if you have a time travel computer in your film, that isn't that far off from how "multi-verse" plots break stories, eliminate the threat of death, and in general lead to lazy writing.

For my money, the way you bring Mutt back is have him in a POW camp and Indy (along with Short Round) gotta go rescue him. The POW camp happens to be on the site of an ancient temple structure and we can get a nice Vietnam/Cambodian mythology story. You have Indy with his bio son and 'adopted' son and that is RIPE for character development and would make for a film squarely aimed at the traditional Indy audience.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
All of the cameos jesus christ could it be any more evident on how bad they need people to see this

Marvel Memberberries: The Movie

bad movies endless trash GIF


Perpetually Offended
All of the cameos jesus christ could it be any more evident on how bad they need people to see this

Marvel Memberberries: The Movie

bad movies endless trash GIF

From what I've read, most cameos aren't memberberries ... And that isn't necessarily a bad thing when done right.

From what I've heard and read, the cameos aren't of the original characters, but variants who are quite different. THIS Wolverine isn't the one from Logan or the X-Men films (now known to be the same universe... Somehow). Stands to reason most of the cameos aren't the originals either.

I'll watch the movie this weekend and verify for myself (and I guess you too) if my post is correct on that. Either way, there's more than a couple in this thread who enjoyed it!


Gold Member
From what I've read, most cameos aren't memberberries ... And that isn't necessarily a bad thing when done right.

From what I've heard and read, the cameos aren't of the original characters, but variants who are quite different. THIS Wolverine isn't the one from Logan or the X-Men films (now known to be the same universe... Somehow). Stands to reason most of the cameos aren't the originals either.

I'll watch the movie this weekend and verify for myself (and I guess you too) if my post is correct on that. Either way, there's more than a couple in this thread who enjoyed it!

There are variants of a certain character.

The other guest characters are the original character and actor who played them, not variants.
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Perpetually Offended
There are variants of a certain character.

The other guest characters are the original character and actor who played them, not variants.

I stand corrected. I'm still excited tho! It's my early b-day gift from one of my best friends!

I also heard the cameos are also woven into the plot and story. Not gratuitous ... Which makes me even MORE excited!


Gold Member
I stand corrected. I'm still excited tho! It's my early b-day gift from one of my best friends!

I also heard the cameos are also woven into the plot and story. Not gratuitous ... Which makes me even MORE excited!
This the one that let you feel her butt implants?

Might wanna skip the movie and get to the REAL gift :p


Perpetually Offended
This the one that let you feel her butt implants?

Might wanna skip the movie and get to the REAL gift :p

No! LoL! Totally different friend! And it was breast implants I SAW, not felt. LMBO!

She no longer lives here tho ...

The friend gifting me the tickets is such an amazing woman! All of my female best friends are!


I just saw it and I enjoyed. It might be the worst Deadpool movie but that doesn't mean its bad. Story is the weakest part but it was worth it. It was great to see Wolverine again.
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Watching it now. Local theater parking lot was completely full. This thing is making more than $1B.

Yep. Even though I’m doing a 10 PM showing (so I can see it in IMAX) on Saturday, I went ahead and reserved my ticket a few days ago just to be safe.
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Ulysses 31

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Just got back from it. Story isn't great itself but I really enjoyed most everything about it otherwise. Lot of fun and doesn't take itself too seriously. Character arcs for Wolverine and Deadpool aren't heavy but get the right amount of heart to them so it doesn't feel like just a cameo-fest.



His review:

This argument has never made sense to me. The comics, both Marvel and DC, have had the multiverse be a thing since like the 70’s, possibly earlier, and you rarely heard any readers complain about it. The Spider-verse films and something like Everything, Everywhere all at Once use the multiverse and nobody brings up this argument. It just smells of the latest trendy basic complaint for online personalities to latch onto to grab that good old clickbait.

Because why does a multiverse existing affect the fact you were primarily following ONE version? You grow an attachment to THAT version of a character, and even if another version(s) appears in some capacity, it doesn’t take away from what happened to the version you were primarily following. Hell, we’ve already seen they will ultimately never be used as a cheap replacement for a deceased character, at least by good writers. In Endgame, it’s discussed by the heroes to try to get the Natasha from the other timeline but they ultimately refuse to as that would be cruel to do to Natasha’s loved ones in that timeline (and she most likely wouldn’t appreciate being kidnapped). When the 2014 Gamora is stuck in the main timeline, she does not end up with Peter in any way or even really become a Guardian. The original Gamora’s story did end, and the alternate version existing was not used to cheaply replace her in terms of what her role was.

Honestly, it’s refreshing. I’ve started as the years go on to become a little less interested in writers who seem to thrive on killing off characters to “build suspense”, but I’ve started to realize only a few writers do this well but for most it just seems wasteful as all it does is rob that character of any further developments. Some of the best Marvel and DC comic runs for some characters have been after they were resurrected from death at least once, but we would never have gotten those runs if we were bound to some permanent death rule (funny enough, the Ultimate Marvel comics universe had a death is permanent rule mostly, and thus when a bunch of characters were rapidly killed off unceremoniously, a lot of readers dropped the titles and sales sank).

It’s 2024, I’m no longer impressed by “Anyone Can Die” style of storytelling for the style alone. I’m not saying it still can’t be done well, but likewise keeping characters around in any capacity even after death can be done well if it allows for even more stories. The comics have figured this out mostly for a long time now, and the movies seem to generally get this too.


Saw it tonight. This was one of the best superhero movies of all f’ing time. Start to finish I laughed my ass off when not watching the action scenes, though there’s plenty of comedy mixed in with those too. Phenomenal cameos, mocking of recent MCU, and great character choices and castings. This one screams for the big screen fellas.

Deadpool Jesus should take over MCU.


Perpetually Offended
This argument has never made sense to me. The comics, both Marvel and DC, have had the multiverse be a thing since like the 70’s, possibly earlier, and you rarely heard any readers complain about it. The Spider-verse films and something like Everything, Everywhere all at Once use the multiverse and nobody brings up this argument. It just smells of the latest trendy basic complaint for online personalities to latch onto to grab that good old clickbait.

Because why does a multiverse existing affect the fact you were primarily following ONE version? You grow an attachment to THAT version of a character, and even if another version(s) appears in some capacity, it doesn’t take away from what happened to the version you were primarily following. Hell, we’ve already seen they will ultimately never be used as a cheap replacement for a deceased character, at least by good writers. In Endgame, it’s discussed by the heroes to try to get the Natasha from the other timeline but they ultimately refuse to as that would be cruel to do to Natasha’s loved ones in that timeline (and she most likely wouldn’t appreciate being kidnapped). When the 2014 Gamora is stuck in the main timeline, she does not end up with Peter in any way or even really become a Guardian. The original Gamora’s story did end, and the alternate version existing was not used to cheaply replace her in terms of what her role was.

Honestly, it’s refreshing. I’ve started as the years go on to become a little less interested in writers who seem to thrive on killing off characters to “build suspense”, but I’ve started to realize only a few writers do this well but for most it just seems wasteful as all it does is rob that character of any further developments. Some of the best Marvel and DC comic runs for some characters have been after they were resurrected from death at least once, but we would never have gotten those runs if we were bound to some permanent death rule (funny enough, the Ultimate Marvel comics universe had a death is permanent rule mostly, and thus when a bunch of characters were rapidly killed off unceremoniously, a lot of readers dropped the titles and sales sank).

It’s 2024, I’m no longer impressed by “Anyone Can Die” style of storytelling for the style alone. I’m not saying it still can’t be done well, but likewise keeping characters around in any capacity even after death can be done well if it allows for even more stories. The comics have figured this out mostly for a long time now, and the movies seem to generally get this too.

I remember that was John Campea's argument about why he dislikes Multiverse stories and hated the idea of The Multiverse Saga. "Your favorite character died? No problem! There's another universe where they are still alive and we can pluck them from that universe, problem solved!" And that NEVER happened! Not even in the comics!

They think something without even going into the logic of it. We knew Secret Wars would be coming and many of us could see the road they were going to take... They even confirmed incursions and destroyed timelines (the plot of secret wars 2 with God King Doom and the Beyonders)... Yet Campea and now the director of Logan isn't thinking of what all this stuff means... When it's been laid out WHAT is happening.

Campea HAS softened his stance on the MCU multiverse but that was ANNOYING and so is Mangold here.


Gold Member
Some of the in jokes were amazing.
“I don’t like you” “You never did”. DAMN

Or the one that was something like, “Are you sure you weren’t just hoping and it never happened?” LOL.

“I’m [REDACTED]. There will always only be one [REDACTED]”. Deadpool looks at the camera. LOL
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Gold Member
Some of the in jokes were amazing.
“I don’t like you” “You never did”. DAMN

Or the one that was something like, “Are you sure you weren’t just hoping and it never happened?” LOL.

“I’m [REDACTED]. There will always only be one [REDACTED]”. Deadpool looks at the camera. LOL

I hope people can shut-up about
wanting comic accurate Wolverine now. 😆
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