You like me, you really really like me!
Wall Street baby!!! *drink*
Hilarious given that a large part of the hispanic vote actually agree with quite a few GOP ideas. That's what happens when you pander to the racists in your party year after year for votes.
I was.. Being sarcastic.
Wall Street
Did I see a double finger wag?
It's fine.Sorry, it's hard to tell though typing.
That's gross.
Hillary not only walked right into that, but she drew the map xD
God damn.. Bernie is such a one note candidate.
Yeah this is some serious hardball.Univision is gonna make GAF tear itself apart. This is a real slobber knocker!
He's literally responding to her lie and correcting the facts on the matter. Hillary has been lying non-stop about Bernie's record.
And you think Bernie isn't lying when he makes impossible to keep promoses. They are both politicians...He's literally responding to her lie and correcting the facts on the matter. Hillary has been lying non-stop about Bernie's record.
Well, it's a fact. Hillary's lie about him voting against the auto-bailout is bs. His vote was against a Wall-Street bailout. the broadest sense, TARP was a success. It halted the collapse of the US banking system and may have prevented a second Great Depression. The Congressional Oversight Panel wrote in its final report that TARP provided critical support to markets at a moment of profound uncertainty.
In September 2008, as the market was making three digit swings, TARP not only provided a mechanism for resolving the core of the crisis, but also served as a strong statement that the government would take extraordinary measures to ensure the survival of the financial system. Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moodys, wrote that the capital purchase program was ultimately the one key thing that was necessary for stabilizing the financial system and the economy.