
Basic Info:
Release: February 28th, 2018 (Early Access)
Platform: PC (Steam Early Access), Windows 10 Game Preview, Xbox One
Website: https://www.deeprockgalactic.com/
Price: 25.00 USD / 22.99 EUR
Players: 1-4 Co-op
Developers: Ghost Ship Games (based in Copenhagen, Denmark)
Publisher: Coffee Stain Publishing (based in Skvode, Sweden)
Initial Development: April 2016
Engine: Unreal Engine 4

Deep Rock Galactic is a Co-op-First Sci-Fi FPS featuring foul-mouthed badass space Dwarves, 100% destructible environments, procedurally-generated caves, and endless hordes of alien monsters. Deep Rock Galactic focuses on creating a one-of-a-kind co-op experience with four specialized classes, a plethora of heavy weaponry and high-tech gadgets, and next-level space mining to collect gold, gems, and other precious minerals for your corporate overlords. Hoxxes IV has the highest concentration of valuable minerals ever discovered; however, everything on the planet from the creatures to the fauna is extremely hostile. Good thing Deep Rock Galactic employs the best space miners in the universe, Dwarves! Combining two things Dwarves love most, mining and killing monsters, this is the perfect job for any proud space-faring Dwarf.

As the SCOUT, you are the only one to carry the powerful FLARE GUN, and the entire team depends on you for light. To scout ahead, you are also equipped with a GRAPPLING HOOK, letting you get to almost anywhere. But, while you are carrying an ASSAULT RIFLE and SAWED OFF SHOTGUN, you should still be careful not to get cut off from your team - the caves don't take kindly to lone explorers.

As the GUNNER, your position is at the forefront of any battle, cutting down aliens using you high-caliber MINIGUN and heavy-duty REVOLVER. You are also equipped with an extremely handy ZIPLINE LAUNCHER, allowing the entire team to easily get across almost any chasm of obstacle.

As the DRILLER, you'll be equipped with a set of TITANIUM POWERDRILLS. Your job is to clear any blocked tunnels and obstacles in the path of your team, and in combat you are also a force to be reckoned with: Your drills make short work of most enemies up close, and for longer range engagements you are equipped with a heavy duty FLAMETHROWER.

As an ENGINEER, you carry two essential items for surviving the caves - the PLATFORM GUN shoot climbable platforms onto any surface, and your automated SENTRY TURRETS lay down blistering hails of support fire - if you manage to set up before you're killed. You may not be the sturdiest of the dwarves, but your combat shotgun and devastating GRENADE LAUNCHER still make you a formidable opponent.

Supporter Upgrade:
Price: N/A
So you like Deep Rock Galactic, but it’s just not enough? You want more? Well, then the Supporter Upgrade is for you! Help fuel further development of the game, while getting your grubby mining-gloves on this tasty bag of exclusive treats:
- The unique Supporter Badge, shown next to your name ingame!
- An exclusive set of blinged-out armor for each class!
- Our heartfelt and eternal thanks and gratitude <3
Important note:
By buying this DLC you are first of all showing your support to the game and to us, the developers. The bling-bling in the list above is just icing on the cake!

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