We've all seen the gifs (well, at least some of us have), coming out in mid 2013
Capcom's new IP, baby! Coming out on next gen consoles PS4 and Xbone!
Only, that was 2013. It's now going on late 2017 and we haven't heard a word about it or the sparkling new engine Panta Rhei in years.
Last I remember hearing from it, Ono gave some weird statement about having to last 15 years back in February 2015:
It's pretty apparent that both Deep Down and Panta Rhei are DOA at this point.
There was also a recent thread I made with the article from US Gamer
Resident Evil 7 was supposed to sell 4 million in three months. It sold 3.5, and then managed to only sell 200K after that.
Street Fighter was supposed to sell 2 million in it's opening months, but has still only sold 1.7 million a year and a half later.
Dead Rising 4 was supposed to sell 2 million, but sold under a million and still hasn't breached the million mark. It's most likely dead in it's current state.
Basically, Capcom is running out of their current stable of IP. They have Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, Street Fighter, Marvel Vs. Capcom, Sengoku Basara, and Ace Attorney. Devil May Cry has been MIA for quite a while, Dead Rising is probably dead in it's current form, Onimusha hasn't had a new game in over a decade, Dino Crisis is post-crisis at this point, Mega Man hasn't had a game in a long while and they haven't really even used the brand in quite a while, Lost Planet is lost, Viewtiful Joe isn't getting anything, Final Fight had it's finale, Darkstalkers was never truly alive, and Breath of Fire... got Breath of Fire 6. On top of that, their initiatives to either expand (DmC), relaunch (Bionic Commando and Strider), or launch new franchises (Dark Void, Dragon's Dogma, Ghost Trick) have all proved less than fruitful.
So Capcom has been having a bit of a rough patch. So I just wanted to have a discussion of where Capcom can go from here.
Keep in mind:
-Capcom is not in danger of going out of business for the forseeable future.
-Capcom is not "doing horribly". This thread is about their past few years of disappointing developments.
-Please refrain from "If they would just invest in X franchise all their issues would go away". If it were that easy, this thread would just be called "Fucking make Devil May Cry 5 already, you goddamn clods!"
To me, Capcom needs to refocus and decide where they want their company to go in the future. They've talked about "Games as a service", yet haven't done anything like a Mercenaries stand alone titles which would fit the bill perfectly. Capcom wants to succeed in mobile gaming but they don't have a single Resident Evil mobile title. A lot of the time it just seems like they talk about stuff they'd like to do without any thought as to how they're going to do it.

Capcom's new IP, baby! Coming out on next gen consoles PS4 and Xbone!
Only, that was 2013. It's now going on late 2017 and we haven't heard a word about it or the sparkling new engine Panta Rhei in years.
Last I remember hearing from it, Ono gave some weird statement about having to last 15 years back in February 2015:
It's pretty apparent that both Deep Down and Panta Rhei are DOA at this point.
There was also a recent thread I made with the article from US Gamer
Resident Evil 7 was supposed to sell 4 million in three months. It sold 3.5, and then managed to only sell 200K after that.
Street Fighter was supposed to sell 2 million in it's opening months, but has still only sold 1.7 million a year and a half later.
Dead Rising 4 was supposed to sell 2 million, but sold under a million and still hasn't breached the million mark. It's most likely dead in it's current state.
Basically, Capcom is running out of their current stable of IP. They have Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, Street Fighter, Marvel Vs. Capcom, Sengoku Basara, and Ace Attorney. Devil May Cry has been MIA for quite a while, Dead Rising is probably dead in it's current form, Onimusha hasn't had a new game in over a decade, Dino Crisis is post-crisis at this point, Mega Man hasn't had a game in a long while and they haven't really even used the brand in quite a while, Lost Planet is lost, Viewtiful Joe isn't getting anything, Final Fight had it's finale, Darkstalkers was never truly alive, and Breath of Fire... got Breath of Fire 6. On top of that, their initiatives to either expand (DmC), relaunch (Bionic Commando and Strider), or launch new franchises (Dark Void, Dragon's Dogma, Ghost Trick) have all proved less than fruitful.
So Capcom has been having a bit of a rough patch. So I just wanted to have a discussion of where Capcom can go from here.
Keep in mind:
-Capcom is not in danger of going out of business for the forseeable future.
-Capcom is not "doing horribly". This thread is about their past few years of disappointing developments.
-Please refrain from "If they would just invest in X franchise all their issues would go away". If it were that easy, this thread would just be called "Fucking make Devil May Cry 5 already, you goddamn clods!"
To me, Capcom needs to refocus and decide where they want their company to go in the future. They've talked about "Games as a service", yet haven't done anything like a Mercenaries stand alone titles which would fit the bill perfectly. Capcom wants to succeed in mobile gaming but they don't have a single Resident Evil mobile title. A lot of the time it just seems like they talk about stuff they'd like to do without any thought as to how they're going to do it.